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Trigonometric Equations · Mathematics · JEE Main

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JEE Main 2024 (Online) 9th April Morning Shift
Let $$|\cos \theta \cos (60-\theta) \cos (60+\theta)| \leq \frac{1}{8}, \theta \epsilon[0,2 \pi]$$. Then, the sum of all $$\theta \in[0,2 \pi]$$, wher...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 1st February Evening Shift
The number of solutions of the equation $4 \sin ^2 x-4 \cos ^3 x+9-4 \cos x=0 ; x \in[-2 \pi, 2 \pi]$ is :
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 30th January Morning Shift
If $$2 \sin ^3 x+\sin 2 x \cos x+4 \sin x-4=0$$ has exactly 3 solutions in the interval $$\left[0, \frac{\mathrm{n} \pi}{2}\right], \mathrm{n} \in \ma...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 29th January Evening Shift
The sum of the solutions $$x \in \mathbb{R}$$ of the equation $$\frac{3 \cos 2 x+\cos ^3 2 x}{\cos ^6 x-\sin ^6 x}=x^3-x^2+6$$ is
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 29th January Morning Shift
If $$\alpha,-\frac{\pi}{2}
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 27th January Evening Shift
If $$2 \tan ^2 \theta-5 \sec \theta=1$$ has exactly 7 solutions in the interval $$\left[0, \frac{n \pi}{2}\right]$$, for the least value of $$n \in \m...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 11th April Morning Shift
The number of elements in the set $$S=\left\{\theta \in[0,2 \pi]: 3 \cos ^{4} \theta-5 \cos ^{2} \theta-2 \sin ^{6} \theta+2=0\right\}$$ is :...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 10th April Evening Shift
Let $$S=\left\{x \in\left(-\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}\right): 9^{1-\tan ^{2} x}+9^{\tan ^{2} x}=10\right\}$$ and $$\beta=\sum_\limits{x \in S} \tan...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th July Evening Shift
The number of elements in the set $$S=\left\{x \in \mathbb{R}: 2 \cos \left(\frac{x^{2}+x}{6}\right)=4^{x}+4^{-x}\right\}$$ is :
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th July Evening Shift
Let $$S=\left\{\theta \in\left(0, \frac{\pi}{2}\right): \sum\limits_{m=1}^{9} \sec \left(\theta+(m-1) \frac{\pi}{6}\right) \sec \left(\theta+\frac{m \...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th July Morning Shift
Let $$S=\left\{\theta \in[0,2 \pi]: 8^{2 \sin ^{2} \theta}+8^{2 \cos ^{2} \theta}=16\right\} .$$ Then $$n(s) + \sum\limits_{\theta \in S}^{} {\left( ...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th July Morning Shift
The number of solutions of $$|\cos x|=\sin x$$, such that $$-4 \pi \leq x \leq 4 \pi$$ is :
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th June Evening Shift
Let for some real numbers $$\alpha$$ and $$\beta$$, $$a = \alpha - i\beta $$. If the system of equations $$4ix + (1 + i)y = 0$$ and $$8\left( {\cos {...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 24th June Evening Shift
The number of solutions of the equation $$\cos \left( {x + {\pi \over 3}} \right)\cos \left( {{\pi \over 3} - x} \right) = {1 \over 4}{\cos ^2}2x$$,...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 24th June Morning Shift
Let $$S = \left\{ {\theta \in [ - \pi ,\pi ] - \left\{ { \pm \,\,{\pi \over 2}} \right\}:\sin \theta \tan \theta + \tan \theta = \sin 2\theta } \r...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 1st September Evening Shift
If n is the number of solutions of the equation $$2\cos x\left( {4\sin \left( {{\pi \over 4} + x} \right)\sin \left( {{\pi \over 4} - x} \right) - 1...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 31st August Evening Shift
The number of solutions of the equation $${32^{{{\tan }^2}x}} + {32^{{{\sec }^2}x}} = 81,\,0 \le x \le {\pi \over 4}$$ is :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th August Morning Shift
The sum of solutions of the equation $${{\cos x} \over {1 + \sin x}} = \left| {\tan 2x} \right|$$, $$x \in \left( { - {\pi \over 2},{\pi \over 2}} \...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 25th July Morning Shift
The sum of all values of x in [0, 2$$\pi$$], for which sin x + sin 2x + sin 3x + sin 4x = 0, is equal to :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 22th July Evening Shift
The number of solutions of sin7x + cos7x = 1, x$$\in$$ [0, 4$$\pi$$] is equal to
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 17th March Evening Shift
The number of solutions of the equation x + 2tanx = $${\pi \over 2}$$ in the interval [0, 2$$\pi$$] is :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 16th March Morning Shift
The number of roots of the equation, (81)sin2x + (81)cos2x = 30 in the interval [ 0, $$\pi$$ ] is equal to :...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 25th February Morning Shift
All possible values of $$\theta$$ $$\in$$ [0, 2$$\pi$$] for which sin 2$$\theta$$ + tan 2$$\theta$$ > 0 lie in :
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 12th April Evening Slot
If [x] denotes the greatest integer $$ \le $$ x, then the system of linear equations [sin $$\theta $$]x + [–cos$$\theta $$]y = 0, [cot$$\theta $$]x + ...
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 12th April Evening Slot
Let S be the set of all $$\alpha $$ $$ \in $$ R such that the equation, cos2x + $$\alpha $$sinx = 2$$\alpha $$– 7 has a solution. Then S is equal to :
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 12th April Morning Slot
The number of solutions of the equation 1 + sin4 x = cos23x, $$x \in \left[ { - {{5\pi } \over 2},{{5\pi } \over 2}} \right]$$ is :...
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot
Let S = {$$\theta $$ $$ \in $$ [–2$$\pi $$, 2$$\pi $$] : 2cos2$$\theta $$ + 3sin$$\theta $$ = 0}. Then the sum of the elements of S is
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 10th January Morning Slot
The sum of all values of $$\theta $$ $$ \in $$$$\left( {0,{\pi \over 2}} \right)$$ satisfying sin2 2$$\theta $$ + cos4 2$$\theta $$ = $${3 \over 4}$$...
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 9th January Evening Slot
If  0 $$ \le $$ x < $${\pi \over 2}$$,  then the number of values of x for which sin x $$-$$ sin 2x + sin 3x = 0, is :
JEE Main 2018 (Offline)
If sum of all the solutions of the equation $$8\cos x.\left( {\cos \left( {{\pi \over 6} + x} \right).\cos \left( {{\pi \over 6} - x} \right) - {1 \...
JEE Main 2018 (Online) 15th April Evening Slot
The number of solutions of sin3x = cos 2x, in the interval $$\left( {{\pi \over 2},\pi } \right)$$ is :
JEE Main 2016 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot
The number of x $$ \in $$ [0,   2$$\pi $$ ] for which $$\left| {\sqrt {2{{\sin }^4}x + 18{{\cos }^2}x} - \sqrt {2{{\cos }^4}x + 18{{\sin }^2}x...
JEE Main 2016 (Offline)
If $$0 \le x < 2\pi $$, then the number of real values of $$x$$, which satisfy the equation $$\,\cos x + \cos 2x + \cos 3x + \cos 4x = 0$$ is:
AIEEE 2006
The number of values of $$x$$ in the interval $$\left[ {0,3\pi } \right]\,$$ satisfying the equation $$2{\sin ^2}x + 5\sin x - 3 = 0$$ is
AIEEE 2002
The number of solution of $$\tan \,x + \sec \,x = 2\cos \,x$$ in $$\left[ {0,\,2\,\pi } \right]$$ is


JEE Main 2024 (Online) 5th April Evening Shift
The number of solutions of $$\sin ^2 x+\left(2+2 x-x^2\right) \sin x-3(x-1)^2=0$$, where $$-\pi \leq x \leq \pi$$, is ________.
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 4th April Evening Shift
Let $$S=\left\{\sin ^2 2 \theta:\left(\sin ^4 \theta+\cos ^4 \theta\right) x^2+(\sin 2 \theta) x+\left(\sin ^6 \theta+\cos ^6 \theta\right)=0\right.$$...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 25th January Evening Shift
If m and n respectively are the numbers of positive and negative values of $$\theta$$ in the interval $$[-\pi,\pi]$$ that satisfy the equation $$\cos ...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 24th January Evening Shift
Let $$\mathrm{S = \{ \theta \in [0,2\pi ):\tan (\pi \cos \theta ) + \tan (\pi \sin \theta ) = 0\}}$$. Then $$\sum\limits_{\theta \in S} {{{\sin }^2}...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th July Morning Shift
Let $$S=\left\{\theta \in(0,2 \pi): 7 \cos ^{2} \theta-3 \sin ^{2} \theta-2 \cos ^{2} 2 \theta=2\right\}$$. Then, the sum of roots of all the equation...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th July Evening Shift
Let $$S=\left[-\pi, \frac{\pi}{2}\right)-\left\{-\frac{\pi}{2},-\frac{\pi}{4},-\frac{3 \pi}{4}, \frac{\pi}{4}\right\}$$. Then the number of elements i...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th July Evening Shift
If the sum of solutions of the system of equations $$2 \sin ^{2} \theta-\cos 2 \theta=0$$ and $$2 \cos ^{2} \theta+3 \sin \theta=0$$ in the interval $...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 30th June Morning Shift
Let $${S_1} = \{ x \in [0,12\pi ]:{\sin ^5}x + {\cos ^5}x = 1\} $$ and $${S_2} = \{ x \in [0,8\pi ]:{\sin ^7}x + {\cos ^7}x = 1\} $$ Then $$n({S_1}) -...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th June Evening Shift
The number of solutions of the equation $$\sin x = {\cos ^2}x$$ in the interval (0, 10) is _________.
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th June Morning Shift
The number of elements in the set $$S = \{ \theta \in [ - 4\pi ,4\pi ]:3{\cos ^2}2\theta + 6\cos 2\theta - 10{\cos ^2}\theta + 5 = 0\} $$ is _____...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th June Morning Shift
The number of solutions of the equation $$2\theta - {\cos ^2}\theta + \sqrt 2 = 0$$ in R is equal to ___________.
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift
The number of values of x in the interval $$\left( {{\pi \over 4},{{7\pi } \over 4}} \right)$$ for which $$14\cos e{c^2}x - 2{\sin ^2}x = 21 - 4{\cos...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 27th August Evening Shift
Let S be the sum of all solutions (in radians) of the equation $${\sin ^4}\theta + {\cos ^4}\theta - \sin \theta \cos \theta = 0$$ in [0, 4$$\pi$$]...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 18th March Morning Shift
The number of solutions of the equation $$|\cot x| = \cot x + {1 \over {\sin x}}$$ in the interval [ 0, 2$$\pi$$ ] is
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th February Morning Shift
If $$\sqrt 3 ({\cos ^2}x) = (\sqrt 3 - 1)\cos x + 1$$, the number of solutions of the given equation when $$x \in \left[ {0,{\pi \over 2}} \right]$$...
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