JEE Main 2023 (Online) 10th April Evening Shift
Paper was held on Mon, Apr 10, 2023 9:30 AM
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The major product 'P' formed in the given reaction is:
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The decreasing order of hydride affinity for following carbocations is: Choose the correct answer from the options give
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In the reaction given below: The product 'X' is:
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Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion $$\mathbf{A}$$ and the other is labelled as Reason $$\mathb
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Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion $$\mathbf{A}$$ and the other is labelled as Reason $$\mathb
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The correct order of the number of unpaired electrons in the given complexes is A. $$\left[\mathrm{Fe}(\mathrm{CN})_{6}\
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The correct order for acidity of the following hydroxyl compound is : A. $$\mathrm{CH}_{3} \mathrm{OH}$$ B. $$\left(\mat
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Incorrect method of preparation for alcohols from the following is:
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Match List I with List II .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:soli
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In Carius tube, an organic compound '$$\mathrm{X}$$' is treated with sodium peroxide to form a mineral acid 'Y'. The sol
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Match List I with List II .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:soli
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An aqueous solution of volume $$300 \mathrm{~cm}^{3}$$ contains $$0.63 \mathrm{~g}$$ of protein. The osmotic pressure of
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The number of molecules from the following which contain only two lone pair of electrons is ________ $$\mathrm{H}_{2} \m
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For a metal ion, the calculated magnetic moment is $$4.90 ~\mathrm{BM}$$. This metal ion has ___________ number of unpai
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In alkaline medium, the reduction of permanganate anion involves a gain of __________ electrons.
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The number of incorrect statement/s from the following is ___________ A. The successive half lives of zero order reactio
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The electron in the $$\mathrm{n}^{\text {th }}$$ orbit of $$\mathrm{Li}^{2+}$$ is excited to $$(\mathrm{n}+1)$$ orbit u
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The number of endothermic process/es from the following is ______________. A. $$\mathrm{I}_{2}(\mathrm{~g}) \rightarrow
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$$\mathrm{A}(g) \rightleftharpoons 2 \mathrm{~B}(g)+\mathrm{C}(g)$$ For the given reaction, if the initial pressure is $
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The specific conductance of $$0.0025 ~\mathrm{M}$$ acetic acid is $$5 \times 10^{-5} \mathrm{~S} \mathrm{~cm}^{-1}$$ at
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Let $$S = \left\{ {z = x + iy:{{2z - 3i} \over {4z + 2i}}\,\mathrm{is\,a\,real\,number}} \right\}$$. Then which of the f
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Eight persons are to be transported from city A to city B in three cars of different makes. If each car can accommodate
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Let the number $$(22)^{2022}+(2022)^{22}$$ leave the remainder $$\alpha$$ when divided by 3 and $$\beta$$ when divided b
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Let $$\mathrm{g}(x)=f(x)+f(1-x)$$ and $$f^{\prime \prime}(x) > 0, x \in(0,1)$$. If $$\mathrm{g}$$ is decreasing in the i
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If the coefficients of $$x$$ and $$x^{2}$$ in $$(1+x)^{\mathrm{p}}(1-x)^{\mathrm{q}}$$ are 4 and $$-$$5 respectively, th
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Let $$f$$ be a continuous function satisfying $$\int_\limits{0}^{t^{2}}\left(f(x)+x^{2}\right) d x=\frac{4}{3} t^{3}, \f
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For $$\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta \in \mathbb{N}$$, if $$\int\left(\left(\frac{x}{e}\right)^{2 x}+\left(\frac{e}{x}\ri
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Let $$\mu$$ be the mean and $$\sigma$$ be the standard deviation of the distribution .tg {border-collapse:collapse;bor
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Let $$\vec{a}=2 \hat{i}+7 \hat{j}-\hat{k}, \vec{b}=3 \hat{i}+5 \hat{k}$$ and $$\vec{c}=\hat{i}-\hat{j}+2 \hat{k}$$. Let
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If the points $$\mathrm{P}$$ and $$\mathrm{Q}$$ are respectively the circumcenter and the orthocentre of a $$\triangle \
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Let A be the point $$(1,2)$$ and B be any point on the curve $$x^{2}+y^{2}=16$$. If the centre of the locus of the point
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Let $$\mathrm{A}=\{2,3,4\}$$ and $$\mathrm{B}=\{8,9,12\}$$. Then the number of elements in the relation $$\mathrm{R}=\l
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Let the tangent at any point P on a curve passing through the points (1, 1) and $$\left(\frac{1}{10}, 100\right)$$, inte
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If the area of the region $$\left\{(x, \mathrm{y}):\left|x^{2}-2\right| \leq y \leq x\right\}$$ is $$\mathrm{A}$$, then
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The sum of all the four-digit numbers that can be formed using all the digits 2, 1, 2, 3 is equal to __________.
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Let $$\mathrm{S}$$ be the set of values of $$\lambda$$, for which the system of equations $$6 \lambda x-3 y+3 z=4 \lambd
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If the domain of the function $$f(x)=\sec ^{-1}\left(\frac{2 x}{5 x+3}\right)$$ is $$[\alpha, \beta) \mathrm{U}(\gamma,
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Let the equations of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram $$\mathrm{ABCD}$$ be $$2 x-3 y=-23$$ and $$5 x+4 y=23$$. If t
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A person travels $$x$$ distance with velocity $$v_{1}$$ and then $$x$$ distance with velocity $$v_{2}$$ in the same dire
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If each diode has a forward bias resistance of $$25 ~\Omega$$ in the below circuit, Which of the following options is c
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Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion $$\mathbf{A}$$ and the other is labelled as Reason $$\mathb
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In a metallic conductor, under the effect of applied electric field, the free electrons of the conductor
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A gas mixture consists of 2 moles of oxygen and 4 moles of neon at temperature T. Neglecting all vibrational modes, the
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A bar magnet is released from rest along the axis of a very long vertical copper tube. After some time the magnet will
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Two projectiles are projected at $$30^{\circ}$$ and $$60^{\circ}$$ with the horizontal with the same speed. The ratio of
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A gas is compressed adiabatically, which one of the following statement is NOT true.
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For a periodic motion represented by the equation $$y=\sin \omega \mathrm{t}+\cos \omega \mathrm{t}$$ the amplitude of t
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The amplitude of magnetic field in an electromagnetic wave propagating along y-axis is $$6.0 \times 10^{-7} \mathrm{~T}$
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The time period of a satellite, revolving above earth's surface at a height equal to $$\mathrm{R}$$ will be (Given $$g=\
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : For diamagnetic substance, $$-1 \leq \chi Statement II : Diamagnetic subs
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The ratio of intensities at two points $$\mathrm{P}$$ and $$\mathrm{Q}$$ on the screen in a Young's double slit experime
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Young's moduli of the material of wires A and B are in the ratio of $$1: 4$$, while its area of cross sections are in th
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The variation of stopping potential $$\left(\mathrm{V}_{0}\right)$$ as a function of the frequency $$(v)$$ of the incide
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Rotation of the earth shows effect on the value of acceleration due to gra
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In an experiment with vernier callipers of least count $$0.1 \mathrm{~mm}$$, when two jaws are joined together the zero
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The distance between two plates of a capacitor is $$\mathrm{d}$$ and its capacitance is $$\mathrm{C}_{1}$$, when air is
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A force of $$-\mathrm{P} \hat{\mathrm{k}}$$ acts on the origin of the coordinate system. The torque about the point $$(2
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A straight wire carrying a current of $$14 \mathrm{~A}$$ is bent into a semi-circular arc of radius $$2.2 \mathrm{~cm}$$
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A rectangular block of mass $$5 \mathrm{~kg}$$ attached to a horizontal spiral spring executes simple harmonic motion of
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A square loop of side $$2.0 \mathrm{~cm}$$ is placed inside a long solenoid that has 50 turns per centimetre and carries
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If the maximum load carried by an elevator is $$1400 \mathrm{~kg}$$ ( $$600 \mathrm{~kg}$$ - Passengers + 800 $$\mathrm{
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An electron revolves around an infinite cylindrical wire having uniform linear charge density $$2 \times 10^{-8} \mathrm
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A rectangular parallelopiped is measured as $$1 \mathrm{~cm} \times 1 \mathrm{~cm} \times 100 \mathrm{~cm}$$. If its spe
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Figure below shows a liquid being pushed out of the tube by a piston having area of cross section $$2.0 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}
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A point object, 'O' is placed in front of two thin symmetrical coaxial convex lenses $$\mathrm{L}_{1}$$ and $$\mathrm{L}
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If 917 $$\mathop A\limits^o $$ be the lowest wavelength of Lyman series then the lowest wavelength of Balmer series will
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