JEE Main 2020 (Online) 8th January Evening Slot
Paper was held on Wed, Jan 8, 2020 9:30 AM
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An unsaturated hydrocarbon X absorbs two hydrogen molecules on catalytic hydrogenation and also gives following reaction
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Among the compounds A and B with molecular formula C9H18O3 , A is having higher boiling point the B. The possible struct
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Kjeldahl's method cannot be used to estimate nitrogen for which of the following compounds?
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Consider the following plots of rate constant versus $${1 \over T}$$ for four different reactions. Which of the followin
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The increasing order of the atomic radii of the following elements is :- (a) C (b) O (c) F (d) Cl (e) Br
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For the following Assertion and Reason, the correct option is : Assertion : The pH of water increases with increase in t
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The major product [B] in the following sequence of reactions is :-
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A metal (A) on heating in nitrogen gas gives compound B. B on treatment with H2O gives a colourless gas which when passe
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Arrange the following bonds according to their average bond energies in descending order : C–Cl, C–Br, C–F, C–I
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Two monomers in maltose are :
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Among (a) – (d) the complexes that can display geometrical isomerism are : (a) [Pt(NH3)3Cl]+ (b) [Pt(NH3)Cl5]– (c) [Pt(
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The major product in the following reaction is:
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The radius of the second Bohr orbit, in terms of the Bohr radius, a0, in Li2+ is :
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Hydrogen has three isotopes (A), (B) and (C). If the number of neutron(s) in (A), (B) and (C) respectively, are (x), (y)
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The correct order of the calculated spin-only magnetic moments of complexs (A) to (D) is: (A) Ni(CO)4 (B) [Ni(H2O)6]Cl2
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For an electrochemical cell Sn(s) | Sn2+ (aq,1M)||Pb2+ (aq,1M)|Pb(s) the ratio $${{\left[ {S{n^{2 + }}} \right]} \over {
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In the following sequence of reactions the maximum number of atoms present in molecule 'C' in one plane is _________. (
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At constant volume, 4 mol of an ideal gas when heated from 300 K to 500K changes its internal energy by 5000 J. The mola
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Complexes (ML5) of metals Ni and Fe have ideal square pyramidal and trigonal bipyramidal grometries, respectively. The s
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Let $$\overrightarrow a = \widehat i - 2\widehat j + \widehat k$$ and $$\overrightarrow b = \widehat i - \widehat j +
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The area (in sq. units) of the region {(x,y) $$ \in $$ R2 : x2 $$ \le $$ y $$ \le $$ 3 – 2x}, is :
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If $$I = \int\limits_1^2 {{{dx} \over {\sqrt {2{x^3} - 9{x^2} + 12x + 4} }}} $$, then :
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Let S be the set of all functions ƒ : [0,1] $$ \to $$ R, which are continuous on [0,1] and differentiable on (0,1). Then
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If the 10th term of an A.P. is $${1 \over {20}}$$ and its 20th term is $${1 \over {10}}$$, then the sum of its first 200
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Let ƒ : (1, 3) $$ \to $$ R be a function defined by $$f(x) = {{x\left[ x \right]} \over {1 + {x^2}}}$$ , where [x] denot
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The system of linear equations $$\lambda $$x + 2y + 2z = 5 2$$\lambda $$x + 3y + 5z = 8 4x + $$\lambda $$y + 6z = 10 has
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If $$\alpha $$ and $$\beta $$ be the coefficients of x4 and x2 respectively in the expansion of $${\left( {x + \sqrt {{x
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Let S be the set of all real roots of the equation, 3x(3x – 1) + 2 = |3x – 1| + |3x – 2|. Then S :
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Let A and B be two events such that the probability that exactly one of them occurs is $${2 \over 5}$$ and the probabili
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Let $$\alpha = {{ - 1 + i\sqrt 3 } \over 2}$$. If $$a = \left( {1 + \alpha } \right)\sum\limits_{k = 0}^{100} {{\alpha
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If $${{\sqrt 2 \sin \alpha } \over {\sqrt {1 + \cos 2\alpha } }} = {1 \over 7}$$ and $$\sqrt {{{1 - \cos 2\beta } \over
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The mean and variance of 20 observations are found to be 10 and 4, respectively. On rechecking, it was found that an obs
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If $$A = \left( {\matrix{ 2 & 2 \cr 9 & 4 \cr } } \right)$$ and $$I = \left( {\matrix{ 1 & 0
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$$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to 0} {{\int_0^x {t\sin \left( {10t} \right)dt} } \over x}$$ is equal to
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Let ƒ(x) be a polynomial of degree 3 such that ƒ(–1) = 10, ƒ(1) = –6, ƒ(x) has a critical point at x = –1 and ƒ'(x) has
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The number of 4 letter words (with or without meaning) that can be formed from the eleven letters of the word 'EXAMINATI
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As shown in figure, when a spherical cavity (centered at O) of radius 1 is cut out of a uniform sphere of radius R (cent
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In a double slit experiment, at a certain point on the screen the path difference between the two interfering waves is $
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A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency 25 GHz is propagating in vacuum along the z-direction. At a particular point i
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A galvanometer having a coil resistance 100 $$\Omega $$ gives a full scale deflection when a current of 1 mA is passed t
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A simple pendulum is being used to determine th value of gravitational acceleration g at a certain place. Th length of t
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A particle of mass m and charge q is released from rest in a uniform electric field. If there is no other force on the p
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Two liquids of densities $${\rho _1}$$ an $${\rho _2}$$ ($${\rho _2}$$ = 2$${\rho _1}$$) are filled up behind a square w
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A transverse wave travels on a taut steel wire with a velocity of v when tension in it is 2.06 × 104 N. When the tension
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A shown in the figure, a battery of emf $$\varepsilon $$ is connected to an inductor L and resistance R in series. The s
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A capacitor is made of two square plates each of side 'a' making a very small angle $$\alpha $$ between them, as shown i
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A very long wire ABDMNDC is shown in figure carrying current I. AB and BC parts are straight, long and at right angle. A
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A particle of mass m is dropped from a height h above the ground. At the same time another particle of the same mass is
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Consider a mixture of n moles of helium gas and 2n moles of oxygen gas (molecules taken to be rigid) as an ideal gas. It
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A uniform sphere of mass 500 g rolls without slipping on a plane horizontal surface with its centre moving at a speed of
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An electron (mass m) with initial velocity $$\overrightarrow v = {v_0}\widehat i + {v_0}\widehat j$$ is in an electric
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Consider two charged metallic spheres S1 and S2 of radii R1 and R2, respectively. The electric fields E1 (on S1) and E2
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A particle moves such that its position vector $$\overrightarrow r \left( t \right) = \cos \omega t\widehat i + \sin \om
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An object is gradually moving away from the focal point of a concave mirror along the axis of the mirror. The graphical
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In the given circuit, value of Y is :
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Three containers C1, C2 and C3 have water at different temperatures. The table below shows the final temperature T when
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A ball is dropped from the top of a 100 m high tower on a planet. In the last $${1 \over 2}s$$ before hitting the ground
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The first member of the Balmer series of hydrogen atom has a wavelength of 6561 Å. The wavelength of the second member o
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An asteroid is moving directly towards the centre of the earth. When at a distance of 10R (R is the radius of the earth)
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The series combination of two batteries, both of the same emf 10 V, but different internal resistance of 20$$\Omega $$ a
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