JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift
Paper was held on Sat, Jun 25, 2022 3:30 AM
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Bonding in which of the following diatomic molecule(s) become(s) stronger, on the basis of MO Theory, by removal of an electron?

(A) NO

(B) N2

(C) O2

(D) C2

(E) B2

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :


The pair, in which ions are isoelectronic with AI3+ is :


Number of electron deficient molecules among the following

PH3, B2H6, CCl4, NH3, LiH and BCl3 is


White precipitate of AgCl dissolves in aqueous ammonia solution due to formation of :


Cerium (IV) has a noble gas configuration. Which of the following is correct statement about it?


Among the following, which is the strongest oxidizing agent?


Phenol on reaction with dilute nitric acid, gives two products. Which method will be most efficient for large scale separation?


In the following structures, which on is having staggered conformation with maximum dihedral angle?


The product formed in the following reaction.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift Chemistry - Hydrocarbons Question 62 English


The IUPAC name of ethylidene chloride is :


The major product in the reaction

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift Chemistry - Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Question 65 English


The intermediate X, in the reaction :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift Chemistry - Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Question 76 English


In the following reaction :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift Chemistry - Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Question 75 English

The compounds A and B respectively are :


The reaction of JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift Chemistry - Compounds Containing Nitrogen Question 88 English with bromine and KOH gives RNH2 as the end product. Which one of the following is the intermediate product formed in this reation?


The number of N atoms in 681 g of C7H5N3O6 is x $$\times$$ 1021. The value of x is (NA = 6.02 $$\times$$ 1023 mol$$-$$1) (Nearest Integer)


The longest wavelength of light that can be used for the ionisation of lithium atom (Li) in its ground state is x $$\times$$ 10$$-$$8 m. The value of x is ___________. (Nearest Integer).

(Given : Energy of the electron in the first shell of the hydrogen atom is $$-$$2.2 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$18 J ; h = 6.63 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$34 Js and c = 3 $$\times$$ 108 ms$$-$$1)


The standard entropy change for the reaction

4Fe(s) + 3O2(g) $$\to$$ 2Fe2O3(s) is $$-$$550 J K$$-$$1 at 298 K.

[Given : The standard enthalpy change for the reaction is $$-$$165 kJ mol$$-$$1]. The temperature in K at which the reaction attains equilibrium is _____________. (Nearest Integer)


1 L aqueous solution of H2SO4 contains 0.02 m mol H2SO4. 50% of this solution is diluted with deionized water to give 1 L solution (A). In solution (A), 0.01 m mol of H2SO4 are added. Total m mols of H2SO4 in the final solution is ___________ $$\times$$ 103 m mols.


The standard free energy change ($$\Delta$$G$$^\circ$$) for 50% dissociation of N2O4 into NO2 at 27$$^\circ$$C and 1 atm pressure is $$-$$ x J mol$$-$$1. The value of x is ___________. (Nearest Integer)

[Given : R = 8.31 J K$$-$$1 mol$$-$$1, log 1.33 = 0.1239 ln 10 = 2.3]


In a cell, the following reactions take place

$$\matrix{ {F{e^{2 + }} \to F{e^{3 + }} + {e^ - }} & {E_{F{e^{3 + }}/F{e^{2 + }}}^o = 0.77\,V} \cr {2{I^ - } \to {I_2} + 2{e^ - }} & {E_{{I_2}/{I^ - }}^o = 0.54\,V} \cr } $$

The standard electrode potential for the spontaneous reaction in the cell is x $$\times$$ 10$$-$$2 V 298 K. The value of x is ____________. (Nearest Integer)


For a given chemical reaction

$$\gamma$$1A + $$\gamma$$2B $$\to$$ $$\gamma$$3C + $$\gamma$$4D

Concentration of C changes from 10 mmol dm$$-$$3 to 20 mmol dm$$-$$3 in 10 seconds. Rate of appearance of D is 1.5 times the rate of disappearance of B which is twice the rate of disappearance A. The rate of appearance of D has been experimentally determined to be 9 mmol dm$$-$$3 s$$-$$1. Therefore, the rate of reaction is _____________ mmol dm$$-$$3 s$$-$$1. (Nearest Integer)


If [Cu(H2O)4]2+ absorbs a light of wavelength 600 nm for d-d transition, then the value of octahedral crystal field splitting energy for [Cu(H2O)6]2+ will be ____________ $$\times$$ 10$$-$$21 J. [Nearest Integer]

(Given : h = 6.63 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$34 Js and c = 3.08 $$\times$$ 108 ms$$-$$1)


Number of grams of bromine that will completely react with 5.0 g of pent-1-ene is ___________ $$\times$$ 10$$-$$2 g. (Atomic mass of Br = 80 g/mol) [Nearest Integer]



The value of $$\int\limits_0^\pi {{{{e^{\cos x}}\sin x} \over {(1 + {{\cos }^2}x)({e^{\cos x}} + {e^{ - \cos x}})}}dx} $$ is equal to:


Let f : N $$\to$$ R be a function such that $$f(x + y) = 2f(x)f(y)$$ for natural numbers x and y. If f(1) = 2, then the value of $$\alpha$$ for which

$$\sum\limits_{k = 1}^{10} {f(\alpha + k) = {{512} \over 3}({2^{20}} - 1)} $$

holds, is :


Let A be a 3 $$\times$$ 3 real matrix such that

$$A\left( {\matrix{ 1 \cr 1 \cr 0 \cr } } \right) = \left( {\matrix{ 1 \cr 1 \cr 0 \cr } } \right);A\left( {\matrix{ 1 \cr 0 \cr 1 \cr } } \right) = \left( {\matrix{ { - 1} \cr 0 \cr 1 \cr } } \right)$$ and $$A\left( {\matrix{ 0 \cr 0 \cr 1 \cr } } \right) = \left( {\matrix{ 1 \cr 1 \cr 2 \cr } } \right)$$.

If $$X = {({x_1},{x_2},{x_3})^T}$$ and I is an identity matrix of order 3, then the system $$(A - 2I)X = \left( {\matrix{ 4 \cr 1 \cr 1 \cr } } \right)$$ has :


Let f : R $$\to$$ R be defined as $$f(x) = {x^3} + x - 5$$. If g(x) is a function such that $$f(g(x)) = x,\forall 'x' \in R$$, then g'(63) is equal to ________________.


If $${1 \over {2\,.\,{3^{10}}}} + {1 \over {{2^2}\,.\,{3^9}}} + \,\,.....\,\, + \,\,{1 \over {{2^{10}}\,.\,3}} = {K \over {{2^{10}}\,.\,{3^{10}}}}$$, then the remainder when K is divided by 6 is :


Let f(x) be a polynomial function such that $$f(x) + f'(x) + f''(x) = {x^5} + 64$$. Then, the value of $$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to 1} {{f(x)} \over {x - 1}}$$ is equal to:


Let E1 and E2 be two events such that the conditional probabilities $$P({E_1}|{E_2}) = {1 \over 2}$$, $$P({E_2}|{E_1}) = {3 \over 4}$$ and $$P({E_1} \cap {E_2}) = {1 \over 8}$$. Then :


Let $$A = \left[ {\matrix{ 0 & { - 2} \cr 2 & 0 \cr } } \right]$$. If M and N are two matrices given by $$M = \sum\limits_{k = 1}^{10} {{A^{2k}}} $$ and $$N = \sum\limits_{k = 1}^{10} {{A^{2k - 1}}} $$ then MN2 is :


Let $$g:(0,\infty ) \to R$$ be a differentiable function such that

$$\int {\left( {{{x(\cos x - \sin x)} \over {{e^x} + 1}} + {{g(x)\left( {{e^x} + 1 - x{e^x}} \right)} \over {{{({e^x} + 1)}^2}}}} \right)dx = {{x\,g(x)} \over {{e^x} + 1}} + c} $$, for all x > 0, where c is an arbitrary constant. Then :


Let $$f:R \to R$$ and $$g:R \to R$$ be two functions defined by $$f(x) = {\log _e}({x^2} + 1) - {e^{ - x}} + 1$$ and $$g(x) = {{1 - 2{e^{2x}}} \over {{e^x}}}$$. Then, for which of the following range of $$\alpha$$, the inequality $$f\left( {g\left( {{{{{(\alpha - 1)}^2}} \over 3}} \right)} \right) > f\left( {g\left( {\alpha -{5 \over 3}} \right)} \right)$$ holds ?


Let $$\overrightarrow a = {a_1}\widehat i + {a_2}\widehat j + {a_3}\widehat k$$ $${a_i} > 0$$, $$i = 1,2,3$$ be a vector which makes equal angles with the coordinate axes OX, OY and OZ. Also, let the projection of $$\overrightarrow a $$ on the vector $$3\widehat i + 4\widehat j$$ be 7. Let $$\overrightarrow b $$ be a vector obtained by rotating $$\overrightarrow a $$ with 90$$^\circ$$. If $$\overrightarrow a $$, $$\overrightarrow b $$ and x-axis are coplanar, then projection of a vector $$\overrightarrow b $$ on $$3\widehat i + 4\widehat j$$ is equal to:


Let $$y = y(x)$$ be the solution of the differential equation $$(x + 1)y' - y = {e^{3x}}{(x + 1)^2}$$, with $$y(0) = {1 \over 3}$$. Then, the point $$x = - {4 \over 3}$$ for the curve $$y = y(x)$$ is :


If the solution curve $$y = y(x)$$ of the differential equation $${y^2}dx + ({x^2} - xy + {y^2})dy = 0$$, which passes through the point (1, 1) and intersects the line $$y = \sqrt 3 x$$ at the point $$(\alpha ,\sqrt 3 \alpha )$$, then value of $${\log _e}(\sqrt 3 \alpha )$$ is equal to :


Let $$x = 2t$$, $$y = {{{t^2}} \over 3}$$ be a conic. Let S be the focus and B be the point on the axis of the conic such that $$SA \bot BA$$, where A is any point on the conic. If k is the ordinate of the centroid of the $$\Delta$$SAB, then $$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{t \to 1} k$$ is equal to :


Let a circle C in complex plane pass through the points $${z_1} = 3 + 4i$$, $${z_2} = 4 + 3i$$ and $${z_3} = 5i$$. If $$z( \ne {z_1})$$ is a point on C such that the line through z and z1 is perpendicular to the line through z2 and z3, then $$arg(z)$$ is equal to :


The number of 3-digit odd numbers, whose sum of digits is a multiple of 7, is _____________.


Let $$\theta$$ be the angle between the vectors $$\overrightarrow a $$ and $$\overrightarrow b $$, where $$|\overrightarrow a | = 4,$$ $$|\overrightarrow b | = 3$$ and $$\theta \in \left( {{\pi \over 4},{\pi \over 3}} \right)$$. Then $${\left| {\left( {\overrightarrow a - \overrightarrow b } \right) \times \left( {\overrightarrow a + \overrightarrow b } \right)} \right|^2} + 4{\left( {\overrightarrow a \,.\,\overrightarrow b } \right)^2}$$ is equal to __________.


Let the abscissae of the two points P and Q be the roots of $$2{x^2} - rx + p = 0$$ and the ordinates of P and Q be the roots of $${x^2} - sx - q = 0$$. If the equation of the circle described on PQ as diameter is $$2({x^2} + {y^2}) - 11x - 14y - 22 = 0$$, then $$2r + s - 2q + p$$ is equal to __________.


Let $$f:R \to R$$ be a function defined by

$$f(x) = {\left( {2\left( {1 - {{{x^{25}}} \over 2}} \right)(2 + {x^{25}})} \right)^{{1 \over {50}}}}$$. If the function $$g(x) = f(f(f(x))) + f(f(x))$$, then the greatest integer less than or equal to g(1) is ____________.


Let A be a 3 $$\times$$ 3 matrix having entries from the set {$$-$$1, 0, 1}. The number of all such matrices A having sum of all the entries equal to 5, is ___________.



If $$Z = {{{A^2}{B^3}} \over {{C^4}}}$$, then the relative error in Z will be :


$$\overrightarrow A $$ is a vector quantity such that $$|\overrightarrow A |$$ = non-zero constant. Which of the following expression is true for $$\overrightarrow A $$ ?


Which of the following relations is true for two unit vector $$\widehat A$$ and $$\widehat B$$ making an angle $$\theta$$ to each other?


If force $$\overrightarrow F = 3\widehat i + 4\widehat j - 2\widehat k$$ acts on a particle position vector $$2\widehat i + \widehat j + 2\widehat k$$ then, the torque about the origin will be :


The height of any point P above the surface of earth is equal to diameter of earth. The value of acceleration due to gravity at point P will be : (Given g = acceleration due to gravity at the surface of earth).


The terminal velocity (vt) of the spherical rain drop depends on the radius (r) of the spherical rain drop as :


The relation between root mean square speed (vrms) and most probable sped (vp) for the molar mass M of oxygen gas molecule at the temperature of 300 K will be :


In the figure, a very large plane sheet of positive charge is shown. P1 and P2 are two points at distance l and 2l from the charge distribution. If $$\sigma$$ is the surface charge density, then the magnitude of electric fields E1 and E2 at P1 and P2 respectively are :

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift Physics - Electrostatics Question 101 English


Match List-I with List-II.

List - I List -II
(A) AC generator (I) Detects the presence of current in the circuit
(B) Galvanometer (II) Converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
(C) Transformer (III) Works on the principle of resonance in AC circuit
(D) Metal detector (IV) Changes an alternating voltage for smaller or greater value

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


A long straight wire with a circular cross-section having radius R, is carrying a steady current I. The current I is uniformly distributed across this cross-section. Then the variation of magnetic field due to current I with distance r (r < R) from its centre will be :


If wattless current flows in the AC circuit, then the circuit is :


The electric field in an electromagnetic wave is given by E = 56.5 sin $$\omega$$(t $$-$$ x/c) NC$$-$$1. Find the intensity of the wave if it is propagating along x-axis in the free space.

(Given : $$\varepsilon $$0 = 8.85 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$12C2N$$-$$1m$$-$$2)


The two light beams having intensities I and 9I interfere to produce a fringe pattern on a screen. The phase difference between the beams is $$\pi$$/2 at point P and $$\pi$$ at point Q. Then the difference between the resultant intensities at P and Q will be :


A light wave travelling linearly in a medium of dielectric constant 4, incidents on the horizontal interface separating medium with air. The angle of incidence for which the total intensity of incident wave will be reflected back into the same medium will be :

(Given : relative permeability of medium $$\mu$$r = 1)


The ratio for the speed of the electron in the 3rd orbit of He+ to the speed of the electron in the 3rd orbit of hydrogen atom will be :


The photodiode is used to detect the optical signals. These diodes are preferably operated in reverse biased mode because :


The difference of speed of light in the two media A and B (vA $$-$$ vB) is 2.6 $$\times$$ 107 m/s. If the refractive index of medium B is 1.47, then the ratio of refractive index of medium B to medium A is : (Given : speed of light in vacuum c = 3 $$\times$$ 108 ms$$-$$1)


A teacher in his physics laboratory allotted an experiment to determine the resistance (G) of a galvanometer. Students took the observations for $${1 \over 3}$$ deflection in the galvanometer. Which of the below is true for measuring value of G?


A uniform chain of 6 m length is placed on a table such that a part of its length is hanging over the edge of the table. The system is at rest. The co-efficient of static friction between the chain and the surface of the table is 0.5, the maximum length of the chain hanging from the table is ___________ m.


A 0.5 kg block moving at a speed of 12 ms$$-$$1 compresses a spring through a distance 30 cm when its speed is halved. The spring constant of the spring will be _______________ Nm$$-$$1.


The velocity of upper layer of water in a river is 36 kmh$$-$$1. Shearing stress between horizontal layers of water is 10$$-$$3 Nm$$-$$2. Depth of the river is __________ m. (Co-efficient of viscosity of water is 10$$-$$2 Pa.s)


The first overtone frequency of an open organ pipe is equal to the fundamental frequency of a closed organ pipe. If the length of the closed organ pipe is 20 cm. The length of the open organ pipe is _____________ cm.


The equivalent capacitance between points A and B in below shown figure will be __________ $$\mu$$F.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift Physics - Capacitor Question 58 English


A resistor develops 300 J of thermal energy in 15 s, when a current of 2 A is passed through it. If the current increases to 3 A, the energy developed in 10 s is ____________ J.


The total current supplied to the circuit as shown in figure by the 5 V battery is ____________ A.

JEE Main 2022 (Online) 25th June Morning Shift Physics - Current Electricity Question 141 English


The current in a coil of self inductance 2.0 H is increasing according to I = 2 sin(t2) A. The amount of energy spent during the period when current changes from 0 to 2 A is ____________ J.


A force on an object of mass 100 g is $$\left( {10\widehat i + 5\widehat j} \right)$$ N. The position of that object at t = 2 s is $$\left( {a\widehat i + b\widehat j} \right)$$ m after starting from rest. The value of $${a \over b}$$ will be ___________.

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