JEE Main 2019 (Online) 8th April Evening Slot
Paper was held on Mon, Apr 8, 2019 9:30 AM
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Calculate the standard cell potential in (V) of the cell in which following reaction takes place : Fe2+(aq) + Ag+(aq) $$
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The major product in the following reaction is :
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For the following reactions, equilibrium constants are given : S(s) + O2(g) ⇋ SO2(g); K1 = 1052 2S(s) + 3O2(g) ⇋ 2SO3
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The ion that has sp3d2 hybridization for the central atom, is :
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The major product of the following reaction is:
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The major product of the following reaction is:
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The percentage composition of carbon by mole in methane is :
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The IUPAC symbol for the element with atomic number 119 would be :
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The compound that inhibits the growth of tumors is :
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The covalent alkaline earth metal halide (X = Cl, Br, I) is :
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Which one of the following alkenes when treated with HCl yields majorly an anti Markovnikov product?
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The calculated spin-only magnetic moments (BM) of the anionic and cationic species of [Fe(H2O)6]2 and [Fe(CN)6], respect
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Among the following molecules / ions, $$C_2^{2 - },N_2^{2 - },O_2^{2 - },{O_2}$$ which one is diamagnetic and has the sh
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For a reaction scheme $$A\buildrel {{k_1}} \over \longrightarrow B\buildrel {{k_2}} \over \longrightarrow C$$, if the
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The statement that is INCORRECT about the interstitial compounds is :
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The major product obtained in the following reaction is :
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5 moles of an ideal gas at 100 K are allowed to undergo reversible compression till its temperature becomes 200 K. If CV
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Which of the following compounds will show the maximum 'enol' content?
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The correct statement about ICl5 and $$ICl_4^-$$ is
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The major product obtained in the following reaction is
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Fructose and glucose can be distinguished by :
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If p is the momentum of the fastest electron ejected from a metal surface after the irradiation of light having waveleng
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Polysubstitution is a major drawback in:
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For the solution of the gases w, x, y and z in water at 298K, the Henrys law constants (KH) are 0.5, 2, 35 and 40 kbar,
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The minimum number of times one has to toss a fair coin so that the probability of observing at least one head is at lea
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A student scores the following marks in five tests : 45, 54, 41, 57, 43. His score is not known for the sixth test. If
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Let ƒ(x) = ax (a > 0) be written as ƒ(x) = ƒ1 (x) + ƒ2 (x), where ƒ1 (x) is an even function of ƒ2 (x) is an odd fun
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If the system of linear equations x – 2y + kz = 1 2x + y + z = 2 3x – y – kz = 3 has a solution (x,y,z), z $$ \ne $$ 0,
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Let S($$\alpha $$) = {(x, y) : y2 $$ \le $$ x, 0 $$ \le $$ x $$ \le $$ $$\alpha $$} and A($$\alpha $$) is area of the r
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Let $$\mathop a\limits^ \to = 3\mathop i\limits^ \wedge + 2\mathop j\limits^ \wedge + x\mathop k\limits^ \wedge $
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If the fourth term in the binomial expansion of $${\left( {\sqrt {{x^{\left( {{1 \over {1 + {{\log }_{10}}x}}} \right)}}
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Let ƒ : R $$ \to $$ R be a differentiable function satisfying ƒ'(3) + ƒ'(2) = 0. Then $$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to 0}
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Let the number 2,b,c be in an A.P. and A = $$\left[ {\matrix{ 1 & 1 & 1 \cr 2 & b & c \cr 4
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If a point R(4, y, z) lies on the line segment joining the points P(2, –3, 4) and Q(8, 0, 10), then the distance of R fr
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The number of integral values of m for which the equation (1 + m2 )x2 – 2(1 + 3m)x + (1 + 8m) = 0 has no real root is :
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If three distinct numbers a, b, c are in G.P. and the equations ax2 + 2bx + c = 0 and dx2 + 2ex + ƒ = 0 have a common
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Let $$f(x) = \int\limits_0^x {g(t)dt} $$ where g is a non-zero even function. If ƒ(x + 5) = g(x), then $$ \int\limits_0
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If $$z = {{\sqrt 3 } \over 2} + {i \over 2}\left( {i = \sqrt { - 1} } \right)$$, then (1 + iz + z5 + iz8)9 is equal to
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In an ellipse, with centre at the origin, if the difference of the lengths of major axis and minor axis is 10 and one of
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If ƒ(1) = 1, ƒ'(1) = 3, then the derivative of ƒ(ƒ(ƒ(x))) + (ƒ(x))2 at x = 1 is :
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If $$\int {{{dx} \over {{x^3}{{(1 + {x^6})}^{2/3}}}} = xf(x){{(1 + {x^6})}^{{1 \over 3}}} + C} $$ where C is a constant
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Suppose that the points (h,k), (1,2) and (–3,4) lie on the line L1 . If a line L2 passing through the points (h,k) and
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Let ƒ : [–1,3] $$ \to $$ R be defined as $$f(x) = \left\{ {\matrix{ {\left| x \right| + \left[ x \right]} & , &am
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The number of four-digit numbers strictly greater than 4321 that can be formed using the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5 (repetition
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The height of a right circular cylinder of maximum volume inscribed in a sphere of radius 3 is
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A circuit connected to an ac source of emf e = e0sin(100t) with t in seconds, gives a phase difference of $$\pi $$/4 bet
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Two very long, straight, and insulated wires are kept at 90° angle from each other in xy-plane as shown in the figure. T
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A particle starts from origin O from rest and moves with a uniform acceleration along the positive x-axis. Identify all
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An electric dipole is formed by two equal and opposite charges q with separation d. The charges have same mass m. It is
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A cell of internal resistance r drives current through an external resistance R. The power delivered by the cell to the
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The magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave is given by :- $$\mathop B\limits^ \to = 1.6 \times {10^{ - 6}}\cos \lef
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Calculate the limit of resolution of a telescope objective having a diameter of 200 cm, if it has to detect light of wav
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The ratio of mass densities of nuclei of 40Ca and 16O is close to :-
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Young's moduli of two wires A and B are in the ratio 7 : 4. Wire A is 2 m long and has radius R. Wire B is 1.5 m long an
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A solid sphere and solid cylinder of identical radii approach an incline with the same linear velocity (see figure). Bot
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A rocket has to be launched from earth in such a way that it never returns. If E is the minimum energy delivered by the
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The given diagram shows four processes i.e., isochoric, isobaric, isothermal and adiabatic. The correct assignment of th
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A positive point charge is released from rest at a distance r0 from a positive line charge with uniform density. The spe
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The electric field in a region is given by $$\mathop E\limits^ \to = \left( {Ax + B} \right)\mathop i\limits^ \wedge
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A parallel plate capacitor has 1μF capacitance. One of its two plates is given +2μC charge and the other plate, +4μC cha
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In a simple pendulum experiment for determination of acceleration due to gravity (g), time taken for 20 oscillations is
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A uniform rectangular thin sheet ABCD of mass M has length a and breadth b, as shown in the figure. If the shaded portio
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The temperature, at which the root mean square velocity of hydrogen molecules equals their escape velocity from the eart
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A rectangular solid box of length 0.3 m is held horizontally, with one of its sides on the edge of a platform of height
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A convex lens (of focal length 20 cm) and a concave mirror, having their principal axes along the same lines, are kept 8
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If surface tension (S), Moment of inertia (I) and Planck's constant (h), were to be taken as the fundamental units, the
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In the figure shown, what is the current (in Ampere) drawn from the battery ? You are given: R1 = 15$$\Omega $$, R2 = 10
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A body of mass m1 moving with an unknown velocity of $${v_1}\mathop i\limits^ \wedge $$, undergoes a collinear collisio
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A nucleus A, with a finite de-broglie wavelength $$\lambda $$A, undergoes spontaneous fission into two nuclei B and C of
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Let $$\left| {\mathop {{A_1}}\limits^ \to } \right| = 3$$, $$\left| {\mathop {{A_2}}\limits^ \to } \right| = 5$$ and
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Two magnetic dipoles X and Y are placed at a separation d, with their axes perpendicular to each other. The dipole momen
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