JEE Main 2021 (Online) 31st August Morning Shift
Paper was held on Tue, Aug 31, 2021 3:30 AM
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The correct order of reactivity of the given chlorides with acetate in acetic acid is :
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In the structure of the dichromate ion, there is a :
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Which one of the following compounds contains $$\beta$$-C1-C4 glycosidic linkage?
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The major products A and B in the following set of reactions are :
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Which one of the following lanthanides exhibits +2 oxidation state with diamagnetic nature? (Given Z for Nd = 60, Yb = 7
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The major product formed in the following reaction is :
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Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Assertion (A)
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The denticity of an organic ligand, biuret is :
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Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).Assertion (A)
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Choose the correct name for compound given below :
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Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) :Assertion (A)
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Which one of the following 0.10 M aqueous solutions will exhibit the largest freezing point depression?
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The structure of product C, formed by the following sequence of reactions is :
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Consider the following cell reaction :$$C{d_{(s)}} + H{g_2}S{O_{4(s)}} + {9 \over 5}{H_2}{O_{(l)}}$$ $$\rightleftharpoon
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The molarity of the solution prepared by dissolving 6.3 g of oxalic acid (H2C2O4.2H2O) in 250 mL of water in mol L$$-$$1
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The total number of reagents from those given blow, that can convert nitrobenzene into aniline is ___________. (Integer
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For a first order reaction, the ratio of the time for 75% completion of a reaction to the time for 50% completion is ___
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The number of hydrogen bonded water molecule(s) associated with stoichiometry CuSO4.5H2O is ____________.
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According to the following figure, the magnitude of the enthalpy change of the reactionA + B $$\to$$ M + N in kJ mol$$-$
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Ge(Z = 32) in its ground state electronic configuration has x completely filled orbitals with ml = 0. The value of x is
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A3B2 is a sparingly soluble salt of molar mass M (g mol$$-$$1) and solubility x g L$$-$$1. The solubility product satisf
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The number of real roots of the equation $${e^{4x}} + 2{e^{3x}} - {e^x} - 6 = 0$$ is :
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Let f be a non-negative function in [0, 1] and twice differentiable in (0, 1). If $$\int_0^x {\sqrt {1 - {{(f'(t))}^2}}
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Let $$\overrightarrow a $$ and $$\overrightarrow b $$ be two vectors such that $$\left| {2\overrightarrow a + 3\overrig
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The function $$f(x) = \left| {{x^2} - 2x - 3} \right|\,.\,{e^{\left| {9{x^2} - 12x + 4} \right|}}$$ is not differentiabl
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Three numbers are in an increasing geometric progression with common ratio r. If the middle number is doubled, then the
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Which of the following is not correct for relation R on the set of real numbers ?
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The integral $$\int {{1 \over {\root 4 \of {{{(x - 1)}^3}{{(x + 2)}^5}} }}} \,dx$$ is equal to : (where C is a constant
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If p and q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the origin on the lines,x cosec $$\alpha$$ $$-$$ y sec $$\alpha$$
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cosec18$$^\circ$$ is a root of the equation :
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If the following system of linear equations2x + y + z = 5x $$-$$ y + z = 3x + y + az = bhas no solution, then :
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The length of the latus rectum of a parabola, whose vertex and focus are on the positive x-axis at a distance R and S (&
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If the function $$f(x) = \left\{ {\matrix{ {{1 \over x}{{\log }_e}\left( {{{1 + {x \over a}} \over {1 - {x \over b}}}
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If $${{dy} \over {dx}} = {{{2^{x + y}} - {2^x}} \over {{2^y}}}$$, y(0) = 1, then y(1) is equal to :
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$$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to 0} {{{{\sin }^2}\left( {\pi {{\cos }^4}x} \right)} \over {{x^4}}}$$ is equal to :
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If $${a_r} = \cos {{2r\pi } \over 9} + i\sin {{2r\pi } \over 9}$$, r = 1, 2, 3, ....., i = $$\sqrt { - 1} $$, then the d
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Let [t] denote the greatest integer $$\le$$ t. Then the value of $$8.\int\limits_{ - {1 \over 2}}^1 {([2x] + |x|)dx} $$
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A point z moves in the complex plane such that $$\arg \left( {{{z - 2} \over {z + 2}}} \right) = {\pi \over 4}$$, then
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If 'R' is the least value of 'a' such that the function f(x) = x2 + ax + 1 is increasing on [1, 2] and 'S' is the greate
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The mean of 10 numbers 7 $$\times$$ 8, 10 $$\times$$ 10, 13 $$\times$$ 12, 16 $$\times$$ 14, ....... is ____________.
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If the variable line 3x + 4y = $$\alpha$$ lies between the two circles (x $$-$$ 1)2 + (y $$-$$ 1)2 = 1 and (x $$-$$ 9)2
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The number of six letter words (with or without meaning), formed using all the letters of the word 'VOWELS', so that all
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If $$x\phi (x) = \int\limits_5^x {(3{t^2} - 2\phi '(t))dt} $$, x > $$-$$2, and $$\phi$$(0) = 4, then $$\phi$$(2) is _
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If $$\left( {{{{3^6}} \over {{4^4}}}} \right)k$$ is the term, independent of x, in the binomial expansion of $${\left( {
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An electric instrument consists of two units. Each unit must function independently for the instrument to operate. The p
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A helicopter is flying horizontally with a speed 'v' at an altitude 'h' has to drop a food packet for a man on the groun
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In the following logic circuit the sequence of the inputs A, B are (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0) and (1, 1). The output Y for t
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Two particles A and B having charges 20$$\mu$$C and $$-$$5$$\mu$$C respectively are held fixed with a separation of 5 cm
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An object is placed at the focus of concave lens having focal length f. What is the magnification and distance of the im
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A coil having N turns is wound tightly in the form of a spiral with inner and outer radii 'a' and 'b' respectively. Find
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A body of mass M moving at speed V0 collides elastically with a mass 'm' at rest. After the collision, the two masses mo
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The masses and radii of the earth and moon are (M1, R1) and (M2, R2) respectively. Their centres are at a distance 'r' a
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A small square loop of side 'a' and one turn is placed inside a larger square loop of side b and one turn (b >> a)
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Choose the correct waveform that can represent the voltage across R of the following circuit, assuming the diode is idea
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A uniform heavy rod of weight 10 kg ms$$-$$2, cross-sectional area 100 cm2 and length 20 cm is hanging from a fixed supp
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Two plane mirrors M1 and M2 are at right angle to each other shown. A point source 'P' is placed at 'a' and '2a' meter a
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Match List - I with List - II. List - I List - II (a) Torque (i) MLT$$^{ -
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For an ideal gas the instantaneous change in pressure 'p' with volume 'v' is given by the equation $${{dp} \over {dv}} =
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Which of the following equations is dimensionally incorrect?Where t = time, h = height, s = surface tension, $$\theta$$
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Angular momentum of a single particle moving with constant speed along circular path :
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In an ac circuit, an inductor, a capacitor and a resistor are connected in series with XL = R = XC. Impedance of this ci
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A moving proton and electron have the same de-Broglie wavelength. If K and P denote the K.E. and momentum respectively.
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Consider a galvanometer shunted with 5$$\Omega$$ resistance and 2% of current passes through it. What is the resistance
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When a rubber ball is taken to a depth of __________m in deep sea, its volume decreases by 0.5%. (The bulk modulus of ru
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A particle of mass 1 kg is hanging from a spring of force constant 100 Nm$$-$$1. The mass is pulled slightly downward an
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A square shaped wire with resistance of each side 3$$\Omega$$ is bent to form a complete circle. The resistance between
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A wire having a linear mass density 9.0 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$4 kg/m is stretched between two rigid supports with a tension
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The voltage drop across 15$$\Omega$$ resistance in the given figure will be ______________ V.
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A block moving horizontally on a smooth surface with a speed of 40 ms$$-$$1 splits into two equal parts. If one of the p
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The electric field in an electromagnetic wave is given by E = (50 NC$$-$$1) sin$$\omega$$ (t $$-$$ x/c)The energy contai
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A capacitor of 50 $$\mu$$F is connected in a circuit as shown in figure. The charge on the upper plate of the capacitor
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A car is moving on a plane inclined at 30$$^\circ$$ to the horizontal with an acceleration of 10 ms$$-$$2 parallel to th
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