JEE Main 2021 (Online) 18th March Evening Shift
Paper was held on Thu, Mar 18, 2021 9:30 AM
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Deficiency of vitamin K causes :
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In the following molecule,Hybridisation of Carbon a, b, and c respectively are :
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Consider the given reaction, percentage yield of :
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Given below are two statements :Statement I : C2H5OH and AgCN both can generate nucleophile.Statement II : KCN and AgCN
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The oxide that shows magnetic property is :
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In the reaction of hypobromite with amide, the carbonyl carbon is lost as :
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The secondary valency and the number of hydrogen bonded water molecule(s) in CuSO4 . 5H2O, respectively, are :
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The first ionization energy of magnesium is smaller as compared to that of elements X and Y, but higher than that of Z.
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Given below are two statements :Statement I : Bohr's theory accounts for the stability and line spectrum of Li+ ion.Stat
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The oxidation states of nitrogen in NO, NO2, N2O and NO$$_3^ - $$ are in the order of :
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An organic compound "A" on treatment with benzene sulphonyl chloride gives compound B. B is soluble in dil. NaOH solutio
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Main products formed during a reaction of 1-methoxy naphthalene with hydroiodic acid are :
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Consider the above reaction, the product 'X' and 'Y' respectively are :
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In Tollen's test for aldehyde, the overall number of electron(s) transferred to the Tollen's reagent formula [Ag(NH3)2]+
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10.0 mL of Na2CO3 solution is titrated against 0.2 M HCl solution. The following titre values were obtained in 5 reading
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The number of species below that have two lone pairs of electrons in their central atom is _________. (Round off to the
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Consider the above reaction where 6.1 g of Benzoic acid is used to get 7.8 g of m-bromo benzoic acid. The percentage yie
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The molar conductivities at infinite dilution of barium chloride, sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid are 280, 860 and
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The gas phase reaction $$2A(g) \rightleftharpoons {A_2}(g)$$ at 400 K has $$\Delta$$Go = + 25.2 kJ mol-1.The equilibrium
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A reaction has a half life of 1 min. The time required for 99.9% completion of the reaction is _________ min. (Round off
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The solubility of CdSO4 in water is 8.0 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$4 mol L$$-$$1. Its solubility in 0.01 M H2SO4 solution is ____
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A solute A dimerizes in water. The boiling point of a 2 molal solution of A is 100.52$$^\circ$$C. The percentage associa
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Let y = y(x) be the solution of the differential equation $${{dy} \over {dx}} = (y + 1)\left( {(y + 1){e^{{x^2}/2}} - x}
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Let the system of linear equations 4x + $$\lambda$$y + 2z = 02x $$-$$ y + z = 0$$\mu$$x + 2y + 3z = 0, $$\lambda$$, $$\m
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The area bounded by the curve 4y2 = x2(4 $$-$$ x)(x $$-$$ 2) is equal to :
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If 15sin4$$\alpha$$ + 10cos4$$\alpha$$ = 6, for some $$\alpha$$$$\in$$R, then the value of 27sec6$$\alpha$$ + 8cosec6$$\
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Let $$\overrightarrow a $$ and $$\overrightarrow b $$ be two non-zero vectors perpendicular to each other and $$|\overri
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Let a complex number be w = 1 $$-$$ $${\sqrt 3 }$$i. Let another complex number z be such that |zw| = 1 and arg(z) $$-$$
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Let f : R $$ \to $$ R be a function defined as$$f(x) = \left\{ \matrix{ {{\sin (a + 1)x + \sin 2x} \over {2x}},if\,x &
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Let g(x) = $$\int_0^x {f(t)dt} $$, where f is continuous function in [ 0, 3 ] such that $${1 \over 3}$$ $$ \le $$ f(t) $
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Let in a series of 2n observations, half of them are equal to a and remaining half are equal to $$-$$a. Also by adding a
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In a triangle ABC, if $$|\overrightarrow {BC} | = 8,|\overrightarrow {CA} | = 7,|\overrightarrow {AB} | = 10$$, then the
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Define a relation R over a class of n $$\times$$ n real matrices A and B as "ARB iff there exists a non-singular matrix
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Let the centroid of an equilateral triangle ABC be at the origin. Let one of the sides of the equilateral triangle be al
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Let f : R $$-$$ {3} $$ \to $$ R $$-$$ {1} be defined by f(x) = $${{x - 2} \over {x - 3}}$$.Let g : R $$ \to $$ R be give
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Let S1 be the sum of first 2n terms of an arithmetic progression. Let S2 be the sum of first 4n terms of the same arithm
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If $$\sum\limits_{r = 1}^{10} {r!({r^3} + 6{r^2} + 2r + 5) = \alpha (11!)} $$, then the value of $$\alpha$$ is equal to
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If f(x) and g(x) are two polynomials such that the polynomial P(x) = f(x3) + x g(x3) is divisible by x2 + x + 1, then P(
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The term independent of x in the expansion of $${\left[ {{{x + 1} \over {{x^{2/3}} - {x^{1/3}} + 1}} - {{x - 1} \over {x
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Let y = y(x) be the solution of the differential equation xdy $$-$$ ydx = $$\sqrt {({x^2} - {y^2})} dx$$, x $$ \ge $$ 1,
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Let I be an identity matrix of order 2 $$\times$$ 2 and P = $$\left[ {\matrix{ 2 & { - 1} \cr 5 & { - 3}
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Let f : R $$ \to $$ R satisfy the equation f(x + y) = f(x) . f(y) for all x, y $$\in$$R and f(x) $$\ne$$ 0 for any x$$\i
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Let P(x) be a real polynomial of degree 3 which vanishes at x = $$-$$3. Let P(x) have local minima at x = 1, local maxim
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A plane electromagnetic wave propagating along y-direction can have the following pair of electric field $$\left( {\over
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If the angular velocity of earth's spin is increased such that the bodies at the equator start floating, the duration of
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An object of mass m1 collides with another object of mass m2, which is at rest. After the collision the objects move wit
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In a series LCR circuit, the inductive reactance (XL) is 10$$\Omega$$ and the capacitive reactance (XC) is 4$$\Omega$$.
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A particle of mass m moves in a circular orbit under the central potential field, $$U(r) = - {C \over r}$$, where C is
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The angular momentum of a planet of mass M moving around the sun in an elliptical orbit is $${\overrightarrow L }$$. The
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Three rays of light, namely red (R), green (G) and blue (B) are incident on the face PQ of a right angled prism PQR as s
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Consider a uniform wire of mass M and length L. It is bent into a semicircle. Its moment of inertia about a line perpend
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The velocity $$-$$ displacement graph of a particle is shown in the figure.The acceleration $$-$$ displacement graph of
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Consider a sample of oxygen behaving like an ideal gas. At 300 K, the ratio of root mean square (rms) velocity to the av
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The time taken for the magnetic energy to reach 25% of its maximum value, when a solenoid of resistance R, inductance L
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A solid cylinder of mass m is wrapped with an inextensible light string and, is placed on a rough inclined plane as show
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The function of time representing a simple harmonic motion with a period of $${\pi \over \omega }$$ is :
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For an adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, the fractional change in its pressure is equal to (where $$\gamma$$ is the r
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A proton and an $$\alpha$$-particle, having kinetic energies Kp and K$$\alpha$$ respectively, enter into a magnetic fiel
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An ideal gas in a cylinder is separated by a piston in such a way that the entropy of one part is S1 and that of the oth
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Which of the following statements are correct?(A) Electric monopoles do not exist whereas magnetic monopoles exist.(B) M
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Two wires of same length and thickness having specific resistances 6$$\Omega$$ cm and 3$$\Omega$$ cm respectively are co
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Consider a 72 cm long wire AB as shown in the figure. The galvanometer jockey is placed at P on AB at a distance x cm fr
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A galaxy is moving away from the earth at a speed of 286 kms$$-$$1. The shift in the wavelength of a redline at 630 nm i
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A ball of mass 4 kg, moving with a velocity of 10 ms$$-$$1, collides with a spring of length 8 m and force constant 100
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Consider a water tank as shown in the figure. It's cross-sectional area is 0.4 m2. The tank has an opening B near the bo
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The radius of a sphere is measured to be (7.50 $$\pm$$ 0.85) cm. Suppose the percentage error in its volume is x. The va
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The projectile motion of a particle of mass 5 g is shown in the figure.The initial velocity of the particle is $$5\sqrt
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An infinite number of point charges, each carrying 1 $$\mu$$C charge, are placed along the y-axis at y = 1 m, 2 m, 4 m,
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