Work Power & Energy · Physics · JEE Main

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JEE Main 2024 (Online) 9th April Evening Shift
A force $$(3 x^2+2 x-5) \mathrm{N}$$ displaces a body from $$x=2 \mathrm{~m}$$ to $$x=4 \mathrm{~m}$$. Work done by this force is ________ J.
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 15th April Morning Shift
A block of mass $10 \mathrm{~kg}$ is moving along $\mathrm{x}$-axis under the action of force $F=5 x~ N$. The work done by the force in moving the blo...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 13th April Evening Shift
A car accelerates from rest to $$u \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$$. The energy spent in this process is E J. The energy required to accelerate the car from...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 12th April Morning Shift
To maintain a speed of 80 km/h by a bus of mass 500 kg on a plane rough road for 4 km distance, the work done by the engine of the bus will be _______...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 11th April Evening Shift
A block of mass $$5 \mathrm{~kg}$$ starting from rest pulled up on a smooth incline plane making an angle of $$30^{\circ}$$ with horizontal with an af...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 11th April Morning Shift
A force $$\vec{F}=(2+3 x) \hat{i}$$ acts on a particle in the $$x$$ direction where F is in newton and $$x$$ is in meter. The work done by this force ...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 10th April Evening Shift
If the maximum load carried by an elevator is $$1400 \mathrm{~kg}$$ ( $$600 \mathrm{~kg}$$ - Passengers + 800 $$\mathrm{kg}$$ - elevator), which is mo...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 10th April Morning Shift
A closed circular tube of average radius 15 cm, whose inner walls are rough, is kept in vertical plane. A block of mass 1 kg just fit inside the tube....
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 8th April Evening Shift
A body of mass $$5 \mathrm{~kg}$$ is moving with a momentum of $$10 \mathrm{~kg} \mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$$. Now a force of $$2 \mathrm{~N}$$ acts on the bod...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 6th April Evening Shift
A body is dropped on ground from a height '$$h_{1}$$' and after hitting the ground, it rebounds to a height '$$h_{2}$$'. If the ratio of velocities of...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 6th April Morning Shift
A particle of mass $$10 \mathrm{~g}$$ moves in a straight line with retardation $$2 x$$, where $$x$$ is the displacement in SI units. Its loss of kine...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 1st February Evening Shift
A block is fastened to a horizontal spring. The block is pulled to a distance $$x=10 \mathrm{~cm}$$ from its equilibrium position (at $$x=0$$) on a fr...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 1st February Evening Shift
A force $$\mathrm{F}=\left(5+3 y^{2}\right)$$ acts on a particle in the $$y$$-direction, where $$\mathrm{F}$$ is in newton and $$y$$ is in meter. The ...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 1st February Morning Shift
A small particle moves to position $$5 \hat{i}-2 \hat{j}+\hat{k}$$ from its initial position $$2 \hat{i}+3 \hat{j}-4 \hat{k}$$ under the action of for...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 31st January Morning Shift
A lift of mass $$\mathrm{M}=500 \mathrm{~kg}$$ is descending with speed of $$2 \mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$$. Its supporting cable begins to slip thus allowing ...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 30th January Evening Shift
A body of mass $2 \mathrm{~kg}$ is initially at rest. It starts moving unidirectionally under the influence of a source of constant power P. Its displ...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 29th January Morning Shift
A 0.4 kg mass takes 8s to reach ground when dropped from a certain height 'P' above surface of earth. The loss of potential energy in the last second ...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 25th January Morning Shift
An object of mass 'm' initially at rest on a smooth horizontal plane starts moving under the action of force F = 2N. In the process of its linear moti...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 24th January Evening Shift
A body of mass 1kg begins to move under the action of a time dependent force $$\overrightarrow F = \left( {t\widehat i + 3{t^2}\,\widehat j} \right)$...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 24th January Morning Shift
A spherical body of mass 2 kg starting from rest acquires a kinetic energy of 10000 J at the end of $$\mathrm{5^{th}}$$ second. The force acted on the...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th July Morning Shift
A block of mass '$$\mathrm{m}$$' (as shown in figure) moving with kinetic energy E compresses a spring through a distance $$25 \mathrm{~cm}$$ when, it...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift
A uniform chain of 6 m length is placed on a table such that a part of its length is hanging over the edge of the table. The system is at rest. The co...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift
A 0.5 kg block moving at a speed of 12 ms$$-$$1 compresses a spring through a distance 30 cm when its speed is halved. The spring constant of the spri...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 24th June Morning Shift
A ball of mass 100 g is dropped from a height h = 10 cm on a platform fixed at the top of a vertical spring (as shown in figure). The ball stays on th...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 1st September Evening Shift
An engine is attached to a wagon through a shock absorber of length 1.5 m. The system with a total mass of 40,000 kg is moving with a speed of 72 kmh$...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 31st August Morning Shift
A block moving horizontally on a smooth surface with a speed of 40 ms$$-$$1 splits into two equal parts. If one of the parts moves at 60 ms$$-$$1 in t...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 27th August Morning Shift
Two persons A and B perform same amount of work in moving a body through a certain distance d with application of forces acting at angle 45$$^\circ$$ ...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th August Morning Shift
A uniform chain of length 3 meter and mass 3 kg overhangs a smooth table with 2 meter lying on the table. If k is the kinetic energy of the chain in j...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 27th July Evening Shift
A small block slides down from the top of hemisphere of radius R = 3 m as shown in the figure. The height 'h' at which the block will lose contact wit...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 25th July Evening Shift
A force of F = (5y + 20)$$\widehat j$$ N acts on a particle. The work done by this force when the particle is moved from y = 0 m to y = 10 m is ______...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 20th July Morning Shift
In a spring gun having spring constant 100 N/m a small ball 'B' of mass 100 g is put in its barrel (as shown in figure) by compressing the spring thro...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 18th March Evening Shift
A ball of mass 4 kg, moving with a velocity of 10 ms$$-$$1, collides with a spring of length 8 m and force constant 100 Nm$$-$$1. The length of the co...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 18th March Morning Shift
As shown in the figure, a particle of mass 10 kg is placed at a point A. When the particle is slightly displaced to its right, it starts moving and re...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 25th February Morning Shift
The potential energy (U) of a diatomic molecule is a function dependent on r (interatomic distance) as $$U = {\alpha \over {{r^{10}}}} - {\beta \ove...
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 5th September Evening Slot
A body of mass 2 kg is driven by an engine delivering a constant power of 1 J/s. The body starts from rest and moves in a straight line. After 9 secon...
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 3rd September Evening Slot
A block starts moving up an inclined plane of inclination 30o with an initial velocity of v0 . It comes back to its initial position with velocity $${...
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 3rd September Morning Slot
A cricket ball of mass 0.15 kg is thrown vertically up by a bowling machine so that it rises to a maximum height of 20 m after leaving the machine. If...
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 2nd September Morning Slot
A small block starts slipping down from a point B on an inclined plane AB, which is making an angle $$\theta $$ with the horizontal section BC is smo...
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 7th January Morning Slot
A particle (m = 1 kg) slides down a frictionless track (AOC) starting from rest at a point A (height 2 m). After reaching C, the particle continues to...

MCQ (Single Correct Answer)

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 9th April Morning Shift
A particle of mass $$m$$ moves on a straight line with its velocity increasing with distance according to the equation $$v=\alpha \sqrt{x}$$, where $$...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 8th April Evening Shift
A block is simply released from the top of an inclined plane as shown in the figure above. The maximum compression in the spring when the block hits ...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 6th April Evening Shift
When kinetic energy of a body becomes 36 times of its original value, the percentage increase in the momentum of the body will be :
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 6th April Morning Shift
A bullet of mass $$50 \mathrm{~g}$$ is fired with a speed $$100 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$$ on a plywood and emerges with $$40 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 6th April Morning Shift
Four particles $$A, B, C, D$$ of mass $$\frac{m}{2}, m, 2 m, 4 m$$, have same momentum, respectively. The particle with maximum kinetic energy is :...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 5th April Evening Shift
A body is moving unidirectionally under the influence of a constant power source. Its displacement in time t is proportional to :
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 5th April Morning Shift
A body of mass $$50 \mathrm{~kg}$$ is lifted to a height of $$20 \mathrm{~m}$$ from the ground in the two different ways as shown in the figures. The ...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 4th April Evening Shift
A body of $$m \mathrm{~kg}$$ slides from rest along the curve of vertical circle from point $$A$$ to $$B$$ in friction less path. The velocity of the ...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 4th April Morning Shift
If a rubber ball falls from a height $$h$$ and rebounds upto the height of $$h / 2$$. The percentage loss of total energy of the initial system as wel...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 31st January Evening Shift
A body of mass $$2 \mathrm{~kg}$$ begins to move under the action of a time dependent force given by $$\vec{F}=\left(6 t \hat{i}+6 t^2 \hat{j}\right) ...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 30th January Evening Shift
A block of mass $$1 \mathrm{~kg}$$ is pushed up a surface inclined to horizontal at an angle of $$60^{\circ}$$ by a force of $$10 \mathrm{~N}$$ parall...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 30th January Morning Shift
A particle is placed at the point $$A$$ of a frictionless track $$A B C$$ as shown in figure. It is gently pushed towards right. The speed of the part...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 29th January Evening Shift
A bob of mass '$$m$$' is suspended by a light string of length '$$L$$'. It is imparted a minimum horizontal velocity at the lowest point $$A$$ such th...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 29th January Morning Shift
A block of mass $$100 \mathrm{~kg}$$ slides over a distance of $$10 \mathrm{~m}$$ on a horizontal surface. If the co-efficient of friction between the...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 29th January Morning Shift
The potential energy function (in $$J$$ ) of a particle in a region of space is given as $$U=\left(2 x^2+3 y^3+2 z\right)$$. Here $$x, y$$ and $$z$$ a...
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 27th January Evening Shift
A bullet is fired into a fixed target looses one third of its velocity after travelling $$4 \mathrm{~cm}$$. It penetrates further $$\mathrm{D} \times ...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 13th April Morning Shift
The ratio of powers of two motors is $$\frac{3 \sqrt{x}}{\sqrt{x}+1}$$, that are capable of raising $$300 \mathrm{~kg}$$ water in 5 minutes and $$50 \...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 13th April Morning Shift
Two bodies are having kinetic energies in the ratio 16 : 9. If they have same linear momentum, the ratio of their masses respectively is :
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 12th April Morning Shift
Given below are two statements: Statement I : A truck and a car moving with same kinetic energy are brought to rest by applying breaks which provide e...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 8th April Evening Shift
A bullet of mass $$0.1 \mathrm{~kg}$$ moving horizontally with speed $$400 \mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$$ hits a wooden block of mass $$3.9 \mathrm{~kg}$$ kept o...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 29th January Evening Shift
Identify the correct statements from the following : A. Work done by a man in lifting a bucket out of a well by means of a rope tied to the bucket is ...
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 29th January Morning Shift
A stone is projected at angle $$30^{\circ}$$ to the horizontal. The ratio of kinetic energy of the stone at point of projection to its kinetic energy ...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th July Morning Shift
A ball is projected with kinetic energy E, at an angle of $$60^{\circ}$$ to the horizontal. The kinetic energy of this ball at the highest point of it...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th July Evening Shift
A bullet of mass $$200 \mathrm{~g}$$ having initial kinetic energy $$90 \mathrm{~J}$$ is shot inside a long swimming pool as shown in the figure. If i...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th July Morning Shift
Sand is being dropped from a stationary dropper at a rate of $$0.5 \,\mathrm{kgs}^{-1}$$ on a conveyor belt moving with a velocity of $$5 \mathrm{~ms}...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th July Morning Shift
As per the given figure, two blocks each of mass $$250 \mathrm{~g}$$ are connected to a spring of spring constant $$2 \,\mathrm{Nm}^{-1}$$. If both ar...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th July Evening Shift
A bag of sand of mass 9.8 kg is suspended by a rope. A bullet of 200 g travelling with speed 10 ms$$-$$1 gets embedded in it, then loss of kinetic ene...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th July Morning Shift
A body of mass $$0.5 \mathrm{~kg}$$ travels on straight line path with velocity $$v=\left(3 x^{2}+4\right) \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}$$. The net workdone...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th June Evening Shift
In the given figure, the block of mass m is dropped from the point 'A'. The expression for kinetic energy of block when it reaches point 'B' is ...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th June Morning Shift
A particle of mass 500 gm is moving in a straight line with velocity v = b x5/2. The work done by the net force during its displacement from x = 0 to ...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th June Evening Shift
Arrange the four graphs in descending order of total work done; where W1, W2, W3 and W4 are the work done corresponding to figure a, b, c and d respec...
JEE Main 2022 (Online) 24th June Morning Shift
A particle experiences a variable force $$\overrightarrow F = \left( {4x\widehat i + 3{y^2}\widehat j} \right)$$ in a horizontal x-y plane. Assume di...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 1st September Evening Shift
A body of mass 'm' dropped from a height 'h' reaches the ground with a speed of 0.8$$\sqrt {gh} $$. The value of workdone by the air-friction is :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 31st August Evening Shift
A block moving horizontally on a smooth surface with a speed of 40 m/s splits into two parts with masses in the ratio of 1 : 2. If the smaller part mo...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 27th July Evening Shift
Given below is the plot of a potential energy function U(x) for a system, in which a particle is in one dimensional motion, while a conservative force...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 27th July Evening Shift
An automobile of mass 'm' accelerates starting from origin and initially at rest, while the engine supplies constant power P. The position is given as...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 22th July Evening Shift
A porter lifts a heavy suitcase of mass 80 kg and at the destination lowers it down by a distance of 80 cm with a constant velocity. Calculate the wor...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 20th July Evening Shift
A body at rest is moved along a horizontal straight line by a machine delivering a constant power. The distance moved by the body in time 't' is propo...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 18th March Morning Shift
A constant power delivering machine has towed a box, which was initially at rest, along a horizontal straight line. The distance moved by the box in t...
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 17th March Morning Shift
A boy is rolling a 0.5 kg ball on the frictionless floor with the speed of 20 ms-1. The ball gets deflected by an obstacle on the way. After deflectio...
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 6th September Morning Slot
If the potential energy between two molecules is given by U = $$ - {A \over {{r^6}}} + {B \over {{r^{12}}}}$$, then at equilibrium, separation between...
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 4th September Evening Slot
A person pushes a box on a rough horizontal plateform surface. He applies a force of 200 N over a distance of 15 m. Thereafter, he gets progressively ...
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 3rd September Evening Slot
A particle is moving unidirectionally on a horizontal plane under the action of a constant power supplying energy source. The displacement (s) - time ...
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 9th January Morning Slot
Consider a force $$\overrightarrow F = - x\widehat i + y\widehat j$$ . The work done by this force in moving a particle from point A(1, 0) to B(0, 1...
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 7th January Evening Slot
An elevator in a building can carry a maximum of 10 persons, with the average mass of each person being 68 kg, The mass of the elevator itself is 920 ...
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 7th January Morning Slot
A 60 HP electric motor lifts an elevator having a maximum total load capacity of 2000 kg. If the frictional force on the elevator is 4000 N, the speed...
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot
A uniform cable of mass 'M' and length 'L' is placed on a horizontal surface such that its (1/n)th part is hanging below the edge of the surface. To l...
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 8th April Morning Slot
A particle moves in one dimension from rest under the influence of a force that varies with the distance travelled by the particle as shown in the fig...
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 10th January Evening Slot
A particle which is experiencing a force, given by $$\overrightarrow F = 3\widehat i - 12\widehat j,$$ undergoes a displacement of $$\overrightarrow ...
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 10th January Morning Slot
A block of mass m is kept on a platform which starts from rest with constant acceleration g/2 upward, as shown in figure. Work done by normal reaction...
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 9th January Evening Slot
A force acts on a 2 kg object so that its position is given as a function of time as x = 3t2 + 5. What is the work done by this force in first 5 secon...
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 9th January Morning Slot
A block of mass m, lying on a smooth horizontal surface, is attached to a sring (of negligible mass) of spring constant k. The other end of the spring...
JEE Main 2018 (Online) 16th April Morning Slot
Two particles of the same mass m are moving in circular orbits because of force, given by $$F\left( r \right) = {{ - 16} \over r} - {r^3}$$ The first ...
JEE Main 2018 (Online) 16th April Morning Slot
A body of mass m starts moving from rest along x-axis so that its velocity varies as $$\upsilon = a\sqrt s $$ where a is a constant and s is the dist...
JEE Main 2018 (Offline)
A particle is moving in a circular path of radius $$a$$ under the action of an attractive potential $$U = - {k \over {2{r^2}}}$$ Its total energy is:
JEE Main 2017 (Online) 8th April Morning Slot
An object is dropped from a height h from the ground. Every time it hits the ground it looses 50% of its kinetic energy. The total distance covered as...
JEE Main 2017 (Offline)
A body of mass m = 10–2 kg is moving in a medium and experiences a frictional force F = –kv2. Its initial speed is v0 = 10 ms–1. If, after 10 s, its e...
JEE Main 2017 (Offline)
A time dependent force F = 6t acts on a particle of mass 1 kg. If the particle starts from rest, the work done by the force during the first 1 sec. wi...
JEE Main 2016 (Online) 10th April Morning Slot
A particle of mass M is moving in a circle of fixed radius R in such a way that its centripetal acceleration at time t is given by n2 R t2 where n is ...
JEE Main 2016 (Online) 10th April Morning Slot
Velocity-time graph for a body of mass 10 kg is shown in figure. Work-done on the body in first two seconds of the motion is : ...
JEE Main 2016 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot
A car of weight W is on an inclined road that rises by 100 m over a distance of 1 km and applies a constant frictional force $${W \over 20}$$ on the c...
JEE Main 2016 (Offline)
A person trying to lose weight by burning fat lifts a mass of $$10$$ $$kg$$ upto a height of $$1$$ $$m$$ $$1000$$ times. Assume that the potential ene...
JEE Main 2016 (Offline)
A point particle of mass $$m,$$ moves long the uniformly rough track $$PQR$$ as shown in the figure. The coefficient of friction, between the particle...
JEE Main 2014 (Offline)
When a rubber-band is stretched by a distance $$x$$, it exerts restoring force of magnitude $$F = ax + b{x^2}$$ where $$a$$ and $$b$$ are constants. T...
AIEEE 2012
This question has Statement $$1$$ and Statement $$2.$$ Of the four choices given after the Statements, choose the one that best describes the two Stat...
AIEEE 2010
The potential energy function for the force between two atoms in a diatomic molecule is approximately given by $$U\left( x \right) = {a \over {{x^{12}...
AIEEE 2008
An athlete in the olympic games covers a distance of $$100$$ $$m$$ in $$10$$ $$s.$$ His kinetic energy can be estimated to be in the range
AIEEE 2007
A particle is projected at $$60^\circ $$ to the horizontal with a kinetic energy K. The kinetic energy at the highest point is
AIEEE 2007
A $$2$$ $$kg$$ block slides on a horizontal floor with a speed of $$4m/s.$$ It strikes a uncompressed spring, and compress it till the block is motion...
AIEEE 2006
A mass of $$M$$ $$kg$$ is suspended by a weightless string. The horizontal force that is required to displace it until the string makes an angle of $$...
AIEEE 2006
A ball of mass $$0.2$$ $$kg$$ is thrown vertically upwards by applying a force by hand. If the hand moves $$0.2$$ $$m$$ while applying the force and t...
AIEEE 2006
A particle of mass $$100g$$ is thrown vertically upwards with a speed of $$5$$ $$m/s$$. The work done by the force of gravity during the time the part...
AIEEE 2006
The potential energy of a $$1$$ $$kg$$ particle free to move along the $$x$$-axis is given by $$V\left( x \right) = \left( {{{{x^4}} \over 4} - {{{x^2...
AIEEE 2005
A bullet fired into a fixed target loses half of its velocity after penetrating $$3$$ $$cm.$$ How much further it will penetrate before coming to rest...
AIEEE 2005
The upper half of an inclined plane with inclination $$\phi $$ is perfectly smooth while the lower half is rough. A body starting from rest at the top...
AIEEE 2005
A body of mass $$m$$ is accelerated uniformly from rest to a speed $$v$$ in a time $$T.$$ The instantaneous power delivered to the body as a function ...
AIEEE 2005
A spherical ball of mass $$20$$ $$kg$$ is stationary at the top of a hill of height $$100$$ $$m$$. It rolls down a smooth surface to the ground, then...
AIEEE 2004
A particle moves in a straight line with retardation proportional to its displacement. Its loss of kinetic energy for any displacement $$x$$ is propor...
AIEEE 2004
A uniform chain of length $$2$$ $$m$$ is kept on a table such that a length of $$60$$ $$cm$$ hangs freely from the edge of the table. The total mass ...
AIEEE 2004
A force $$\overrightarrow F = \left( {5\overrightarrow i + 3\overrightarrow j + 2\overrightarrow k } \right)N$$ is applied over a particle which di...
AIEEE 2004
A body of mass $$' m ',$$ acceleration uniformly from rest to $$'{v_1}'$$ in time $${T}$$. The instantaneous power delivered to the body as a function...
AIEEE 2004
A particle is acted upon by a force of constant magnitude which is always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle, the motion of the particles t...
AIEEE 2003
A spring of spring constant $$5 \times {10^3}\,N/m$$ is stretched initially by $$5$$ $$cm$$ from the unstretched position. Then the work required to s...
AIEEE 2003
A wire suspended vertically from one of its ends is stretched by attaching a weight of $$200N$$ to the lower end. The weight stretches the wire by $$1...
AIEEE 2003
A body is moved along a straight line by a machine delivering a constant power. The distance moved by the body in time $$'t'$$ is proportional to
AIEEE 2002
A ball whose kinetic energy E, is projected at an angle of $$45^\circ $$ to the horizontal. The kinetic energy of the ball at the highest point of its...
AIEEE 2002
If a body looses half of its velocity on penetrating $$3$$ $$cm$$ in a wooden block, then how much will it penetrate more before coming to rest?
AIEEE 2002
A spring of force constant $$800$$ $$N/m$$ has an extension of $$5$$ $$cm.$$ The work done in extending it from $$5$$ $$cm$$ to $$15$$ $$cm$$ is
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