JEE Main 2023 (Online) 8th April Morning Shift
Paper was held on Sat, Apr 8, 2023 3:30 AM
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Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R. Assertion A: Butan
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Which of the following complex is octahedral, diamagnetic and the most stable?
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The correct order of electronegativity for given elements is:
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The correct order of spin only magnetic moments for the following complex ions is
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$$2 \mathrm{IO}_{3}^{-}+x \mathrm{I}^{-}+12 \mathrm{H}^{+} \rightarrow 6 \mathrm{I}_{2}+6 \mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}$$ Wh
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Match List I with List II: .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:so
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Which halogen is known to cause the reaction given below : $$2 \mathrm{Cu}^{2+}+4 \mathrm{X}^{-} \rightarrow \mathrm{Cu}
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In chromyl chloride, the number of d-electrons present on chromium is same as in (Given at no. of $$\mathrm{Ti}: 22, \ma
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The major product formed in the following reaction is:
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The reaction $$\frac{1}{2} \mathrm{H}_{2}(\mathrm{~g})+\mathrm{AgCl}(\mathrm{s}) \rightleftharpoons \mathrm{H}^{+}(\math
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Sulphur (S) containing amino acids from the following are: (a) isoleucine (b) cysteine (c) lysine (d) methionine (e) glu
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The water gas on reacting with cobalt as a catalyst forms
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Choose the halogen which is most reactive towards $$\mathrm{S}_{\mathrm{N}} 1$$ reaction in the given compounds (A, B, C
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Match List I with List II: .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:sol
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The number of given statement/s which is/are correct is __________. (A) The stronger the temperature dependence of the r
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The number of following factors which affect the percent covalent character of the ionic bond is _________ (A) Polarisin
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$$0.5 \mathrm{~g}$$ of an organic compound $$(\mathrm{X})$$ with $$60 \%$$ carbon will produce __________ $$\times 10^{-
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The titration curve of weak acid vs. strong base with phenolphthalein as indictor) is shown below. The $$\mathrm{K}_{\te
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When a $$60 \mathrm{~W}$$ electric heater is immersed in a gas for 100 s in a constant volume container with adiabatic w
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Molar mass of the hydrocarbon (X) which on ozonolysis consumes one mole of $$\mathrm{O}_{3}$$ per mole of $$(\mathrm{X})
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The vapour pressure vs. temperature curve for a solution solvent system is shown below. The boiling point of the solven
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The number of arrangements of the letters of the word "INDEPENDENCE" in which all the vowels always occur together is :
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Let $$f(x)=\frac{\sin x+\cos x-\sqrt{2}}{\sin x-\cos x}, x \in[0, \pi]-\left\{\frac{\pi}{4}\right\}$$. Then $$f\left(\fr
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Let $$A=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}2 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 2 & -1 \\ 0 & -1 & 2\end{array}\right]$$. If $$|\operatorname{adj}(\ope
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$$\lim_\limits{x \rightarrow 0}\left(\left(\frac{\left(1-\cos ^{2}(3 x)\right.}{\cos ^{3}(4 x)}\right)\left(\frac{\sin ^
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In a bolt factory, machines $$A, B$$ and $$C$$ manufacture respectively $$20 \%, 30 \%$$ and $$50 \%$$ of the total bolt
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The number of ways, in which 5 girls and 7 boys can be seated at a round table so that no two girls sit together, is :
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The shortest distance between the lines $$\frac{x-4}{4}=\frac{y+2}{5}=\frac{z+3}{3}$$ and $$\frac{x-1}{3}=\frac{y-3}{4}=
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Let $$R$$ be the focus of the parabola $$y^{2}=20 x$$ and the line $$y=m x+c$$ intersect the parabola at two points $$P$
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The area of the region $$\left\{(x, y): x^{2} \leq y \leq 8-x^{2}, y \leq 7\right\}$$ is :
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Let $$C(\alpha, \beta)$$ be the circumcenter of the triangle formed by the lines $$4 x+3 y=69$$ $$4 y-3 x=17$$, and $$x+
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Let $$I(x)=\int \frac{(x+1)}{x\left(1+x e^{x}\right)^{2}} d x, x > 0$$. If $$\lim_\limits{x \rightarrow \infty} I(x)=0$$
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Let $$\alpha, \beta, \gamma$$ be the three roots of the equation $$x^{3}+b x+c=0$$. If $$\beta \gamma=1=-\alpha$$, then
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Let the number of elements in sets $$A$$ and $$B$$ be five and two respectively. Then the number of subsets of $$A \time
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Let $$S_{K}=\frac{1+2+\ldots+K}{K}$$ and $$\sum_\limits{j=1}^{n} S_{j}^{2}=\frac{n}{A}\left(B n^{2}+C n+D\right)$$, wher
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Let $$P=\left[\begin{array}{cc}\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} & \frac{1}{2} \\ -\frac{1}{2} & \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\end{array}\right],
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If for $$z=\alpha+i \beta,|z+2|=z+4(1+i)$$, then $$\alpha+\beta$$ and $$\alpha \beta$$ are the roots of the equation :
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If the points with position vectors $$\alpha \hat{i}+10 \hat{j}+13 \hat{k}, 6 \hat{i}+11 \hat{j}+11 \hat{k}, \frac{9}{2}
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Let $$[t]$$ denote the greatest integer $$\leq t$$. Then $$\frac{2}{\pi} \int_\limits{\pi / 6}^{5 \pi / 6}(8[\operatorna
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Let $$A=\{0,3,4,6,7,8,9,10\}$$ and $$R$$ be the relation defined on $$A$$ such that $$R=\{(x, y) \in A \times A: x-y$$ i
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If the solution curve of the differential equation $$\left(y-2 \log _{e} x\right) d x+\left(x \log _{e} x^{2}\right) d y
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Let the mean and variance of 8 numbers $$x, y, 10,12,6,12,4,8$$ be $$9$$ and $$9.25$$ respectively. If $$x > y$$, then $
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Let $$\vec{a}=6 \hat{i}+9 \hat{j}+12 \hat{k}, \vec{b}=\alpha \hat{i}+11 \hat{j}-2 \hat{k}$$ and $$\vec{c}$$ be vectors s
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If $$a_{\alpha}$$ is the greatest term in the sequence $$\alpha_{n}=\frac{n^{3}}{n^{4}+147}, n=1,2,3, \ldots$$, then $$\
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Let $$[t]$$ denote the greatest integer $$\leq t$$. If the constant term in the expansion of $$\left(3 x^{2}-\frac{1}{2
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Consider a circle $$C_{1}: x^{2}+y^{2}-4 x-2 y=\alpha-5$$. Let its mirror image in the line $$y=2 x+1$$ be another circl
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The largest natural number $$n$$ such that $$3^{n}$$ divides $$66 !$$ is ___________.
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An air bubble of volume $$1 \mathrm{~cm}^{3}$$ rises from the bottom of a lake $$40 \mathrm{~m}$$ deep to the surface at
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In a reflecting telescope, a secondary mirror is used to:
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Certain galvanometers have a fixed core made of non magnetic metallic material. The function of this metallic material i
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Given below are two statements: Statement I: If $$\mathrm{E}$$ be the total energy of a satellite moving around the eart
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Dimension of $$\frac{1}{\mu_{0} \in_{0}}$$ should be equal to
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Graphical variation of electric field due to a uniformly charged insulating solid sphere of radius $$\mathrm{R}$$, with
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Given below are two statements: Statement I: If heat is added to a system, its temperature must increase. Statement II:
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A charge particle moving in magnetic field B, has the components of velocity along B as well as perpendicular to B. The
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Two forces having magnitude $$A$$ and $$\frac{A}{2}$$ are perpendicular to each other. The magnitude of their resultant
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At any instant the velocity of a particle of mass $$500 \mathrm{~g}$$ is $$\left(2 t \hat{i}+3 t^{2} \hat{j}\right) \mat
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A cylindrical wire of mass $$(0.4 \pm 0.01) \mathrm{g}$$ has length $$(8 \pm 0.04) \mathrm{cm}$$ and radius $$(6 \pm 0.0
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Two projectiles A and B are thrown with initial velocities of $$40 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$$ and $$60 \mathrm{~m} / \ma
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For a nucleus $${ }_{\mathrm{A}}^{\mathrm{A}} \mathrm{X}$$ having mass number $$\mathrm{A}$$ and atomic number $$\mathrm
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An aluminium rod with Young's modulus $$Y=7.0 \times 10^{10} \mathrm{~N} / \mathrm{m}^{2}$$ undergoes elastic strain of
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For the logic circuit shown, the output waveform at $$\mathrm{Y}$$ is:
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The weight of a body on the earth is $$400 \mathrm{~N}$$. Then weight of the body when taken to a depth half of the radi
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Proton $$(\mathrm{P})$$ and electron (e) will have same de-Broglie wavelength when the ratio of their momentum is (assum
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In this figure the resistance of the coil of galvanometer G is $$2 ~\Omega$$. The emf of the cell is $$4 \mathrm{~V}$$.
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The magnetic intensity at the center of a long current carrying solenoid is found to be $$1.6 \times 10^{3} \mathrm{Am}^
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An organ pipe $$40 \mathrm{~cm}$$ long is open at both ends. The speed of sound in air is $$360 \mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$$. The
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A current of $$2 \mathrm{~A}$$ flows through a wire of cross-sectional area $$25.0 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}$$. The number of fre
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A nucleus with mass number 242 and binding energy per nucleon as $$7.6~ \mathrm{MeV}$$ breaks into two fragment each wit
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The momentum of a body is increased by $$50 \%$$. The percentage increase in the kinetic energy of the body is _________
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An electric dipole of dipole moment is $$6.0 \times 10^{-6} ~\mathrm{C m}$$ placed in a uniform electric field of $$1.5
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Two vertical parallel mirrors A and B are separated by $$10 \mathrm{~cm}$$. A point object $$\mathrm{O}$$ is placed at a
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An air bubble of diameter $$6 \mathrm{~mm}$$ rises steadily through a solution of density $$1750 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{
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An oscillating LC circuit consists of a $$75 ~\mathrm{mH}$$ inductor and a $$1.2 ~\mu \mathrm{F}$$ capacitor. If the max
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The moment of inertia of a semicircular ring about an axis, passing through the center and perpendicular to the plane of
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