JEE Main 2023 (Online) 10th April Morning Shift
Paper was held on Mon, Apr 10, 2023 3:30 AM
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The compound which does not exist is
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The number of molecules and moles in 2.8375 litres of O$$_2$$ at STP are respectively
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The one that does not stabilize 2$$^\circ$$ and 3$$^\circ$$ structures of proteins is
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The major product 'P' formed in the given reaction is
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Prolonged heating is avoided during the preparation of ferrous ammonium sulphate to :
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Which of the following statements are correct? (A) The M$$^{3+}$$/M$$^{2+}$$ reduction potential for iron is greater tha
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The octahedral diamagnetic low spin complex among the following is :
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Using column chromatography, mixture of two compounds 'A' and 'B' was separated. 'A' eluted first, this indicates 'B' ha
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Given .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;f
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Isomeric amines with molecular formula C$$_8$$H$$_{11}$$N give the following tests Isomer (P) $$\Rightarrow$$ Can be pre
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Aqueous solution of K$$_2$$Cr$$_2$$O$$_7$$ is preferred as a primary stand
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Suitable reaction condition for preparation of Methyl phenyl ether is
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Identify the correct order of reactivity for the following pairs towards the respective mechanism Choose the correct an
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The pair from the following pairs having both compounds with net non-zero dipole moment is
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In potassium ferrocyanide, there are ________ pairs of electrons in the $$t_{2g}$$ set of orbitals.
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The number of bent-shaped molecule/s from the following is __________ N$$_3^-$$, NO$$_2^-$$, I$$_3^-$$, O$$_3$$, SO$$_2$
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The number of correct statement/s involving equilibria in physical processes from the following is ________ (A) Equilibr
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The sum of lone pairs present on the central atom of the interhalogen IF$$_5$$ and IF$$_7$$ is _________
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The number of incorrect statement/s about the black body from the following is __________ (A) Emit or absorb energy in t
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A molecule undergoes two independent first order reactions whose respective half lives are 12 min and 3 min. If both the
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In the following reactions, the total number of oxygen atoms in X and Y is ___________. Na$$_2$$O + H$$_2$$O $$\to$$ 2X
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$$\mathrm{FeO_4^{2 - }\buildrel { + 2.2V} \over \longrightarrow F{e^{3 + }}\buildrel { + 0.70V} \over \longrightarrow
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If the degree of dissociation of aqueous solution of weak monobasic acid is determined to be 0.3, then the observed free
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If $$I(x) = \int {{e^{{{\sin }^2}x}}(\cos x\sin 2x - \sin x)dx} $$ and $$I(0) = 1$$, then $$I\left( {{\pi \over 3}} \ri
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The shortest distance between the lines $${{x + 2} \over 1} = {y \over { - 2}} = {{z - 5} \over 2}$$ and $${{x - 4} \ove
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Let the ellipse $$E:{x^2} + 9{y^2} = 9$$ intersect the positive x and y-axes at the points A and B respectively. Let the
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Let O be the origin and the position vector of the point P be $$ - \widehat i - 2\widehat j + 3\widehat k$$. If the posi
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If $$f(x) = {{(\tan 1^\circ )x + {{\log }_e}(123)} \over {x{{\log }_e}(1234) - (\tan 1^\circ )}},x > 0$$, then the least
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If the coefficient of $${x^7}$$ in $${\left( {ax - {1 \over {b{x^2}}}} \right)^{13}}$$ and the coefficient of $${x^{ - 5
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An arc PQ of a circle subtends a right angle at its centre O. The mid point of the arc PQ is R. If $$\overrightarrow {OP
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Let N denote the sum of the numbers obtained when two dice are rolled. If the probability that $${2^N}
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A square piece of tin of side 30 cm is to be made into a box without top by cutting a square from each corner and foldin
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$$96\cos {\pi \over {33}}\cos {{2\pi } \over {33}}\cos {{4\pi } \over {33}}\cos {{8\pi } \over {33}}\cos {{16\pi } \ove
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For the system of linear equations $$2x - y + 3z = 5$$ $$3x + 2y - z = 7$$ $$4x + 5y + \alpha z = \beta $$, which of the
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A line segment AB of length $$\lambda$$ moves such that the points A and B remain on the periphery of a circle of radius
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Let $$f$$ be a differentiable function such that $${x^2}f(x) - x = 4\int\limits_0^x {tf(t)dt} $$, $$f(1) = {2 \over 3}$$
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Let the first term $$\alpha$$ and the common ratio r of a geometric progression be positive integers. If the sum of squa
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Let the complex number $$z = x + iy$$ be such that $${{2z - 3i} \over {2z + i}}$$ is purely imaginary. If $${x} + {y^2}
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Let $$f:( - 2,2) \to R$$ be defined by $$f(x) = \left\{ {\matrix{ {x[x],} & { - 2
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Let $$y = p(x)$$ be the parabola passing through the points $$( - 1,0),(0,1)$$ and $$(1,0)$$. If the area of the region
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The number of elements in the set $$\{ n \in Z:|{n^2} - 10n + 19|
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If the mean of the frequency distribution .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;b
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The number of permutations, of the digits 1, 2, 3, ..., 7 without repetition, which neither contain the string 153 nor t
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The coefficient of $$x^7$$ in $${(1 - x + 2{x^3})^{10}}$$ is ___________.
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Some couples participated in a mixed doubles badminton tournament. If the number of matches played, so that no couple pl
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Let a, b, c be three distinct positive real numbers such that $${(2a)^{{{\log }_e}a}} = {(bc)^{{{\log }_e}b}}$$ and $${b
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : If the number of turns in the coil of a moving coil galvanometer is double
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A physical quantity P is given as $$P = {{{a^2}{b^3}} \over {c\sqrt d }}$$ The percentage error in the measurement of a,
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Pressure in a reservoir of water is same at all points at the same level o
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The energy of an electromagnetic wave contained in a small volume oscillates with
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The equivalent capacitance of the combination shown is :
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Consider two containers A and B containing monoatomic gases at the same Pressure (P), Volume (V) and Temperature (T). Th
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The range of the projectile projected at an angle of 15$$^\circ$$ with horizontal is 50 m. If the projectile is projecte
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A particle executes S.H.M. of amplitude A along x-axis. At t = 0, the position of the particle is $$x=\frac{A}{2}$$ and
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The de Broglie wavelength of a molecule in a gas at room temperature (300 K) is $$\lambda_1$$. If the temperature of the
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The equivalent resistance of the circuit shown below between points a and b is :
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An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm in front of a plane mirror. The virtual and erect image is formed by the mirr
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Two satellites of masses m and 3m revolve around the earth in circular orbits of radii r & 3r respectively. The ratio of
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The position-time graphs for two students A and B returning from the school to their homes are shown in figure. (A) A l
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The angular momentum for the electron in Bohr's orbit is L. If the electron is assumed to revolve in second orbit of hyd
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Maximum power is dissipated in a circuit containing an inductor, a capacit
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Match List I with List II : .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:so
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Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform mass density, the weight of a body at a depth $$d=\frac{R}{2}$$ from the su
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A zener diode of power rating 1.6 W is to be used as voltage regulator. If the zener diode has a breakdown of 8V and it
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A particle of mass m moving with velocity v collides with a stationary particle of mass 2m. After collision, they stick
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A transverse harmonic wave on a string is given by $$y(x,t) = 5\sin (6t + 0.003x)$$ where x and y are in cm and t in sec
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10 resistors each of resistance 10 $$\Omega$$ can be connected in such as to get maximum and minimum equivalent resistan
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A 1 m long metal rod XY completes the circuit as shown in figure. The plane of the circuit is perpendicular to the magne
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A closed circular tube of average radius 15 cm, whose inner walls are rough, is kept in vertical plane. A block of mass
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Unpolarised light of intensity 32 Wm$$^{-2}$$ passes through the combination of three polaroids such that the pass axis
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Three concentric spherical metallic shells X, Y and Z of radius a, b and c respectively [a
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If the earth suddenly shrinks to $$\frac{1}{64}$$th of its original volume with its mass remaining the same, the period
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The current required to be passed through a solenoid of 15 cm length and 60 turns in order of demagnetise a bar magnet o
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Two wires each of radius 0.2 cm and negligible mass, one made of steel and the other made of brass are loaded as shown i
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