JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th July Morning Shift
Paper was held on Thu, Jul 28, 2022 3:30 AM
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Identify the incorrect statement from the following.
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Which of the following relation is not correct?
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Match List - I with List - II. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style
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In which of the following pairs, electron gain enthalpies of constituent elements are nearly the same or identical? (A)
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Match List - I with List - II, match the gas evolved during each reaction. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacin
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Which of the following has least tendency to liberate $$\mathrm{H}_{2}$$ from mineral acids?
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Match List - I with List - II. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style
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Choose the correct option for the following reactions.
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Among the following marked proton of which compound shows lowest $$\mathrm{pK}_{\mathrm{a}}$$ value?
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Identify the major products A and B for the below given reaction sequence.
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Identify the correct statement for the below given transformation.
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For the below given cyclic hemiacetal (X), the correct pyranose structure is :
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For kinetic study of the reaction of iodide ion with $$\mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{2}$$ at room temperature : (A) Always
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In the given reaction, $$X+Y+3 Z \leftrightarrows X YZ_{3}$$ if one mole of each of $$X$$ and $$Y$$ with $$0.05 \mathrm{
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The number of paramagnetic species among the following is ___________. $$\mathrm{B}_{2}, \mathrm{Li}_{2}, \mathrm{C}_{2}
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$$150 \mathrm{~g}$$ of acetic acid was contaminated with $$10.2 \mathrm{~g}$$ ascorbic acid $$\left(\mathrm{C}_{6} \math
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$$\mathrm{K}_{\mathrm{a}}$$ for butyric acid $$\left(\mathrm{C}_{3} \mathrm{H}_{7} \mathrm{COOH}\right)$$ is $$2 \times
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For the given first order reaction $$\mathrm{A} \rightarrow \mathrm{B}$$ the half life of the reaction is $$0.3010 \math
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The number of interhalogens from the following having square pyramidal structure is : $$\mathrm{ClF}_{3}, \mathrm{IF}_{7
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The disproportionation of $$\mathrm{MnO}_{4}^{2-}$$ in acidic medium resulted in the formation of two manganese compound
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Total number of relatively more stable isomer(s) possible for octahedral complex $$\left[\mathrm{Cu}(\mathrm{en})_{2}(\m
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On complete combustion of $$0.492 \mathrm{~g}$$ of an organic compound containing $$\mathrm{C}, \mathrm{H}$$ and $$\math
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Let the solution curve of the differential equation $$x \mathrm{~d} y=\left(\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}+y\right) \mathrm{d} x, x>
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Considering only the principal values of the inverse trigonometric functions, the domain of the function $$f(x)=\cos ^{-
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Let the vectors $$\vec{a}=(1+t) \hat{i}+(1-t) \hat{j}+\hat{k}, \vec{b}=(1-t) \hat{i}+(1+t) \hat{j}+2 \hat{k}$$ and $$\ve
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Considering the principal values of the inverse trigonometric functions, the sum of all the solutions of the equation $$
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Let a vector $$\vec{a}$$ has magnitude 9. Let a vector $$\vec{b}$$ be such that for every $$(x, y) \in \mathbf{R} \times
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For $$\mathrm{t} \in(0,2 \pi)$$, if $$\mathrm{ABC}$$ is an equilateral triangle with vertices $$\mathrm{A}(\sin t,-\cos
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For $$\alpha \in \mathbf{N}$$, consider a relation $$\mathrm{R}$$ on $$\mathbf{N}$$ given by $$\mathrm{R}=\{(x, y): 3 x+
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Out of $$60 \%$$ female and $$40 \%$$ male candidates appearing in an exam, $$60 \%$$ candidates qualify it. The number
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If $$y=y(x), x \in(0, \pi / 2)$$ be the solution curve of the differential equation $$\left(\sin ^{2} 2 x\right) \frac{d
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Let $$C$$ be the centre of the circle $$x^{2}+y^{2}-x+2 y=\frac{11}{4}$$ and $$P$$ be a point on the circle. A line pass
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The remainder when $$7^{2022}+3^{2022}$$ is divided by 5 is :
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Let $$S_{1}=\left\{z_{1} \in \mathbf{C}:\left|z_{1}-3\right|=\frac{1}{2}\right\}$$ and $$S_{2}=\left\{z_{2} \in \mathbf{
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If the minimum value of $$f(x)=\frac{5 x^{2}}{2}+\frac{\alpha}{x^{5}}, x>0$$, is 14 , then the value of $$\alpha$$ is eq
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Let $$\alpha, \beta$$ and $$\gamma$$ be three positive real numbers. Let $$f(x)=\alpha x^{5}+\beta x^{3}+\gamma x, x \in
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The minimum value of the twice differentiable function $$f(x)=\int\limits_{0}^{x} \mathrm{e}^{x-\mathrm{t}} f^{\prime}(\
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Let $$S$$ be the set of all passwords which are six to eight characters long, where each character is either an alphabet
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Let $$\mathrm{P}(-2,-1,1)$$ and $$\mathrm{Q}\left(\frac{56}{17}, \frac{43}{17}, \frac{111}{17}\right)$$ be the vertices
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Let $$f:[0,1] \rightarrow \mathbf{R}$$ be a twice differentiable function in $$(0,1)$$ such that $$f(0)=3$$ and $$f(1)=5
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If $$\int\limits_{0}^{\sqrt{3}} \frac{15 x^{3}}{\sqrt{1+x^{2}+\sqrt{\left(1+x^{2}\right)^{3}}}} \mathrm{~d} x=\alpha \sq
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Let $$A=\left[\begin{array}{cc}1 & -1 \\ 2 & \alpha\end{array}\right]$$ and $$B=\left[\begin{array}{cc}\beta & 1 \\ 1 &
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For $$\mathrm{p}, \mathrm{q} \in \mathbf{R}$$, consider the real valued function $$f(x)=(x-\mathrm{p})^{2}-\mathrm{q}, x
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Let $$x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}, \ldots, x_{20}$$ be in geometric progression with $$x_{1}=3$$ and the common ratio $$\frac{1}
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$$\lim\limits_{x \rightarrow 0}\left(\frac{(x+2 \cos x)^{3}+2(x+2 \cos x)^{2}+3 \sin (x+2 \cos x)}{(x+2)^{3}+2(x+2)^{2}+
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The sum of all real values of $$x$$ for which $$\frac{3 x^{2}-9 x+17}{x^{2}+3 x+10}=\frac{5 x^{2}-7 x+19}{3 x^{2}+5 x+12
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The dimensions of $$\left(\frac{\mathrm{B}^{2}}{\mu_{0}}\right)$$ will be : (if $$\mu_{0}$$ : permeability of free space
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A NCC parade is going at a uniform speed of $$9 \mathrm{~km} / \mathrm{h}$$ under a mango tree on which a monkey is sitt
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In two different experiments, an object of mass $$5 \mathrm{~kg}$$ moving with a speed of $$25 \mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$$ hits
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A balloon has mass of $$10 \mathrm{~g}$$ in air. The air escapes from the balloon at a uniform rate with velocity $$4.5
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If the radius of earth shrinks by $$2 \%$$ while its mass remains same. The acceleration due to gravity on the earth's s
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The force required to stretch a wire of cross-section $$1 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}$$ to double its length will be : (Given Yong'
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Given below are two statements : Statement I : The average momentum of a molecule in a sample of an ideal gas depends on
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In the wave equation $$ y=0.5 \sin \frac{2 \pi}{\lambda}(400 \mathrm{t}-x) \,\mathrm{m} $$ the velocity of the wave will
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Two capacitors, each having capacitance $$40 \,\mu \mathrm{F}$$ are connected in series. The space between one of the ca
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A wire of resistance R1 is drawn out so that its length is increased by twice of its original length. The ratio of new r
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The current sensitivity of a galvanometer can be increased by : (A) decreasing the number of turns (B) increasing the ma
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As shown in the figure, a metallic rod of linear density $$0.45 \mathrm{~kg} \mathrm{~m}^{-1}$$ is lying horizontally on
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The equation of current in a purely inductive circuit is $$5 \sin \left(49\, \pi t-30^{\circ}\right)$$. If the inductanc
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As shown in the figure, after passing through the medium 1 . The speed of light $$v_{2}$$ in medium 2 will be : $$\left(
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In normal adujstment, for a refracting telescope, the distance between objective and eye piece is $$30 \mathrm{~cm}$$. T
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The equation $$\lambda=\frac{1.227}{x} \mathrm{~nm}$$ can be used to find the de-Brogli wavelength of an electron. In th
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Identify the solar cell characteristics from the following options :
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If the projection of $$2 \hat{i}+4 \hat{j}-2 \hat{k}$$ on $$\hat{i}+2 \hat{j}+\alpha \hat{k}$$ is zero. Then, the value
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In a Young's double slit experiment, a laser light of 560 nm produces an interference pattern with consecutive bright fr
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The frequencies at which the current amplitude in an LCR series circuit becomes $$\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$$ times its maximum
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Two electric dipoles of dipole moments $$1.2 \times 10^{-30} \,\mathrm{Cm}$$ and $$2.4 \times 10^{-30} \,\mathrm{Cm}$$ a
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The diameter of an air bubble which was initially $$2 \mathrm{~mm}$$, rises steadily through a solution of density $$175
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A block of mass '$$\mathrm{m}$$' (as shown in figure) moving with kinetic energy E compresses a spring through a distanc
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Four identical discs each of mass '$$\mathrm{M}$$' and diameter '$$\mathrm{a}$$' are arranged in a small plane as shown
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