JEE Main 2020 (Online) 3rd September Morning Slot
Paper was held on Thu, Sep 3, 2020 3:30 AM
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It is true that :
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The complex that can show optical activity is :
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Which one of the following compounds possesses the most acidic hydrogen?
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The Kjeldahl method of Nitrogen estimation fails for which of the following reaction products?
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An acidic buffer is obtained on mixing :
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Which of the following compounds produces an optically inactive compound on hydrogenation?
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Of the species, NO, NO+, NO2+ and NO- , the one with minimum bond strength is :
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Glycerol is separated in soap industries by :
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An organic compound [A], molecular formula C10H20O2 was hydrolyzed with dilute sulphuric acid to give a carboxylic acid
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The electronic spectrum of [Ti(H2O)6]3+ shows a single broad peak with a maximum at 20,300 cm-1 . The crystal field stab
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Henry’s constant (in kbar) for four gases $$\alpha $$, $$\beta $$, $$\gamma $$ and $$\delta $$ in water at 298 K is give
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The atomic number of the element unnilennium is :
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The mechanism of SN1 reaction is given as : A student writes general characteristics based on the given mechanism as :
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Let CNaCl and CBaSO4 be the conductances (in S) measured for saturated aqueous solutions of NaCl and BaSO4, respectivel
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The mole fraction of glucose (C6H12O6 ) in an aqueous binary solution is 0.1. The mass percentage of water in it, to the
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The volume strength of 8.9 M H2O2 solution calculated at 273 K and 1 atm is ______. (R = 0.0821 L atm K-1 mol-1) (round
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The total number of monohalogenated organic products in the following (including stereoisomers) reaction is ______.
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The photoelectric current from Na (Work function, w0 = 2.3 eV) is stopped by the output voltage of the cell Pt(s) | H2
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A dice is thrown two times and the sum of the scores appearing on the die is observed to be a multiple of 4. Then the co
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The lines $$\overrightarrow r = \left( {\widehat i - \widehat j} \right) + l\left( {2\widehat i + \widehat k} \right)$$
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If the first term of an A.P. is 3 and the sum of its first 25 terms is equal to the sum of its next 15 terms, then the c
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A hyperbola having the transverse axis of length $$\sqrt 2 $$ has the same foci as that of the ellipse 3x2 + 4y2 = 12, t
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The area (in sq. units) of the region { (x, y) : 0 $$ \le $$ y $$ \le $$ x2 + 1, 0 $$ \le $$ y $$ \le $$ x + 1, $${1 \o
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Let P be a point on the parabola, y2 = 12x and N be the foot of the perpendicular drawn from P on the axis of the parab
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Consider the two sets : A = {m $$ \in $$ R : both the roots of x2 – (m + 1)x + m + 4 = 0 are real} and B = [–3, 5). Wh
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$$\int\limits_{ - \pi }^\pi {\left| {\pi - \left| x \right|} \right|dx} $$ is equal to :
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For the frequency distribution : Variate (x) :      x1   x2   x3 .... &nbs
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If y2 + loge (cos2x) = y, $$x \in \left( { - {\pi \over 2},{\pi \over 2}} \right)$$, then :
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The function, f(x) = (3x – 7)x2/3, x $$ \in $$ R, is increasing for all x lying in :
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The value of (2.1P0 – 3.2P1 + 4.3P2 .... up to 51th term) + (1! – 2! + 3! – ..... up to 51th term) is equal to :
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If $$\Delta $$ = $$\left| {\matrix{ {x - 2} & {2x - 3} & {3x - 4} \cr {2x - 3} & {3x - 4} & {4x
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If the number of integral terms in the expansion of (31/2 + 51/8)n is exactly 33, then the least value of n is :
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If $$\alpha $$ and $$\beta $$ are the roots of the equation x2 + px + 2 = 0 and $${1 \over \alpha }$$ and $${1 \over \b
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The solution curve of the differential equation, (1 + e-x)(1 + y2)$${{dy} \over {dx}}$$ = y2, which passes through the p
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Let [t] denote the greatest integer $$ \le $$ t. If for some $$\lambda $$ $$ \in $$ R - {1, 0}, $$\mathop {\lim }\limits
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2$$\pi $$ - $$\left( {{{\sin }^{ - 1}}{4 \over 5} + {{\sin }^{ - 1}}{5 \over {13}} + {{\sin }^{ - 1}}{{16} \over {65}}}
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Let A = $$\left[ {\matrix{ x & 1 \cr 1 & 0 \cr } } \right]$$, x $$ \in $$ R and A4 = [aij]. If a11 =
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The value of $${\left( {0.16} \right)^{{{\log }_{2.5}}\left( {{1 \over 3} + {1 \over {{3^2}}} +\,\infty } \right)
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If $$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to 0} \left\{ {{1 \over {{x^8}}}\left( {1 - \cos {{{x^2}} \over 2} - \cos {{{x^2}} \over
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The diameter of the circle, whose centre lies on the line x + y = 2 in the first quadrant and which touches both the lin
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If $${\left( {{{1 + i} \over {1 - i}}} \right)^{{m \over 2}}} = {\left( {{{1 + i} \over {1 - i}}} \right)^{{n \over 3}}}
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Using screw gauge of pitch 0.1 cm and 50 divisions on its circular scale, the thickness of an object is measured. It sho
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Model a torch battery of length $$l$$ to be made up of a thin cylindrical bar of radius ‘a’ and a concentric thin cylind
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Moment of inertia of a cylinder of mass M, length L and radius R about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicu
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When the wavelength of radiation falling on a metal is changed from 500 nm to 200 nm, the maximum kinetic energy of the
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The magnetic field of a plane electromagnetic wave is $$\overrightarrow B = 3 \times {10^{ - 8}}\sin \left[ {200\pi \le
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A charged particle carrying charge 1 $$\mu $$C is moving with velocity $$\left( {2\widehat i + 3\widehat j + 4\widehat k
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A 750 Hz, 20 V (rms) source is connected to a resistance of 100 $$\Omega $$, an inductance of 0.1803 H and a capacitance
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Pressure inside two soap bubbles are 1.01 and 1.02 atmosphere, respectively. The ratio of their volumes is :
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A balloon filled with helium (32oC and 1.7 atm.) bursts. Immediately afterwards the expansion of helium can be considere
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A satellite is moving in a low nearly circular orbit around the earth. Its radius is roughly equal to that of the earth’
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In the circuit shown in the figure, the total charge is 750 $$\mu $$C and the voltage across capacitor C2 is 20 V. Then
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An elliptical loop having resistance R, of semi major axis a, and semi minor axis b is placed in magnetic field as shown
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When a diode is forward biased, it has a voltage drop of 0.5 V. The safe limit of current through the diode is 10 mA. If
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A uniform thin rope of length 12 m and mass 6 kg hangs vertically from a rigid support and a block of mass 2 kg is attac
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A block of mass m = 1 kg slides with velocity v = 6 m/s on a frictionless horizontal surface and collides with a uniform
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In a Young’s double slit experiment, light of 500 nm is used to produce an interference pattern. When the distance betwe
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Magnitude of magnetic field (in SI units) at the centre of a hexagonal shape coil of side 10 cm, 50 turns and carrying c
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Consider a gas of triatomic molecules. The molecules are assumed to be triangular and made of massless rigid rods whose
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A bakelite beaker has volume capacity of 500 cc at 30oC. When it is partially filled with Vm volume (at 30oC) of mercur
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A cricket ball of mass 0.15 kg is thrown vertically up by a bowling machine so that it rises to a maximum height of 20 m
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Two isolated conducting spheres S1 and S2 of radius $${2 \over 3}R$$ and $${1 \over 3}R$$ have 12 $$\mu $$C and –3 $$\mu
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When a long glass capillary tube of radius 0.015 cm is dipped in a liquid, the liquid rises to a height of 15 cm within
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An observer can see through a small hole on the side of a jar (radius 15 cm) at a point at height of 15 cm from the bott
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A person of 80 kg mass is standing on the rim of a circular platform of mass 200 kg rotating about its axis at 5 revolut
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