If all the words with or without meaning made using all the letters of the word "KANPUR" are arranged as in a dictionary, then the word at 440th position in this arrangement is :
Let $ P $ be the set of seven digit numbers with sum of their digits equal to 11. If the numbers in $ P $ are formed by using the digits 1, 2 and 3 only, then the number of elements in the set $ P $ is :
Let ${ }^n C_{r-1}=28,{ }^n C_r=56$ and ${ }^n C_{r+1}=70$. Let $A(4 \operatorname{cost}, 4 \sin t), B(2 \sin t,-2 \cos t)$ and $C\left(3 r-n, r^2-n-1\right)$ be the vertices of a triangle $A B C$, where $t$ is a parameter. If $(3 x-1)^2+(3 y)^2$ $=\alpha$, is the locus of the centroid of triangle ABC , then $\alpha$ equals
The number of different 5 digit numbers greater than 50000 that can be formed using the digits 0 , $1,2,3,4,5,6,7$, such that the sum of their first and last digits should not be more than 8 , is