JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th August Evening Shift
Paper was held on Thu, Aug 26, 2021 9:30 AM
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Which one of the following phenols does not give colour when condensed with phthalic anhydride in presence of conc. H2SO
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The bond order and magnetic behaviour of $$O_2^ - $$ ion are respectively :
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Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other is labelled as Reason (R). Assertion (A) : S
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Match List - I with List - II :Choose the most appropriate match :
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Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).Assertion (A)
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The major product in the above reaction is :
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Indicate the complex/complex ion which did not show any geometrical isomerism :
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Arrange the following Cobalt complexes in the order of increasing Crystal Field Stabilization Energy (CFSE) value.Comple
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Which one of the following compounds is not aromatic?
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The number of stereoisomers possible for 1, 2-dimethyl cyclopropane is :
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Consider the given reaction, identify 'X' and 'Y' :
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Consider the given reaction, the product A is :
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In the sulphur estimation, 0.471 g of an organic compound gave 1.44 g of barium sulphate. The percentage of sulphur in t
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The equilibrium constant Kc at 298 K for the reaction A + B $$\rightleftharpoons$$ C + D is 100. Starting with an equimo
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For water $$\Delta$$vap H = 41 kJ mol$$-$$1 at 373 K and 1 bar pressure. Assuming that water vapour is an ideal gas that
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A metal surface is exposed to 500 nm radiation. The threshold frequency of the metal for photoelectric current is 4.3 $$
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For the galvanic cell,Zn(s) + Cu2+ (0.02 M) $$\to$$ Zn2+ (0.04 M) + Cu(s),Ecell = ______________ $$\times$$ 10$$-$$2 V.
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100 mL of Na3PO4 solution contains 3.45 g of sodium. The molarity of the solution is _____________ $$\times$$ 10$$-$$2 m
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The overall stability constant of the complex ion [Cu(NH3)4]2+ is 2.1 $$\times$$ 1013. The overall dissociations constan
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83 g of ethylene glycol dissolved in 625 g of water. The freezing point of the solution is ____________ K. (Nearest inte
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The reaction rate for the reaction[PtCl4]2$$-$$ + H2O $$\rightleftharpoons$$ [Pt(H2O)Cl3]$$-$$ + Cl$$-$$was measured as
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A chloro compound "A".(i) forms aldehydes on ozonolysis followed by the hydrolysis.(ii) when vaporized completely 1.53 g
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Let [t] denote the greatest integer less than or equal to t. Let f(x) = x $$-$$ [x], g(x) = 1 $$-$$ x + [x], and h(x) =
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Let $$A = \left( {\matrix{ 1 & 0 & 0 \cr 0 & 1 & 1 \cr 1 & 0 & 0 \cr } } \right
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The local maximum value of the function $$f(x) = {\left( {{2 \over x}} \right)^{{x^2}}}$$, x > 0, is
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If the value of the integral $$\int\limits_0^5 {{{x + [x]} \over {{e^{x - [x]}}}}dx = \alpha {e^{ - 1}} + \beta } $$, wh
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Let y(x) be the solution of the differential equation 2x2 dy + (ey $$-$$ 2x)dx = 0, x > 0. If y(e) = 1, then y(1) is
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The domain of the function $${{\mathop{\rm cosec}\nolimits} ^{ - 1}}\left( {{{1 + x} \over x}} \right)$$ is :
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A fair die is tossed until six is obtained on it. Let x be the number of required tosses, then the conditional probabili
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If $$\sum\limits_{r = 1}^{50} {{{\tan }^{ - 1}}{1 \over {2{r^2}}} = p} $$, then the value of tan p is :
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Two fair dice are thrown. The numbers on them are taken as $$\lambda$$ and $$\mu$$, and a system of linear equationsx +
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The locus of the mid points of the chords of the hyperbola x2 $$-$$ y2 = 4, which touch the parabola y2 = 8x, is :
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The value of $$2\sin \left( {{\pi \over 8}} \right)\sin \left( {{{2\pi } \over 8}} \right)\sin \left( {{{3\pi } \over 8
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If $${\left( {\sqrt 3 + i} \right)^{100}} = {2^{99}}(p + iq)$$, then p and q are roots of the equation :
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A hall has a square floor of dimension 10 m $$\times$$ 10 m (see the figure) and vertical walls. If the angle GPH betwee
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The value of $$\int\limits_{ - {\pi \over 2}}^{{\pi \over 2}} {\left( {{{1 + {{\sin }^2}x} \over {1 + {\pi ^{\sin x}}}
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A circle C touches the line x = 2y at the point (2, 1) and intersects the circle C1 : x2 + y2 + 2y $$-$$ 5 = 0 at two po
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$$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to 2} \left( {\sum\limits_{n = 1}^9 {{x \over {n(n + 1){x^2} + 2(2n + 1)x + 4}}} } \right)$
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The sum of all 3-digit numbers less than or equal to 500, that are formed without using the digit "1" and they all are m
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Let a and b respectively be the points of local maximum and local minimum of the function f(x) = 2x3 $$-$$ 3x2 $$-$$ 12x
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If the projection of the vector $$\widehat i + 2\widehat j + \widehat k$$ on the sum of the two vectors $$2\widehat i +
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Let a1, a2, ......., a10 be an AP with common difference $$-$$ 3 and b1, b2, ........., b10 be a GP with common ratio 2.
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Let $$\lambda$$ $$\ne$$ 0 be in R. If $$\alpha$$ and $$\beta$$ are the roots of the equation x2 $$-$$ x + 2$$\lambda$$ =
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Let the mean and variance of four numbers 3, 7, x and y(x > y) be 5 and 10 respectively. Then the mean of four number
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The least positive integer n such that $${{{{(2i)}^n}} \over {{{(1 - i)}^{n - 2}}}},i = \sqrt { - 1} $$ is a positive in
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The temperature of equal masses of three different liquids x, y and z are 10$$^\circ$$C, 20$$^\circ$$C and 30$$^\circ$$C
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The de-Broglie wavelength of a particle having kinetic energy E is $$\lambda$$. How much extra energy must be given to t
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A particle of mass m is suspended from a ceiling through a string of length L. The particle moves in a horizontal circle
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A cylindrical container of volume 4.0 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$3 m3 contains one mole of hydrogen and two moles of carbon dioxi
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The angle between vector $$\left( {\overrightarrow A } \right)$$ and $$\left( {\overrightarrow A - \overrightarrow B }
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A light beam is described by $$E = 800\sin \omega \left( {t - {x \over c}} \right)$$. An electron is allowed to move nor
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The two thin coaxial rings, each of radius 'a' and having charges +Q and $$-$$Q respectively are separated by a distance
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If you are provided a set of resistances 2$$\Omega$$, 4$$\Omega$$, 6$$\Omega$$ and 8$$\Omega$$. Connect these resistance
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The solid cylinder of length 80 cm and mass M has a radius of 20 cm. Calculate the density of the material used if the m
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A parallel plate capacitor with plate area A has separation d between the plates. Two dielectric slabs of dielectric con
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A bomb is dropped by fighter plane flying horizontally. To an observer sitting in the plane, the trajectory of the bomb
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An electric bulb of 500 watt at 100 volt is used in a circuit having a 200 V supply. Calculate the resistance R to be co
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Four NOR gates are connected as shown in figure. The truth table for the given figure is :
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Match List - I with List - II Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
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In the given circuit the AC source has $$\omega$$ = 100 rad s-1. Considering the inductor and capacitor to be ideal, wha
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If the length of the pendulum in pendulum clock increases by 0.1%, then the error in time per day is :
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Two blocks of masses 3 kg and 5 kg are connected by a metal wire going over a smooth pulley. The breaking stress of the
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Two waves are simultaneously passing through a string and their equations are : y1 = A1 sin k(x $$-$$ vt), y2 = A2 sin k
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A source of light is placed in front of a screen. Intensity of light on the screen is I. Two Polaroids P1 and P2 are so
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If the maximum value of accelerating potential provided by a ratio frequency oscillator is 12 kV. The number of revoluti
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The acceleration due to gravity is found upto an accuracy of 4% on a planet. The energy supplied to a simple pendulum to
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A circular coil of radius 8.0 cm and 20 turns is rotated about its vertical diameter with an angular speed of 50 rad s$$
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Two simple harmonic motions are represented by the equations $${x_1} = 5\sin \left( {2\pi t + {\pi \over 4}} \right)$$
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A coil in the shape of an equilateral triangle of side 10 cm lies in a vertical plane between the pole pieces of permane
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For the given circuit, the power across Zener diode is .............. mW.
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An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm from a convex lens. A convex mirror of focal length 15 cm is placed on other
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The coefficient of static friction between two blocks is 0.5 and the table is smooth. The maximum horizontal force that
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