MCQ (Single Correct Answer)


Match List - I with List - II.

List - I List - II
(A) Young’s Modulus (I) M L-1 T-1
(B) Torque (II) M L-1 T-2
(C) Coefficient of Viscosity (III) M-1 L3 T-2
(D) Gravitational Constant (IV) M L2 T-2

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 29th January Evening Shift

The pair of physical quantities not having the same dimensions is :

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 29th January Morning Shift

The expression given below shows the variation of velocity (v) with time (t),


The dimension of ABC is :

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 29th January Morning Shift

Match List - I with List - II.

List - I List - II
(A) Angular Impulse (I) M0 L2 T-2
(B) Latent Heat (II) M L2 T-3 A-1
(C) Electrical resistivity (III) M L2 T-1
(D) Electromotive force (IV) M L3 T-3 A-2

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 28th January Evening Shift

For an experimental expression $y=\frac{32.3 \times 1125}{27.4}$, where all the digits are significant. Then to report the value of $y$ we should write

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 24th January Morning Shift
The energy of a system is given as $\mathrm{E}(\mathrm{t})=\alpha^3 \mathrm{e}^{-\beta t}$, where t is the time and $\beta=0.3 \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$. The errors in the measurement of $\alpha$ and $t$ are $1.2 \%$ and $1.6 \%$, respectively. At $t=5 \mathrm{~s}$, maximum percentage error in the energy is :
JEE Main 2025 (Online) 23rd January Evening Shift

Match List - I with List - II

List - I List - II
(A) Permeability of free space (I) $\left[\mathrm{M} \mathrm{L}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]$
(B) Magnetic field (II) $\left[\mathrm{M} \mathrm{T}^{-2} \mathrm{~A}^{-1}\right]$
(C) Magnetic moment (III) $\left[\mathrm{M} \mathrm{L} \mathrm{T}^{-2} \mathrm{~A}^{-2}\right]$
(D) Torsional constant (IV) $\left[\mathrm{L}^2 \mathrm{~A}\right]$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 23rd January Evening Shift

The position of a particle moving on $x$-axis is given by $x(t)=A \sin t+B \cos ^2 t+C t^2+D$, where $t$ is time. The dimension of $\frac{A B C}{D}$ is

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 23rd January Morning Shift

The maximum percentage error in the measurment of density of a wire is [Given, mass of wire $=(0.60 \pm 0.003) \mathrm{g}$ radius of wire $=(0.50 \pm 0.01) \mathrm{cm}$ length of wire $=(10.00 \pm 0.05) \mathrm{cm}]$

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 22nd January Evening Shift

If $B$ is magnetic field and $\mu_0$ is permeability of free space, then the dimensions of $\left(B / \mu_0\right)$ is

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 22nd January Morning Shift

Given below are two statements :

Statement I: In a vernier callipers, one vernier scale division is always smaller than one main scale division.

Statement II : The vernier constant is given by one main scale division multiplied by the number of vernier scale divisions.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 22nd January Morning Shift

The de-Broglie wavelength associated with a particle of mass $$m$$ and energy $$E$$ is $$h / \sqrt{2 m E}$$. The dimensional formula for Planck's constant is :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 9th April Evening Shift

The dimensional formula of latent heat is :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 9th April Morning Shift

One main scale division of a vernier caliper is equal to $$\mathrm{m}$$ units. If $$\mathrm{n}^{\text {th }}$$ division of main scale coincides with $$(n+1)^{\text {th }}$$ division of vernier scale, the least count of the vernier caliper is :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 9th April Morning Shift

If $$\epsilon_{\mathrm{o}}$$ is the permittivity of free space and $$\mathrm{E}$$ is the electric field, then $$\epsilon_{\mathrm{o}} \mathrm{E}^2$$ has the dimensions :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 8th April Evening Shift

There are 100 divisions on the circular scale of a screw gauge of pitch $$1 \mathrm{~mm}$$. With no measuring quantity in between the jaws, the zero of the circular scale lies 5 divisions below the reference line. The diameter of a wire is then measured using this screw gauge. It is found that 4 linear scale divisions are clearly visible while 60 divisions on circular scale coincide with the reference line. The diameter of the wire is :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 8th April Evening Shift

Least count of a vernier caliper is $$\frac{1}{20 \mathrm{~N}} \mathrm{~cm}$$. The value of one division on the main scale is $$1 \mathrm{~mm}$$. Then the number of divisions of main scale that coincide with $$\mathrm{N}$$ divisions of vernier scale is :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 8th April Evening Shift

In an expression $$a \times 10^b$$ :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 8th April Morning Shift

The diameter of a sphere is measured using a vernier caliper whose 9 divisions of main scale are equal to 10 divisions of vernier scale. The shortest division on the main scale is equal to $$1 \mathrm{~mm}$$. The main scale reading is $$2 \mathrm{~cm}$$ and second division of vernier scale coincides with a division on main scale. If mass of the sphere is 8.635 $$\mathrm{g}$$, the density of the sphere is:

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 8th April Morning Shift

In a vernier calliper, when both jaws touch each other, zero of the vernier scale shifts towards left and its $$4^{\text {th }}$$ division coincides exactly with a certain division on main scale. If 50 vernier scale divisions equal to 49 main scale divisions and zero error in the instrument is $$0.04 \mathrm{~mm}$$ then how many main scale divisions are there in $$1 \mathrm{~cm}$$ ?

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 6th April Evening Shift

In finding out refractive index of glass slab the following observations were made through travelling microscope 50 vernier scale division $$=49 \mathrm{~MSD} ; 20$$ divisions on main scale in each $$\mathrm{cm}$$

For mark on paper

$$\text { MSR }=8.45 \mathrm{~cm}, \mathrm{VC}=26$$

For mark on paper seen through slab

$$\mathrm{MSR}=7.12 \mathrm{~cm}, \mathrm{VC}=41$$

For powder particle on the top surface of the glass slab

$$\text { MSR }=4.05 \mathrm{~cm}, \mathrm{VC}=1$$

(MSR $$=$$ Main Scale Reading, VC = Vernier Coincidence)

Refractive index of the glass slab is :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 6th April Evening Shift

To find the spring constant $$(k)$$ of a spring experimentally, a student commits $$2 \%$$ positive error in the measurement of time and $$1 \%$$ negative error in measurement of mass. The percentage error in determining value of $$k$$ is :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 6th April Morning Shift

Match List I with List II

A. Torque I. $$
\left[M^1 L^1 T^{-2} A^{-2}\right]
B. Magnetic field II. $$
\left[L^2 A^1\right]
C. Magnetic moment III. $$
\left[M^1 T^{-2} A^{-1}\right]
D. Permeability of free space IV. $$
\left[M^1 L^2 T^{-2}\right]

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 6th April Morning Shift

While measuring diameter of wire using screw gauge the following readings were noted. Main scale reading is $$1 \mathrm{~mm}$$ and circular scale reading is equal to 42 divisions. Pitch of screw gauge is $$1 \mathrm{~mm}$$ and it has 100 divisions on circular scale. The diameter of the wire is $$\frac{x}{50} \mathrm{~mm}$$. The value of $$x$$ is :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 6th April Morning Shift

What is the dimensional formula of $$a b^{-1}$$ in the equation $$\left(\mathrm{P}+\frac{\mathrm{a}}{\mathrm{V}^2}\right)(\mathrm{V}-\mathrm{b})=\mathrm{RT}$$, where letters have their usual meaning.

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 5th April Evening Shift

A vernier callipers has 20 divisions on the vernier scale, which coincides with $$19^{\text {th }}$$ division on the main scale. The least count of the instrument is $$0.1 \mathrm{~mm}$$. One main scale division is equal to ________ mm.

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 5th April Evening Shift

Time periods of oscillation of the same simple pendulum measured using four different measuring clocks were recorded as $$4.62 \mathrm{~s}, 4.632 \mathrm{~s}, 4.6 \mathrm{~s}$$ and $$4.64 \mathrm{~s}$$. The arithmetic mean of these readings in correct significant figure is :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 5th April Morning Shift

Applying the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, determine which one is correct, where $$T$$ is time period, $$G$$ is gravitational constant, $$M$$ is mass, $$r$$ is radius of orbit.

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 4th April Evening Shift

The equation of stationary wave is :

$$y=2 \mathrm{a} \sin \left(\frac{2 \pi \mathrm{nt}}{\lambda}\right) \cos \left(\frac{2 \pi x}{\lambda}\right) \text {. }$$

Which of the following is NOT correct :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 4th April Morning Shift
Match List - I with List - II.

List I (Number) List II (Significant figure)
(A) 1001 (I) 3
(B) 010.1 (II) 4
(C) 100.100 (III) 5
(D) 0.0010010 (IV) 6

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 1st February Evening Shift
10 divisions on the main scale of a Vernier calliper coincide with 11 divisions on the Vernier scale. If each division on the main scale is of 5 units, the least count of the instrument is :
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 1st February Morning Shift
The dimensional formula of angular impulse is :
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 1st February Morning Shift
The radius $(\mathrm{r})$, length $(l)$ and resistance $(\mathrm{R})$ of a metal wire was measured in the laboratory as

$$ \begin{aligned} & \mathrm{r}=(0.35 \pm 0.05) ~\mathrm{cm} \\\\ & \mathrm{R}=(100 \pm 10) ~\mathrm{ohm} \\\\ & l=(15 \pm 0.2)~ \mathrm{cm} \end{aligned} $$

The percentage error in resistivity of the material of the wire is :
JEE Main 2024 (Online) 1st February Morning Shift

Consider two physical quantities $$A$$ and $$B$$ related to each other as $$E=\frac{B-x^2}{A t}$$ where $$E, x$$ and $$t$$ have dimensions of energy, length and time respectively. The dimension of $$A B$$ is

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 31st January Evening Shift

The measured value of the length of a simple pendulum is $$20 \mathrm{~cm}$$ with $$2 \mathrm{~mm}$$ accuracy. The time for 50 oscillations was measured to be 40 seconds with 1 second resolution. From these measurements, the accuracy in the measurement of acceleration due to gravity is $$\mathrm{N} \%$$. The value of $$\mathrm{N}$$ is:

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 31st January Evening Shift

If the percentage errors in measuring the length and the diameter of a wire are $$0.1 \%$$ each. The percentage error in measuring its resistance will be:

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 31st January Morning Shift

A force is represented by $$F=a x^2+b t^{\frac{1}{2}}$$

where $$x=$$ distance and $$t=$$ time. The dimensions of $$b^2 / a$$ are:

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 31st January Morning Shift

If 50 Vernier divisions are equal to 49 main scale divisions of a traveling microscope and one smallest reading of main scale is $$0.5 \mathrm{~mm}$$, the Vernier constant of traveling microscope is

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 30th January Evening Shift

If mass is written as $$m=k \mathrm{c}^{\mathrm{P}} G^{-1 / 2} h^{1 / 2}$$ then the value of $$P$$ will be : (Constants have their usual meaning with $k a$ dimensionless constant)

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 30th January Evening Shift

Match List I with List II.

List I List II
(A) Coefficient of viscosity (I) $$\left[\mathrm{M} \mathrm{L}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]$$
(B) Surface tension (II) $$\left[\mathrm{M} \mathrm{L}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{-1}\right]$$
(C) Angular momentum (III) $$\left[\mathrm{M} \mathrm{L}^{-1} \mathrm{~T}^{-1}\right]$$
(D) Rotational kinetic energy (IV) $$\left[\mathrm{M} \mathrm{L}^0 \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]$$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 30th January Morning Shift

A physical quantity $$Q$$ is found to depend on quantities $$a, b, c$$ by the relation $$Q=\frac{a^4 b^3}{c^2}$$. The percentage error in $$a, b$$ and $$c$$ are $$3 \%, 4 \%$$ and $$5 \%$$ respectively. Then, the percentage error in $$Q$$ is :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 29th January Evening Shift

The resistance $$R=\frac{V}{I}$$ where $$\mathrm{V}=(200 \pm 5) \mathrm{V}$$ and $$I=(20 \pm 0.2) \mathrm{A}$$, the percentage error in the measurement of $$\mathrm{R}$$ is :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 29th January Morning Shift

Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : In Vernier calliper if positive zero error exists, then while taking measurements, the reading taken will be more than the actual reading.

Reason (R) : The zero error in Vernier Calliper might have happened due to manufacturing defect or due to rough handling.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 27th January Evening Shift

Given below are two statements :

Statement (I) : Planck's constant and angular momentum have same dimensions.

Statement (II) : Linear momentum and moment of force have same dimensions.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below :

JEE Main 2024 (Online) 27th January Morning Shift
The speed of a wave produced in water is given by $v=\lambda^{a} g^{b} \rho^{c}$. Where $\lambda, g$ and $\rho$ are wavelength of wave, acceleration due to gravity and density of water respectively. The values of $a, b$ and $c$ respectively, are :
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 15th April Morning Shift

In the equation $$\left[X+\frac{a}{Y^{2}}\right][Y-b]=\mathrm{R} T, X$$ is pressure, $$Y$$ is volume, $$\mathrm{R}$$ is universal gas constant and $$T$$ is temperature. The physical quantity equivalent to the ratio $$\frac{a}{b}$$ is:

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 13th April Evening Shift

A body of mass $$(5 \pm 0.5) ~\mathrm{kg}$$ is moving with a velocity of $$(20 \pm 0.4) ~\mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}$$. Its kinetic energy will be

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 13th April Morning Shift

Match List I with List II

A. Spring constant I. $$\mathrm{[T^{-1}]}$$
B. Angular speed II. $$\mathrm{[MT^{-2}]}$$
C. Angular momentum III. $$\mathrm{[ML^2]}$$
D. Moment of inertia IV. $$\mathrm{[ML^2T^{-1}]}$$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 12th April Morning Shift

If force (F), velocity (V) and time (T) are considered as fundamental physical quantity, then dimensional formula of density will be :

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 11th April Evening Shift

Given below are two statements :

Statements I : Astronomical unit (Au), Parsec (Pc) and Light year (ly) are units for measuring astronomical distances.

Statements II : $$\mathrm{Au} < \mathrm{Parsec} (\mathrm{Pc}) < \mathrm{ly}$$

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 11th April Morning Shift

In an experiment with vernier callipers of least count $$0.1 \mathrm{~mm}$$, when two jaws are joined together the zero of vernier scale lies right to the zero of the main scale and 6th division of vernier scale coincides with the main scale division. While measuring the diameter of a spherical bob, the zero of vernier scale lies in between $$3.2 \mathrm{~cm}$$ and $$3.3 \mathrm{~cm}$$ marks, and 4th division of vernier scale coincides with the main scale division. The diameter of bob is measured as

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 10th April Evening Shift

A physical quantity P is given as

$$P = {{{a^2}{b^3}} \over {c\sqrt d }}$$

The percentage error in the measurement of a, b, c and d are 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% respectively. The percentage error in the measurement of quantity P will be

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 10th April Morning Shift

Match List I with List II

A. Torque I. $$\mathrm{ML^{-2}T^{-2}}$$
B. Stress II. $$\mathrm{ML^2T^{-2}}$$
C. Pressure gradient III. $$\mathrm{ML^{-1}T^{-1}}$$
D. Coefficient of viscosity IV. $$\mathrm{ML^{-1}T^{-2}}$$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 8th April Evening Shift

Dimension of $$\frac{1}{\mu_{0} \in_{0}}$$ should be equal to

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 8th April Morning Shift

A cylindrical wire of mass $$(0.4 \pm 0.01) \mathrm{g}$$ has length $$(8 \pm 0.04) \mathrm{cm}$$ and radius $$(6 \pm 0.03) \mathrm{mm}$$. The maximum error in its density will be:

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 8th April Morning Shift

Two resistances are given as $$\mathrm{R}_{1}=(10 \pm 0.5) \Omega$$ and $$\mathrm{R}_{2}=(15 \pm 0.5) \Omega$$. The percentage error in the measurement of equivalent resistance when they are connected in parallel is -

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 6th April Morning Shift

If the velocity of light $$\mathrm{c}$$, universal gravitational constant $$\mathrm{G}$$ and Planck's constant $$\mathrm{h}$$ are chosen as fundamental quantities. The dimensions of mass in the new system is :

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 1st February Evening Shift
Match List I with List II

A. Angular momentum I. $\left[\mathrm{ML}^{2} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]$
B. Torque II. $\left[\mathrm{ML}^{-2} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]$
C. Stress III $\left[\mathrm{ML}^{2} \mathrm{~T}^{-1}\right]$
D. Pressure gradient IV. $\left[\mathrm{ML}^{-1} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
JEE Main 2023 (Online) 31st January Evening Shift

Match List I with List II:

List I List II
A. Torque I. $\mathrm{kg} \mathrm{m}^{-1} \mathrm{~s}^{-2}$
B. Energy density II. $\mathrm{kg} \,\mathrm{ms}^{-1}$
C. Pressure gradient III. $\mathrm{kg}\, \mathrm{m}^{-2} \mathrm{~s}^{-2}$
D. Impulse IV. $\mathrm{kg} \,\mathrm{m}^{2} \mathrm{~s}^{-2}$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 30th January Evening Shift

The equation of a circle is given by $$x^2+y^2=a^2$$, where a is the radius. If the equation is modified to change the origin other than (0, 0), then find out the correct dimensions of A and B in a new equation : $${(x - At)^2} + {\left( {y - {t \over B}} \right)^2} = {a^2}$$. The dimensions of t is given as $$[\mathrm{T^{-1}]}$$.

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 29th January Evening Shift

Match List I with List II :

List I (Physical Quantity) List II (Dimensional Formula)
A. Pressure gradient I. $$\left[\mathrm{M}^{\circ} \mathrm{L}^{2} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]$$
B. Energy density II. $$\left[\mathrm{M}^{1} \mathrm{L}^{-1} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]$$
C. Electric Field III. $$\left[\mathrm{M}^{1} \mathrm{L}^{-2} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]$$
D. Latent heat IV. $$\left[\mathrm{M}^{1} \mathrm{~L}^{1} \mathrm{~T}^{-3} \mathrm{~A}^{-1}\right]$$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 29th January Morning Shift

Match List I with List II

List I List II
A. Young's Modulus (Y) I. $$\mathrm{[ML^{-1}T^{-1}]}$$
B. Co-efficient of Viscosity ($$\eta$$) II. $$\mathrm{[ML^2T^{-1}]}$$
C. Planck's Constant (h) III. $$\mathrm{[ML^{-1}T^{-2}]}$$
D. Work function ($$\varphi $$) IV. $$\mathrm{[ML^2T^{-2}]}$$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 25th January Evening Shift

Match List I with List II

A. Planck's constant (h) I. $$\mathrm{[{M^1}\,{L^2}\,{T^{ - 2}}]}$$
B. Stopping potential (Vs) II. $$\mathrm{[{M^1}\,{L^1}\,{T^{ - 1}}]}$$
C. Work function ($$\phi$$) III. $$\mathrm{[{M^1}\,{L^2}\,{T^{ - 1}}]}$$
D. Momentum (p) IV. $$\mathrm{[{M^1}\,{L^2}\,{T^{ - 3}}\,{A^{ - 1}}]}$$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 24th January Morning Shift

Match List I with List II.

List I List II
A. Torque I. Nms$$^{ - 1}$$
B. Stress II. J kg$$^{ - 1}$$
C. Latent Heat III. Nm
D. Power IV. Nm$$^{ - 2}$$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th July Evening Shift

Given below are two statements : One is labelled as Assertion (A) and other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Time period of oscillation of a liquid drop depends on surface tension (S), if density of the liquid is $$\rho$$ and radius of the drop is r, then $$\mathrm{T}=\mathrm{K} \sqrt{\rho \mathrm{r}^{3} / \mathrm{S}^{3 / 2}}$$ is dimensionally correct, where K is dimensionless.

Reason (R) : Using dimensional analysis we get R.H.S. having different dimension than that of time period.

In the light of above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th July Morning Shift

A travelling microscope has 20 divisions per $$\mathrm{cm}$$ on the main scale while its vernier scale has total 50 divisions and 25 vernier scale divisions are equal to 24 main scale divisions, what is the least count of the travelling microscope?

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th July Morning Shift

In an experiment to find out the diameter of wire using screw gauge, the following observations were noted :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th July Morning Shift Physics - Units & Measurements Question 70 English

(A) Screw moves $$0.5 \mathrm{~mm}$$ on main scale in one complete rotation

(B) Total divisions on circular scale $$=50$$

(C) Main scale reading is $$2.5 \mathrm{~mm}$$

(D) $$45^{\text {th }}$$ division of circular scale is in the pitch line

(E) Instrument has 0.03 mm negative error

Then the diameter of wire is :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th July Morning Shift

Consider the efficiency of carnot's engine is given by $$\eta=\frac{\alpha \beta}{\sin \theta} \log_e \frac{\beta x}{k T}$$, where $$\alpha$$ and $$\beta$$ are constants. If T is temperature, k is Boltzmann constant, $$\theta$$ is angular displacement and x has the dimensions of length. Then, choose the incorrect option :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th July Evening Shift

The dimensions of $$\left(\frac{\mathrm{B}^{2}}{\mu_{0}}\right)$$ will be :

(if $$\mu_{0}$$ : permeability of free space and $$B$$ : magnetic field)

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th July Morning Shift

An expression of energy density is given by $$u=\frac{\alpha}{\beta} \sin \left(\frac{\alpha x}{k t}\right)$$, where $$\alpha, \beta$$ are constants, $$x$$ is displacement, $$k$$ is Boltzmann constant and t is the temperature. The dimensions of $$\beta$$ will be :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th July Evening Shift

A torque meter is calibrated to reference standards of mass, length and time each with $$5 \%$$ accuracy. After calibration, the measured torque with this torque meter will have net accuracy of :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th July Morning Shift

In a Vernier Calipers, 10 divisions of Vernier scale is equal to the 9 divisions of main scale. When both jaws of Vernier calipers touch each other, the zero of the Vernier scale is shifted to the left of zero of the main scale and $$4^{\text {th }}$$ Vernier scale division exactly coincides with the main scale reading. One main scale division is equal to $$1 \mathrm{~mm}$$. While measuring diameter of a spherical body, the body is held between two jaws. It is now observed that zero of the Vernier scale lies between 30 and 31 divisions of main scale reading and $$6^{\text {th }}$$ Vernier scale division exactly coincides with the main scale reading. The diameter of the spherical body will be :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th July Evening Shift

A screw gauge of pitch $$0.5 \mathrm{~mm}$$ is used to measure the diameter of uniform wire of length $$6.8 \mathrm{~cm}$$, the main scale reading is $$1.5 \mathrm{~mm}$$ and circular scale reading is 7 . The calculated curved surface area of wire to appropriate significant figures is :

[Screw gauge has 50 divisions on its circular scale]

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th July Morning Shift

The maximum error in the measurement of resistance, current and time for which current flows in an electrical circuit are $$1 \%, 2 \%$$ and $$3 \%$$ respectively. The maximum percentage error in the detection of the dissipated heat will be :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th July Evening Shift

If momentum [P], area $$[\mathrm{A}]$$ and time $$[\mathrm{T}]$$ are taken as fundamental quantities, then the dimensional formula for coefficient of viscosity is :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th July Morning Shift

If n main scale divisions coincide with (n + 1) vernier scale divisions. The least count of vernier callipers, when each centimetre on the main scale is divided into five equal parts, will be :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 30th June Morning Shift

Velocity (v) and acceleration (a) in two systems of units 1 and 2 are related as $${v_2} = {n \over {{m^2}}}{v_1}$$ and $${a_2} = {{{a_1}} \over {mn}}$$ respectively. Here m and n are constants. The relations for distance and time in two systems respectively are :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th June Evening Shift

The SI unit of a physical quantity is pascal-second. The dimensional formula of this quantity will be :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th June Evening Shift

A silver wire has a mass (0.6 $$\pm$$ 0.006) g, radius (0.5 $$\pm$$ 0.005) mm and length (4 $$\pm$$ 0.04) cm. The maximum percentage error in the measurement of its density will be :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th June Morning Shift

The dimension of mutual inductance is :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th June Evening Shift

An expression for a dimensionless quantity P is given by $$P = {\alpha \over \beta }{\log _e}\left( {{{kt} \over {\beta x}}} \right)$$; where $$\alpha$$ and $$\beta$$ are constants, x is distance; k is Boltzmann constant and t is the temperature. Then the dimensions of $$\alpha$$ will be :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th June Morning Shift

If $$Z = {{{A^2}{B^3}} \over {{C^4}}}$$, then the relative error in Z will be :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift

Identify the pair of physical quantities that have same dimensions:

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 24th June Evening Shift

Identify the pair of physical quantities which have different dimensions:

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 24th June Morning Shift
A student determined Young's Modulus of elasticity using the formula $$Y = {{Mg{L^3}} \over {4b{d^3}\delta }}$$. The value of g is taken to be 9.8 m/s2, without any significant error, his observation are as following.

Least count of the
Equipment used
for measurement

Observed value
Mass (M) 1 g 2 kg
Length of bar (L) 1 mm 1 m
Breadth of bar (b) 0.1 mm 4 cm
Thickness of bar (d) 0.01 mm 0.4 cm
Depression ($$\delta $$) 0.01 mm 5 mm

Then the fractional error in the measurement of Y is :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 1st September Evening Shift
If velocity [V], time [T] and force [F] are chosen as the base quantities, the dimensions of the mass will be :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 31st August Evening Shift
Match List - I with List - II.

List - I List - II
(a) Torque (i) MLT$$^{ - 1}$$
(b) Impulse (ii) MT$$^{ - 2}$$
(c) Tension (iii) ML$$^{ 2}$$T$$^{ - 2}$$
(d) Surface Tension (iv) MLT$$^{ - 2}$$

Choose the most appropriate answer from the option given below :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 31st August Morning Shift
Which of the following equations is dimensionally incorrect?

Where t = time, h = height, s = surface tension, $$\theta$$ = angle, $$\rho$$ = density, a, r = radius, g = acceleration due to gravity, v = volume, p = pressure, W = work done, T = torque, $$\in$$ = permittivity, E = electric field, J = current density, L = length.
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 31st August Morning Shift
Match List - I with List - II.

List - I List - II
(a) $${R_H}$$ (Rydberg constant) (i) $$kg\,{m^{ - 1}}{s^{ - 1}}$$
(b) h (Planck's constant) (ii) $$kg\,{m^2}{s^{ - 1}}$$
(c) $${\mu _B}$$ (Magnetic field energy density) (iii) $$\,{m^{ - 1}}$$
(d) $$\eta $$ (coefficient of viscocity) (iv) $$kg\,{m^{ - 1}}{s^{ - 2}}$$

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 27th August Evening Shift
If force (F), length (L) and time (T) are taken as the fundamental quantities. Then what will be the dimension of density :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 27th August Evening Shift
Which of the following is not a dimensionless quantity?
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 27th August Morning Shift
If E and H represents the intensity of electric field and magnetising field respectively, then the unit of E/H will be :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 27th August Morning Shift
Match List - I with List - II

JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th August Evening Shift Physics - Units & Measurements Question 107 English

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th August Evening Shift
If the length of the pendulum in pendulum clock increases by 0.1%, then the error in time per day is :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th August Evening Shift
In a Screw Gauge, fifth division of the circular scale coincides with the reference line when the ratchet is closed. There are 50 divisions on the circular scale, and the main scale moves by 0.5 mm on a complete rotation. For a particular observation the reading on the main scale is 5 mm and the 20th division of the circular scale coincides with reference line. Calculate the true reading.
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th August Morning Shift
If E, L, M and G denote the quantities as energy, angular momentum, mass and constant of gravitation respectively, then the dimensions of P in the formula P = EL2M$$-$$5G$$-$$2 are :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th August Morning Shift
A physical quantity 'y' is represented by the formula $$y = {m^2}{r^{ - 4}}{g^x}{l^{ - {3 \over 2}}}$$

If the percentage errors found in y, m, r, l and g are 18, 1, 0.5, 4 and p respectively, then find the value of x and p.
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 27th July Evening Shift
Assertion A : If in five complete rotations of the circular scale, the distance travelled on main scale of the screw gauge is 5 mm and there are 50 total divisions on circular scale, then least count is 0.001 cm.

Reason R :

Least Count = $${{Pitch} \over {Total\,divisions\,on\,circular\,scale}}$$

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 27th July Morning Shift
The force is given in terms of time t and displacement x by the equation

F = A cos Bx + C sin Dt

The dimensional formula of $${{AD} \over B}$$ is :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 25th July Evening Shift
If time (t), velocity (v), and angular momentum (l) are taken as the fundamental units. Then the dimension of mass (m) in terms of t, v and l is :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 20th July Evening Shift
The vernier scale used for measurement has a positive zero error of 0.2 mm. If while taking a measurement it was noted that '0' on the vernier scale lies between 8.5 cm and 8.6 cm, vernier coincidence is 6, then the correct value of measurement is ___________ cm. (least count = 0.01 cm)
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 17th March Morning Shift
In order to determine the Young's Modulus of a wire of radius 0.2 cm (measured using a scale of least count = 0.001 cm) and length 1m (measured using a scale of least count = 1 mm), a weight of mass 1 kg (measured using a scale of least count = 1 g) was hanged to get the elongation of 0.5 cm (measured using a scale of least count 0.001 cm). What will be the fractional error in the value of Young's Modulus determined by this experiment?
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 16th March Evening Shift
One main scale division of a vernier callipers is 'a' cm and nth division of the vernier scale coincide with (n $$-$$ 1)th division of the main scale. The least count of the callipers in mm is :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 16th March Morning Shift
If 'C' and 'V' represent capacity and voltage respectively then what are the dimensions of $$\lambda$$ where C/V = $$\lambda$$ ?
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th February Evening Shift
In a typical combustion engine the workdone by a gas molecule is given by $$W = {\alpha ^2}\beta {e^{{{ - \beta {x^2}} \over {kT}}}}$$, where x is the displacement, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature. If $$\alpha$$ and $$\beta$$ are constants, dimensions of $$\alpha$$ will be :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th February Morning Shift
If e is the electronic charge, c is the speed of light in free space and h is Planck's constant, the quantity $${1 \over {4\pi {\varepsilon _0}}}{{|e{|^2}} \over {hc}}$$ has dimensions of :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 25th February Evening Shift
Match List - I with List - II :

List I List II
(a) h (Planck's constant) (i) $$[ML{T^{ - 1}}]$$
(b) E (kinetic energy) (ii) $$[M{L^2}{T^{ - 1}}]$$
(c) V (electric potential) (iii) $$[M{L^2}{T^{ - 2}}]$$
(d) P (linear momentum) (iv) $$[M{L^2}{I^{ - 1}}{T^{ - 3}}]$$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 25th February Morning Shift
The pitch of the screw gauge is 1 mm and there are 100 divisions on the circular scale. When nothing is put in between the jaws, the zero of the circular scale lies 8 divisions below the reference line. When a wire is placed between the jaws, the first linear scale division is clearly visible while 72nd division on circular scale coincides with the reference line. The radius of the wire is :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 25th February Morning Shift
The work done by a gas molecule in an isolated system is

given by, $$W = \alpha {\beta ^2}{e^{ - {{{x^2}} \over {\alpha kT}}}}$$, where x is the displacement, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature. $$\alpha$$ and $$\beta$$ are constants. Then the dimensions of $$\beta$$ will be :
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 24th February Morning Shift
A student measuring the diameter of a pencil of circular cross-section with the help of a vernier scale records the following four readings 5.50 mm, 5.55 mm, 5.45 mm, 5.65 mm. The average of these four readings is 5.5375 mm and the standard deviation of the data is 0.07395 mm. The average diameter
of the pencil should therefore be recorded as :
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 6th September Evening Slot
A screw gauge has 50 divisions on its circular scale. The circular scale is 4 units ahead of the pitch scale marking, prior to use. Upon one complete rotation of the circular scale, a displacement of 0.5mm is noticed on the pitch scale. The nature of zero error involved and the least count of the screw gauge, are respectively :
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 6th September Morning Slot
The quantities x = $${1 \over {\sqrt {{\mu _0}{\varepsilon _0}} }}$$, y = $${E \over B}$$ and z = $${l \over {CR}}$$ are
defined where C-capacitance, R-Resistance, l-length, E-Electric field, B-magnetic field and $${{\varepsilon _0}}$$, $${{\mu _0}}$$, - free space permittivity and permeability respectively. Then :
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 5th September Evening Slot
A physical quantity z depends on four observables
a, b, c and d, as z = $${{{a^2}{b^{{2 \over 3}}}} \over {\sqrt c {d^3}}}$$. The percentages of error in the measurement of a, b, c and d are 2%, 1.5%, 4% and 2.5% respectively. The percentage of error in z is :
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 5th September Morning Slot
A quantity x is given by $$\left( {{{IF{v^2}} \over {W{L^4}}}} \right)$$ in terms of moment of inertia I, force F, velocity v, work W and Length L. The dimensional formula for x is same as that of :
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 4th September Evening Slot
Dimensional formula for thermal conductivity is (here K denotes the temperature):
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 4th September Morning Slot
Amount of solar energy received on the earth’s surface per unit area per unit time is defined a solar constant. Dimension of solar constant is :
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 3rd September Evening Slot
Using screw gauge of pitch 0.1 cm and 50 divisions on its circular scale, the thickness of an object is measured. It should correctly be recorded as
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 3rd September Morning Slot
If momentum (P), area (A) and time (T) are taken to be the fundamental quantities then the dimensional formula for energy is
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 2nd September Evening Slot
If speed V, area A and force F are chosen as fundamental units, then the dimension of Young’s modulus will be
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 2nd September Morning Slot
The least count of the main scale of a vernier callipers is 1 mm. Its vernier scale is divided into 10 divisions and coincide with 9 divisions of the main scale. When jaws are touching each other, the 7th division of vernier scale coincides with a division of main scale and the zero of vernier scale is lying right side of the zero of main scale. When this vernier is used to measure length of a cylinder the zero of the vernier scale between 3.1 cm and 3.2 cm and 4th VSD coincides with a main scale division. The length of the cylinder is : (VSD is vernier scale division)
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 2nd September Morning Slot
For the four sets of three measured physical quantities as given below. Which of the following options is correct ?
(i) A1 = 24.36, B1 = 0.0724, C1 = 256.2
(ii) A2 = 24.44, B2 = 16.082, C2 = 240.2
(iii) A3 = 25.2, B3 = 19.2812, C3 = 236.183
(iv) A4 = 25, B4 = 236.191, C4 = 19.5
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 9th January Evening Slot
If the screw on a screw-gauge is given six rotations, it moves by 3 mm on the main scale. If there are 50 divisions on the circular scale the least count of the screw gauge is :
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 9th January Morning Slot
A quantity f is given by $$f = \sqrt {{{h{c^5}} \over G}} $$ where c is speed of light, G universal gravitational constant and h is the Planck's constant. Dimension of f is that of :
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 9th January Morning Slot
The dimension of stopping potential V0 in photoelectric effect in units of Planck's constant 'h', speed of light 'c' and Gravitational constant 'G' and ampere A is :
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 8th January Morning Slot
The dimension of $${{{B^2}} \over {2{\mu _0}}}$$, where B is magnetic field and $${{\mu _0}}$$ is the magnetic permeability of vacuum, is :
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 7th January Evening Slot
Which of the following combinations has the dimension of electrical resistance ($$ \in $$0 is the permittivity of vacuum and $$\mu $$0 is the permeability of vacuum)?
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 12th April Morning Slot
In the formula X = 5YZ2 , X and Z have dimensions of capacitance and magnetic field, respectively. What are the dimensions of Y in SI units?
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 10th April Evening Slot
The area of a square is 5.29 cm2. The area of 7 such squares taking into account the significant figures is :-
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 9th April Evening Slot
In the density measurement of a cube, the mass and edge length are measured as (10.00 ± 0.10) kg and (0.10 ± 0.01) m, respectively. The error in the measurement of density is :
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot
If surface tension (S), Moment of inertia (I) and Planck's constant (h), were to be taken as the fundamental units, the dimensional formula for linear momentum would be :-
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 8th April Evening Slot
In a simple pendulum experiment for determination of acceleration due to gravity (g), time taken for 20 oscillations is measured by using a watch of 1 second least count. The mean value of time taken comes out to be 30 s. The length of pendulum is measured by using a meter scale of least count 1 mm and the value obtained is 55.0 cm. The percentage error in the determination of g is close to :-
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 8th April Evening Slot
In SI units, the dimensions of $$\sqrt {{{{ \in _0}} \over {{\mu _0}}}} $$ is :
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 8th April Morning Slot
Let $$\ell $$, r, C and V represent inductance, resistance, capacitance and voltage, respectively. The dimension of $${\ell \over {rCV}}$$ in SI units will be :
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 12th January Evening Slot
The least count of the main scale of a screw gauge is 1 mm. The minimum number of divisions on its circular scale required to measure 5 $$\mu $$m diameter of a wire is :
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 12th January Morning Slot
If speed (V), acceleration (A) and force (F) are considered as fundamental units, the dimension of Young,s modulus will be:
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 11th January Evening Slot
The force of interaction between two atoms is given by F = $$\alpha $$$$\beta $$exp $$\left( { - {{{x^2}} \over {\alpha kt}}} \right)$$; where x is the distance, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is temperature and $$\alpha $$ and $$\beta $$ are two constants. The dimension of $$\beta $$ is :
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 11th January Morning Slot
The diameter and height of a cylinder are measured by a meter scale to be 12.6 $$ \pm $$ 0.1 cm and 34.2 $$ \pm $$ 0.1 cm, respectively. What will be the value of its volume in appropriate significant figures ?
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 10th January Evening Slot
The density of a material in SI units is 128 kg m–3 . In certain units in which the unit of length is 25 cm and the unit of mass is 50 g, the numerical value of density of the material is -
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 10th January Morning Slot
The pitch and the number of divisions, on the circular scale, for a given screw gauge are 0.5 mm and 100 respectively. When the screw gauge is fully tightened without any object, the zero of its circular scale lies 3 divisions below the mean line.

The readings of the main scale and the circular scale, for a thin sheet, are 5.5 mm and 48 respectively, the thickness of this sheet is :
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 9th January Evening Slot
Expression for time in terms of G(universal gravitional constant), h (Planck constant) and c (speed of light) is proportional to :
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 9th January Evening Slot
A copper wire is stretched to make it 0.5% longer. The percentage change in its electrical resistance if its volume remains unchanged is :
JEE Main 2019 (Online) 9th January Morning Slot
The percentage errors in quantities P, Q, R and S are 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 1.5% respectively in the measurement of a physical quantity A = $${{{P^3}{Q^2}} \over {\sqrt R S}}.$$

The maximum percentage error in the value of A will be :
JEE Main 2018 (Online) 16th April Morning Slot
The relative uncertainly in the period of a satellite orbiting around the earth is 10-2. If the relative uncertainty in the radius of the orbit is negligible, the relative uncertainty in the mass of the earth is :
JEE Main 2018 (Online) 16th April Morning Slot
The density of a material in the shape of a cube is determined by measuring three sides of the cube and its mass. If the relative errors in measuring the mass and length are respectively 1.5% and 1%, the maximum error in determining the density is:
JEE Main 2018 (Offline)
The characteristic distance at which quantum gravitational effects are significant, the Planck length, can be determined from a suitable combination of the fundamental physical constants G, h and c.

Which of the following correctly gives the Planck length ?
JEE Main 2018 (Online) 15th April Evening Slot
In a screw gauge, $$5$$ complete rotations of the screw cause it to move a linear distance of $$0.25$$ $$cm.$$ There are $$100$$ circular scale divisions. The thickness of a wire measured by this screw gauge gives a reading of $$4$$ main scale divisions and $$30$$ circular scale divisions. Assuming negligible zero error, the thickness of the wire is :
JEE Main 2018 (Online) 15th April Morning Slot
The relative error in the determination of the surface area of sphere is $$\alpha $$. Then the relative error in the determination of its volume is :
JEE Main 2018 (Online) 15th April Morning Slot
A physical quantity P is described by the relation

P = a$$^{{\raise0.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 1$} \kern-0.1em/\kern-0.15em \lower0.25ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 2$}}}$$ b2 c3 d$$-$$4

If the relative errors in the measurement of a, b, c and d respectively, are 2%, 1%, 3% and 5%, then the relative error in P will be :
JEE Main 2017 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot
Time (T), velocity (C) and angular momentum (h) are chosen as fundamentalquantities instead of mass, length and time. In terms of these, the dimensions of mass would be :
JEE Main 2017 (Online) 8th April Morning Slot
The following observations were taken for determining surface tension T of water by capillary method:
diameter of capillary, D = 1.25 $$\times$$ 10-2 m
rise of water, h = 1.45 $$\times$$ 10-2m
Using g = 9.80 m/s2 and the simplified relation T = $${{rhg} \over 2} \times {10^3}N/m$$, the possible error in surface tension is closest to :
JEE Main 2017 (Offline)
In the following ‘I’ refers to current and other symbols have their usual meaning. Choose the option that corresponds to the dimensions of electrical conductivity :
JEE Main 2016 (Online) 9th April Morning Slot
A student measures the time period of 100 oscillations of a simple pendulum four times. The data set is 90 s, 91 s, 95 s and 92 s. If the minimum division in the measuring clock is 1 s, then the reported mean time should be :
JEE Main 2016 (Offline)
A screw gauge with a pitch of 0.5 mm and a circular scale with 50 divisions is used to measure the thickness of a thin sheet of Aluminium. Before starting the measurement, it is found that when the two jaws of the screw gauge are brought in contact, the 45th division coincides with the main scale line and that the zero of the main scale is barely visible. What is the thickness of the sheet if the main scale reading is 0.5 mm and the 25th division coincides with the main scale line?
JEE Main 2016 (Offline)
A student measured the length of a rod and wrote it as 3.50 cm. Which instrument did he use to measure it?
JEE Main 2014 (Offline)
Let [$${\varepsilon _0}$$] denote the dimensional formula of the permittivity of vacuum. If M = mass, L = length, T = time and A = electric current, then:
JEE Main 2013 (Offline)
Resistance of a given wire is obtained by measuring the current flowing in it and the voltage difference applied across it. If the percentage errors in the measurement of the current and the voltage difference are 3% each, then error in the value of resistance of the wire is
AIEEE 2012
A spectrometer gives the following reading when used to measure the angle of a prism.
Main scale reading: 58.5 degree
Vernier scale reading : 09 divisions
Given that 1 division on main scale corresponds to 0.5 degree. Total divisions on the vernier scale is 30 and match with 29 divisions of the main scale. The angle of the prism from the above data
AIEEE 2012
A screw gauge gives the following reading when used to measure the diameter of a wire.
Main scale reading : 0 mm
Circular scale reading : 52 divisions
Given that 1 mm on main scale corresponds to 100 divisions of the circular scale.
The diameter of wire from the above date is:
AIEEE 2011
The respective number of significant figures for the numbers 23.023, 0.0003 and 2.1 $$ \times $$ 10–3 are
AIEEE 2010
In an experiment the angles are required to be measured using an instrument, 29 divisions of the main scale exactly coincide with the 30 divisions of the vernier scale. If the smallest division of the main scale is half-a degree(=$$0.5^\circ $$), then the least count of the instrument is:
AIEEE 2009
The dimension of magnetic field in M, L, T and C (coulomb) is given as
AIEEE 2008
A body of mass m = 3.513 kg is moving along the x-axis with a speed of 5.00 ms−1. The magnitude of its momentum is recorded as
AIEEE 2008
Two full turns of the circular scale of a screw gauge cover a distance of 1 mm on its main scale. The total number of divisions on the circular scale is 50. Further, it is found that the screw gauge has a zero error of − 0.03 mm while measuring the diameter of a thin wire, a student notes the main scale reading of 3 mm and the number of circular scale divisions in line with the main scale as 35. The diameter of the wire is
AIEEE 2008
An experiment is performed to find the refractive index of glass using a travelling microscope. In this experiment distances are measured by
AIEEE 2008
Out of the following pair, which one does NOT have identical dimensions is
AIEEE 2005
Which one of the following represents the correct dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity?
AIEEE 2004
Dimensions of $${1 \over {{\mu _0}{\varepsilon _0}}}$$, where symbols have their usual meaning, are
AIEEE 2003
The physical quantities not having same dimensions are
AIEEE 2003
Identify the pair whose dimensions are equal
AIEEE 2002



$\text { A physical quantity } Q \text { is related to four observables } a, b, c, d \text { as follows : }$

$Q = \frac{ab^4}{cd}$

where, $\mathrm{a}=(60 \pm 3) \mathrm{Pa} ; \mathrm{b}=(20 \pm 0.1) \mathrm{m} ; \mathrm{c}=(40 \pm 0.2) \mathrm{Nsm}^{-2}$ and $\mathrm{d}=(50 \pm 0.1) \mathrm{m}$, then the percentage error in Q is $\frac{x}{1000}$, where $x=$ _________ .

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 29th January Evening Shift

A tiny metallic rectangular sheet has length and breadth of 5 mm and 2.5 mm , respectively. Using a specially designed screw gauge which has pitch of 0.75 mm and 15 divisions in the circular scale, you are asked to find the area of the sheet. In this measurement, the maximum fractional error will be $\frac{x}{100}$ where $x$ is _______ .

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 28th January Morning Shift

The least count of a screw guage is 0.01 mm . If the pitch is increased by $75 \%$ and number of divisions on the circular scale is reduced by $50 \%$, the new least count will be ________ $\times 10^{-3} \mathrm{~mm}$

JEE Main 2025 (Online) 24th January Morning Shift

In a screw gauge, there are 100 divisions on the circular scale and the main scale moves by $$0.5 \mathrm{~mm}$$ on a complete rotation of the circular scale. The zero of circular scale lies 6 divisions below the line of graduation when two studs are brought in contact with each other. When a wire is placed between the studs, 4 linear scale divisions are clearly visible while $$46^{\text {th }}$$ division the circular scale coincide with the reference line. The diameter of the wire is ______________ $$\times 10^{-2} \mathrm{~mm}$$.

JEE Main 2023 (Online) 30th January Morning Shift

In an experiment to find acceleration due to gravity (g) using simple pendulum, time period of $$0.5 \mathrm{~s}$$ is measured from time of 100 oscillation with a watch of $$1 \mathrm{~s}$$ resolution. If measured value of length is $$10 \mathrm{~cm}$$ known to $$1 \mathrm{~mm}$$ accuracy, The accuracy in the determination of $$\mathrm{g}$$ is found to be $$x \%$$. The value of $$x$$ is ___________.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th July Evening Shift

The one division of main scale of Vernier callipers reads $$1 \mathrm{~mm}$$ and 10 divisions of Vernier scale is equal to the 9 divisions on main scale. When the two jaws of the instrument touch each other, the zero of the Vernier lies to the right of zero of the main scale and its fourth division coincides with a main scale division. When a spherical bob is tightly placed between the two jaws, the zero of the Vernier scale lies in between $$4.1 \mathrm{~cm}$$ and $$4.2 \mathrm{~cm}$$ and $$6^{\text {th }}$$ Vernier division coincides scale division. The diameter of the bob will be ____________ $$\times$$ 10$$-$$2 cm.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 27th July Morning Shift

The Vernier constant of Vernier callipers is 0.1 mm and it has zero error of ($$-$$0.05) cm. While measuring diameter of a sphere, the main scale reading is 1.7 cm and coinciding vernier division is 5. The corrected diameter will be _________ $$\times$$ 10$$-$$2 cm.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 29th June Evening Shift

A student in the laboratory measures thickness of a wire using screw gauge. The readings are 1.22 mm, 1.23 mm, 1.19 mm and 1.20 mm. The percentage error is $${x \over {121}}\% $$. The value of x is ____________.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 28th June Evening Shift

A travelling microscope is used to determine the refractive index of a glass slab. If 40 divisions are there in 1 cm on main scale and 50 Vernier scale divisions are equal to 49 main scale divisions, then least count of the travelling microscope is __________ $$\times$$ 10$$-$$6 m.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th June Evening Shift

In a vernier callipers, each cm on the main scale is divided into 20 equal parts. If tenth vernier scale division coincides with nineth main scale division. Then the value of vernier constant will be _________ $$\times$$ 10$$-$$2 mm.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 26th June Morning Shift

For $$z = {a^2}{x^3}{y^{{1 \over 2}}}$$, where 'a' is a constant. If percentage error in measurement of 'x' and 'y' are 4% and 12% respectively, then the percentage error for 'z' will be _______________%.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Evening Shift
The diameter of a spherical bob is measured using a vernier callipers. 9 divisions of the main scale, in the vernier callipers, are equal to 10 divisions of vernier scale. One main scale division is 1 mm. The main scale reading is 10 mm and 8th division of vernier scale was found to coincide exactly with one of the main scale division. If the given vernier callipers has positive zero error of 0.04 cm, then the radius of the bob is ___________ $$\times$$ 10$$-$$2 cm.
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 31st August Evening Shift
The acceleration due to gravity is found upto an accuracy of 4% on a planet. The energy supplied to a simple pendulum to known mass 'm' to undertake oscillations of time period T is being estimated. If time period is measured to an accuracy of 3%, the accuracy to which E is known as ..............%
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 26th August Evening Shift
Student A and student B used two screw gauges of equal pitch and 100 equal circular divisions to measure the radius of a given wire. The actual value of the radius of the wire is 0.322 cm. The absolute value of the difference between the final circular scale readings observed by the students A and B is ______________.

[Figure shows position of reference 'O' when jaws of screw gauge are closed]

Given pitch = 0.1 cm.

JEE Main 2021 (Online) 25th July Morning Shift Physics - Units & Measurements Question 113 English
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 25th July Morning Shift
Three students S1, S2 and S3 perform an experiment for determining the acceleration due to gravity (g) using a simple pendulum. They use different lengths of pendulum and record time for different number of oscillations. The observations are as shown in the table.

Length of
Pendulum (cm)
No. of
oscillations (n)
Total time for
n oscillations
period (s)
1 64.0 8 128.0 16.0
2 64.0 4 64.0 16.0
3 20.0 4 36.0 9.0

(Least count of length = 0.1 cm and Least count for time = 0.1 s)

If E1, E2 and E3 are the percentage errors in 'g' for students 1, 2 and 3 respectively, then the minimum percentage error is obtained by student no. ______________.
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 22th July Evening Shift
The radius of a sphere is measured to be (7.50 $$\pm$$ 0.85) cm. Suppose the percentage error in its volume is x.

The value of x, to the nearest x, is __________.
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 18th March Evening Shift
The resistance R = $${V \over I}$$, where V = (50 $$\pm$$ 2)V and I = (20 $$\pm$$ 0.2)A. The percentage error in R is 'x'%. The value of 'x' to the nearest integer is _________.
JEE Main 2021 (Online) 16th March Morning Shift
The density of a solid metal sphere is determined by measuring its mass and its diameter. The maximum error in the density of the sphere is $$\left( {{x \over {100}}} \right)$$ %. If the relative errors in measuring the mass and the diameter are 6.0% and 1.5% respectively, the value of x is_______.
JEE Main 2020 (Online) 6th September Morning Slot

MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)

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