JEE Main 2023 (Online) 13th April Evening Shift
Paper was held on Thu, Apr 13, 2023 9:30 AM
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What happens when methane undergoes combustion in systems A and B respectively?
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In the wet tests for detection of various cations by precipitation, $$\mathrm{Ba}^{2+}$$ cations are detected by obtaini
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Compound $$\mathrm{A}$$ from the following reaction sequence is:
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The total number of stereoisomers for the complex $$\left[\mathrm{Cr}(o x)_{2} \mathrm{ClBr}\right]^{3-}$$ (where $$o x=
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The major product for the following reaction is:
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The naturally occurring amino acid that contains only one basic functional group in its chemical structure is
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Which of the following complexes will exhibit maximum attraction to an applied magnetic field?
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Given below are two statements : Statement I : $$\mathrm{SO}_{2}$$ and $$\mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}$$ both possess V-shap
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The covalency and oxidation state respectively of boron in $$\left[\mathrm{BF}_{4}\right]^{-}$$, are :
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Given below are two statements : Statement I : Tropolone is an aromatic compound and has $$8 \pi$$ electrons. Statement
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Match List I with List II 1 - Bromopropane is reacted with reagents in List I to give product in List II .tg {border-c
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Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R. Assertion A : Orde
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A(g) $$\to$$ 2B(g) + C(g) is a first order reaction. The initial pressure of the system was found to be 800 mm Hg which
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$$0.400 \mathrm{~g}$$ of an organic compound $$(\mathrm{X})$$ gave $$0.376 \mathrm{~g}$$ of $$\mathrm{AgBr}$$ in Carius
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See the following chemical reaction: $$\mathrm{Cr}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{7}^{2-}+\mathrm{XH}^{+}+6 \mathrm{~F}_{e}^{2+} \right
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$$1 \mathrm{~g}$$ of a carbonate $$\left(\mathrm{M}_{2} \mathrm{CO}_{3}\right)$$ on treatment with excess $$\mathrm{HCl}
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The orbital angular momentum of an electron in $$3 \mathrm{~s}$$ orbital is $$\frac{x h}{2 \pi}$$. The value of $$x$$ is
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Sea water contains $$29.25 \% ~\mathrm{NaCl}$$ and $$19 \% ~\mathrm{MgCl}_{2}$$ by weight of solution. The normal boilin
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At $$298 \mathrm{~K}$$, the standard reduction potential for $$\mathrm{Cu}^{2+} / \mathrm{Cu}$$ electrode is $$0.34 \mat
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20 mL of $$0.1 ~\mathrm{M} ~\mathrm{NaOH}$$ is added to $$50 \mathrm{~mL}$$ of $$0.1 ~\mathrm{M}$$ acetic acid solution.
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Let a$$_1$$, a$$_2$$, a$$_3$$, .... be a G.P. of increasing positive numbers. Let the sum of its 6th and 8th terms be 2
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Let $$|\vec{a}|=2,|\vec{b}|=3$$ and the angle between the vectors $$\vec{a}$$ and $$\vec{b}$$ be $$\frac{\pi}{4}$$. Then
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All words, with or without meaning, are made using all the letters of the word MONDAY. These words are written as in a d
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Let $$S=\left\{z \in \mathbb{C}: \bar{z}=i\left(z^{2}+\operatorname{Re}(\bar{z})\right)\right\}$$. Then $$\sum_\limits{z
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If $$\lim_\limits{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{e^{a x}-\cos (b x)-\frac{cx e^{-c x}}{2}}{1-\cos (2 x)}=17$$, then $$5 a^{2}+b^
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The line, that is coplanar to the line $$\frac{x+3}{-3}=\frac{y-1}{1}=\frac{z-5}{5}$$, is :
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The coefficient of $$x^{5}$$ in the expansion of $$\left(2 x^{3}-\frac{1}{3 x^{2}}\right)^{5}$$ is :
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Let $$\alpha, \beta$$ be the roots of the equation $$x^{2}-\sqrt{2} x+2=0$$. Then $$\alpha^{14}+\beta^{14}$$ is equal to
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Let $$(\alpha, \beta)$$ be the centroid of the triangle formed by the lines $$15 x-y=82,6 x-5 y=-4$$ and $$9 x+4 y=17$$.
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If the system of equations $$2 x+y-z=5$$ $$2 x-5 y+\lambda z=\mu$$ $$x+2 y-5 z=7$$ has infinitely many solutions, then $
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The area of the region $$\left\{(x, y): x^{2} \leq y \leq\left|x^{2}-4\right|, y \geq 1\right\}$$ is
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The value of $${{{e^{ - {\pi \over 4}}} + \int\limits_0^{{\pi \over 4}} {{e^{ - x}}{{\tan }^{50}}xdx} } \over {\int\li
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The range of $$f(x)=4 \sin ^{-1}\left(\frac{x^{2}}{x^{2}+1}\right)$$ is
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Let for a triangle $$\mathrm{ABC}$$, $$\overrightarrow{\mathrm{AB}}=-2 \hat{i}+\hat{j}+3 \hat{k}$$ $$\overrightarrow{\ma
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The mean and standard deviation of the marks of 10 students were found to be 50 and 12 respectively. Later, it was obser
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Let $$\mathrm{A}=\{-4,-3,-2,0,1,3,4\}$$ and $$\mathrm{R}=\left\{(a, b) \in \mathrm{A} \times \mathrm{A}: b=|a|\right.$$
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Let $$f_{n}=\int_\limits{0}^{\frac{\pi}{2}}\left(\sum_\limits{k=1}^{n} \sin ^{k-1} x\right)\left(\sum_\limits{k=1}^{n}(2
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The remainder, when $$7^{103}$$ is divided by 17, is __________
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Let $$f(x)=\sum_\limits{k=1}^{10} k x^{k}, x \in \mathbb{R}$$. If $$2 f(2)+f^{\prime}(2)=119(2)^{\mathrm{n}}+1$$ then $$
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For $$x \in(-1,1]$$, the number of solutions of the equation $$\sin ^{-1} x=2 \tan ^{-1} x$$ is equal to __________.
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If $$y=y(x)$$ is the solution of the differential equation $$\frac{d y}{d x}+\frac{4 x}{\left(x^{2}-1\right)} y=\frac{x+
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Let $$[\alpha]$$ denote the greatest integer $$\leq \alpha$$. Then $$[\sqrt{1}]+[\sqrt{2}]+[\sqrt{3}]+\ldots+[\sqrt{120}
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Total numbers of 3-digit numbers that are divisible by 6 and can be formed by using the digits $$1,2,3,4,5$$ with repeti
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The distance travelled by an object in time $$t$$ is given by $$s=(2.5) t^{2}$$. The instantaneous speed of the object a
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : For a planet, if the ratio of mass of the planet to its radius increases,
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In the equation $$\left[X+\frac{a}{Y^{2}}\right][Y-b]=\mathrm{R} T, X$$ is pressure, $$Y$$ is volume, $$\mathrm{R}$$ is
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The initial pressure and volume of an ideal gas are P$$_0$$ and V$$_0$$. The final pressure of the gas when the gas is s
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Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion $$\mathbf{A}$$ and the other is labelled as Reason $$\mathb
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A vehicle of mass $$200 \mathrm{~kg}$$ is moving along a levelled curved road of radius $$70 \mathrm{~m}$$ with angular
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Two planets A and B of radii $$\mathrm{R}$$ and 1.5 R have densities $$\rho$$ and $$\rho / 2$$ respectively. The ratio o
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In an electromagnetic wave, at an instant and at particular position, the electric field is along the negative $$z$$-axi
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In the network shown below, the charge accumulated in the capacitor in steady state will be:
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In a Young's double slits experiment, the ratio of amplitude of light coming from slits is $$2: 1$$. The ratio of the ma
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The mean free path of molecules of a certain gas at STP is $$1500 \mathrm{~d}$$, where $$\mathrm{d}$$ is the diameter of
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The output from NAND gate having inputs A and B given below will be,
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A $$10 ~\mu \mathrm{C}$$ charge is divided into two parts and placed at $$1 \mathrm{~cm}$$ distance so that the repulsiv
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : An AC circuit undergoes electrical resonance if it contains either a capac
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Out of microwaves, infrared rays and ultraviolet rays, ultraviolet rays ar
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An electron is moving along the positive $$\mathrm{x}$$-axis. If the uniform magnetic field is applied parallel to the n
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A particle executes SHM of amplitude A. The distance from the mean position when its's kinetic energy becomes equal to i
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A passenger sitting in a train A moving at $$90 \mathrm{~km} / \mathrm{h}$$ observes another train $$\mathrm{B}$$ moving
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Three point charges $$\mathrm{q},-2 \mathrm{q}$$ and $$2 \mathrm{q}$$ are placed on $x$-axis at a distance $$x=0, x=\fra
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An atom absorbs a photon of wavelength $$500 \mathrm{~nm}$$ and emits another photon of wavelength $$600 \mathrm{~nm}$$.
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A light rope is wound around a hollow cylinder of mass 5 kg and radius 70 cm. The rope is pulled with a force of 52.5 N.
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A straight wire $$\mathrm{AB}$$ of mass $$40 \mathrm{~g}$$ and length $$50 \mathrm{~cm}$$ is suspended by a pair of flex
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Two plates $$\mathrm{A}$$ and $$\mathrm{B}$$ have thermal conductivities $$84 ~\mathrm{Wm}^{-1} \mathrm{~K}^{-1}$$ and $
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In an experiment with sonometer when a mass of $$180 \mathrm{~g}$$ is attached to the string, it vibrates with fundament
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An insulated copper wire of 100 turns is wrapped around a wooden cylindrical core of the cross-sectional area $$24 \math
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In the circuit shown, the energy stored in the capacitor is $$n ~\mu \mathrm{J}$$. The value of $$n$$ is __________
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A bi convex lens of focal length $$10 \mathrm{~cm}$$ is cut in two identical parts along a plane perpendicular to the pr
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A car accelerates from rest to $$u \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$$. The energy spent in this process is E J. The energy requi
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