JEE Main 2020 (Online) 6th September Evening Slot
Paper was held on Sun, Sep 6, 2020 9:30 AM
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Which one of the following statements is not true?
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The IUPAC name of the following compound is :
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Which of the following compounds can be prepared in good yield by Gabriel phthalimide synthesis?
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Mischmetal is an alloy consisting mainly of :
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The average molar mass of chlorine is 35.5 g mol–1. The ratio of 35Cl to 37Cl in naturally occuring chlorine is close to
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The correct match between Item-I (starting material) and Item-II (reagent) for the preparation of benzaldehyde is : .tg
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For a reaction, 4M(s) + nO2(g) $$ \to $$ 2M2On(s) the free energy change is plotted as a function of temperature. The te
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For the given cell : Cu(s) | Cu2+(C1M) || Cu2+(C2M) | Cu(s) change in Gibbs energy ($$\Delta $$G) is negative, if :
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A set of solutions is prepared using 180 g of water as a solvent and 10 g of different nonvolatile solutes A, B and C. T
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The value of KC is 64 at 800 K for the reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) The value of KC for the following reaction is :
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Match the following : .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:solid;bo
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The increasing order of the boiling points of the major products A, B and C of the following reactions will be :
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For a d4 metal ion in an octahedral field, the correct electronic configuration is :
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A solution of phenol in chloroform when treated with aqueous NaOH gives compound P as a major product. The mass percenta
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If the solubility product of AB2 is 3.20 $$ \times $$ 10–11 M3, then the solubility of AB2 in pure water is _____ $$ \ti
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The atomic number of Unnilunium is _______.
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The rate of a reaction decreased by 3.555 times when the temperature was changed from 40oC to 30oC. The activation energ
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The probabilities of three events A, B and C are given by P(A) = 0.6, P(B) = 0.4 and P(C) = 0.5. If P(A$$ \cup $$B) = 0.
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If $$\alpha $$ and $$\beta $$ are the roots of the equation 2x(2x + 1) = 1, then $$\beta $$ is equal to :
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The common difference of the A.P. b1, b2, … , bm is 2 more than the common difference of A.P. a1, a2, …, an. If a40 =
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Let $$\theta = {\pi \over 5}$$ and $$A = \left[ {\matrix{ {\cos \theta } & {\sin \theta } \cr { - \sin \th
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If the constant term in the binomial expansion of $${\left( {\sqrt x - {k \over {{x^2}}}} \right)^{10}}$$ is 405, then
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The set of all real values of $$\lambda $$ for which the function $$f(x) = \left( {1 - {{\cos }^2}x} \right)\left( {\lam
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Let f : R $$ \to $$ R be a function defined by f(x) = max {x, x2}. Let S denote the set of all points in R, where f is n
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For all twice differentiable functions f : R $$ \to $$ R, with f(0) = f(1) = f'(0) = 0
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The integral $$\int\limits_1^2 {{e^x}.{x^x}\left( {2 + {{\log }_e}x} \right)} dx$$ equals :
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For a suitably chosen real constant a, let a function, $$f:R - \left\{ { - a} \right\} \to R$$ be defined by $$f(x) = {
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Let z = x + iy be a non-zero complex number such that $${z^2} = i{\left| z \right|^2}$$, where i = $$\sqrt { - 1} $$ , t
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The area (in sq. units) of the region enclosed by the curves y = x2 – 1 and y = 1 – x2 is equal to :
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Let L denote the line in the xy-plane with x and y intercepts as 3 and 1 respectively. Then the image of the point (–1,
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The sum of distinct values of $$\lambda $$ for which the system of equations$$\left( {\lambda - 1} \right)x + \left( {3
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The number of words (with or without meaning) that can be formed from all the letters of the word “LETTER” in which vowe
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Suppose that a function f : R $$ \to $$ R satisfies f(x + y) = f(x)f(y) for all x, y $$ \in $$ R and f(1) = 3. If $$\sum
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If $$\overrightarrow x $$ and $$\overrightarrow y $$ be two non-zero vectors such that $$\left| {\overrightarrow x + \o
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Consider the data on x taking the values 0, 2, 4, 8,....., 2n with frequencies nC0 , nC1 , nC2 ,...., nCn respectively.
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For a plane electromagnetic wave, the magnetic field at a point x and time t is $$\overrightarrow B \left( {x,t} \right)
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Particle A of mass m1 moving with velocity $$\left( {\sqrt3\widehat i + \widehat j} \right)m{s^{ - 1}}$$ collides with
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When a car is at rest, its driver sees rain drops falling on it vertically. When driving the car with speed v, he sees t
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A double convex lens has power P and same radii of curvature R of both the surfaces. The radius of curvature of a surfac
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A charged particle going around in a circle can be considered to be a current loop. A particle of mass m carrying charge
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A square loop of side 2$$a$$ and carrying current I is kept in xz plane with its centre at origin. A long wire carrying
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A circuit to verify Ohm's law uses ammeter and voltmeter in series or parallel connected correctly to the resistor. In t
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In a dilute gas at pressure P and temperature T, the mean time between successive collisions of a molecule varies with T
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When a particle of mass m is attached to a vertical spring of spring constant k and released, its motion is described by
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A fluid is flowing through a horizontal pipe of varying cross-section, with speed v ms–1 at a point where the pressure i
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Three rods of identical cross-section and lengths are made of three different materials of thermal conductivity K1 , K2
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The linear mass density of a thin rod AB of length L varies from A to B as $$\lambda \left( x \right) = {\lambda _0}\lef
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Assuming the nitrogen molecule is moving with r.m.s. velocity at 400 K, the de-Broglie wavelength of nitrogen molecule i
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Two identical electric point dipoles have dipole moments $${\overrightarrow p _1} = p\widehat i$$ and $${\overrightarrow
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A student measuring the diameter of a pencil of circular cross-section with the help of a vernier scale records the foll
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In the figure shown, the current in the 10 V battery is close to :
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Consider the force F on a charge 'q' due to a uniformly charged spherical shell of radius R carrying charge Q distribute
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Two planets have masses M and 16 M and their radii are $$a$$ and 2$$a$$, respectively. The separation between the centre
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Given the masses of various atomic particles mp = 1.0072 u, mn = 1.0087 u, me = 0.000548 u, $${m_{\overline v }}$$ = 0,
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A particle moving in the xy plane experiences a velocity dependent force $$\overrightarrow F = k\left( {{v_y}\widehat i
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The centre of mass of solid hemisphere of radius 8 cm is x from the centre of the flat surface. Then value of x is _____
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A Young's double-slit experiment is performed using monochromatic light of wavelength $$\lambda $$. The intensity of lig
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In a series LR circuit, power of 400W is dissipated from a source of 250 V, 50 Hz. The power factor of the circuit is 0.
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