JEE Main 2021 (Online) 25th July Evening Shift
Paper was held on Sun, Jul 25, 2021 9:30 AM
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In the following the correct bond order sequence is :
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Which one of the following metal complexes is most stable?
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The ionic radii of F$$-$$ and O2$$-$$ respectively are 1.33$$\mathop A\limits^o $$ and 1.4$$\mathop A\limits^o $$, while
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The correct decreasing order of densities of the following compounds is :
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Consider the above reaction, the product "P" is :
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A reaction of benzonitrile with one equivalent CH3MgBr followed by hydrolysis produces a yellow liquid "P". The compound
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The spin only magnetic moments (in BM) for free Ti3+, V2+ and Sc3+ ions respectively are :(At.No. Sc : 21, Ti : 22, V :
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Which one of the following is correct structure for cytosine?
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Identify the species having one $$\pi$$-bond and maximum number of canonical forms from the following :
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Which one of the following metals forms interstitial hydride easily?
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Maleic anhydride can prepared by :
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[where $$Et \Rightarrow - {C_2}{H_5}{}^tBu \Rightarrow {(C{H_3})_3}C - $$]Consider the above reaction sequence, Product
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What is the major product "P" of the following reaction?
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Identify the process in which change in the oxidation state is five :
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Which among the following is the strongest acid ?
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A system does 200 J of work and at the same time absorbs 150 J of heat. The magnitude of the change in internal energy i
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An accelerated electron has a speed of 5 $$\times$$ 106 ms$$-$$1 with an uncertainty of 0.02%. The uncertainty in findin
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Number of electrons present in 4f orbital of Ho3+ ion is ____________. (Given Atomic No. of Ho = 67)
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Consider the above chemical reaction. The total number of stereoisomers possible for Product 'P' is _____________.
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For a chemical reaction A $$\to$$ B, it was found that concentration of B is increased by 0.2 mol L$$-$$ in 30 min. The
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Assuming that Ba(OH)2 is completely ionised in aqueous solution under the given conditions the concentration of H3O+ ion
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0.8 g of an organic compound was analyzed by Kjeldahl's method for the estimation of nitrogen. If the percentage of nitr
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When 3.00 g of a substance 'X' is dissolved in 100 g of CCl4, it raises the boiling point by 0.60 K. The molar mass of t
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The sum of all those terms which are rational numbers in the expansion of (21/3 + 31/4)12 is :
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The first of the two samples in a group has 100 items with mean 15 and standard deviation 3. If the whole group has 250
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If $$f(x) = \left\{ {\matrix{ {\int\limits_0^x {\left( {5 + \left| {1 - t} \right|} \right)dt,} } & {x > 2} \
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If the greatest value of the term independent of 'x' in the expansion of $${\left( {x\sin \alpha + a{{\cos \alpha } \ov
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The value of $$\cot {\pi \over {24}}$$ is :
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The lowest integer which is greater than $${\left( {1 + {1 \over {{{10}^{100}}}}} \right)^{{{10}^{100}}}}$$ is _________
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The value of the integral $$\int\limits_{ - 1}^1 {\log \left( {x + \sqrt {{x^2} + 1} } \right)dx} $$ is :
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Let a, b and c be distinct positive numbers. If the vectors $$a\widehat i + a\widehat j + c\widehat k,\widehat i+\wideha
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If [x] be the greatest integer less than or equal to x, then $$\sum\limits_{n = 8}^{100} {\left[ {{{{{( - 1)}^n}n} \over
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The number of distinct real roots of $$\left| {\matrix{ {\sin x} & {\cos x} & {\cos x} \cr {\cos x} &amp
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If $$\left| {\overrightarrow a } \right| = 2,\left| {\overrightarrow b } \right| = 5$$ and $$\left| {\overrightarrow a
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The number of real solutions of the equation, x2 $$-$$ |x| $$-$$ 12 = 0 is :
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Consider function f : A $$\to$$ B and g : B $$\to$$ C (A, B, C $$ \subseteq $$ R) such that (gof)$$-$$1 exists, then :
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If $$P = \left[ {\matrix{ 1 & 0 \cr {{1 \over 2}} & 1 \cr } } \right]$$, then P50 is :
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Let X be a random variable such that the probability function of a distribution is given by $$P(X = 0) = {1 \over 2},P(X
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If $${}^n{P_r} = {}^n{P_{r + 1}}$$ and $${}^n{C_r} = {}^n{C_{r - 1}}$$, then the value of r is equal to :
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Let y = y(x) be the solution of the differential equation xdy = (y + x3 cosx)dx with y($$\pi$$) = 0, then $$y\left( {{\p
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Consider the functionwhere P(x) is a polynomial such that P'' (x) is always a constant and P(3) = 9. If f(x) is continuo
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The equation of a circle is Re(z2) + 2(Im(z))2 + 2Re(z) = 0, where z = x + iy. A line which passes through the center of
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If $$\left( {\overrightarrow a + 3\overrightarrow b } \right)$$ is perpendicular to $$\left( {7\overrightarrow a - 5\o
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If a + b + c = 1, ab + bc + ca = 2 and abc = 3, then the value of a4 + b4 + c4 is equal to ______________.
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A fair coin is tossed n-times such that the probability of getting at least one head is at least 0.9. Then the minimum v
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If the co-efficient of x7 and x8 in the expansion of $${\left( {2 + {x \over 3}} \right)^n}$$ are equal, then the value
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The relation between time t and distance x for a moving body is given as t = mx2 + nx, where m and n are constants. The
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In a simple harmonic oscillation, what fraction of total mechanical energy is in the form of kinetic energy, when the pa
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A force $$\overrightarrow F = (40\widehat i + 10\widehat j)N$$ acts on a body of mass 5 kg. If the body starts from res
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A prism of refractive index $$\mu$$ and angle of prism A is placed in the position of minimum angle of deviation. If min
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Two ions having same mass have charges in the ratio 1 : 2. They are projected normally in a uniform magnetic field with
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A 10 $$\Omega$$ resistance is connected across 220V $$-$$ 50 Hz AC supply. The time taken by the current to change from
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A balloon was moving upwards with a uniform velocity of 10 m/s. An object of finite mass is dropped from the balloon whe
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If qf is the free charge on the capacitor plates and qb is the bound charge on the dielectric slab of dielectric constan
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Consider a planet in some solar system which has a mass double the mass of earth and density equal to the average densit
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Two ideal electric dipoles A and B, having their dipole moment p1 and p2 respectively are placed on a plane with their c
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Two spherical soap bubbles of radii r1 and r2 in vacuum combine under isothermal conditions. The resulting bubble has a
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The force is given in terms of time t and displacement x by the equation F = A cos Bx + C sin DtThe dimensional formula
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An electron moving with speed v and a photon moving with speed c, have same D-Broglie wavelength. The ratio of kinetic e
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The instantaneous velocity of a particle moving in a straight line is given as $$V = \alpha t + \beta {t^2}$$, where $$\
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A ray of light entering from air into a denser medium of refractive index $${4 \over 3}$$, as shown in figure. The light
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When radiation of wavelength $$\lambda$$ is incident on a metallic surface, the stopping potential of ejected photoelect
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Two vectors $$\overrightarrow X $$ and $$\overrightarrow Y $$ have equal magnitude. The magnitude of ($$\overrightarrow
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A system consists of two types of gas molecules A and B having same number density 2 $$\times$$ 1025/m3. The diameter of
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A light beam of wavelength 500 nm is incident on a metal having work function of 1.25 eV, placed in a magnetic field of
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A 16 $$\Omega$$ wire is bend to form a square loop. A 9V supply having internal resistance of 1$$\Omega$$ is connected a
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Two circuits are shown in the figure (a) & (b). At a frequency of ____________ rad/s the average power dissipated in
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From the given data, the amount of energy required to break the nucleus of aluminium $$_{13}^{27}$$Al is __________ x $$
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A force of F = (5y + 20)$$\widehat j$$ N acts on a particle. The work done by this force when the particle is moved from
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A solid disc of radius 20 cm and mass 10 kg is rotating with an angular velocity of 600 rpm, about an axis normal to its
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In a semiconductor, the number density of intrinsic charge carries at 27$$^\circ$$C is 1.5 $$\times$$ 1016/m3. If the se
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