JEE Main 2021 (Online) 22th July Evening Shift
Paper was held on Thu, Jul 22, 2021 9:30 AM
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Which one of the following statements for D.I. Mendeleeff, is incorrect?
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Which purification technique is used for high boiling organic liquid compound (decomposes near its boiling point)?
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Which of the following compounds will provide a tertiary alcohol or reaction with excess of CH3MgBr followed by hydrolys
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Which of the following compounds does not exhibit resonance?
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In the chemical reactions given above A and B respectively are :
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Isotope(s) of hydrogen which emits low energy $$\beta$$$$-$$ particles with t1/2 value > 12 years is/are
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Match List-I with List-II : List-I(Species) List-II(Hybrid Orbitals) (a) $$S{F_4}$
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When silver nitrate solution is added to potassium iodide solution then the sol produced is :
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Which of the following molecules does not show stereo isomerism?
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Which one of the following group-15 hydride is the strongest reducing agent?
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The set having ions which are coloured and paramagnetic both is :
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Thiamine and pyridoxine are also known respectively as :
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An organic compound A (C6H6O) gives dark green colouration with ferric chloride. On treatment with CHCl3 and KOH, follow
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Which one of the following reactions does not occur?
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Which one of the following 0.06 M aqueous solutions has lowest freezing point?
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The total number of unpaired electrons present in [Co(NH3)6]Cl2 and [Co(NH3)6]Cl3 is :
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Methylation of 10 g of benzene gave 9.2 g of toluene. Calculate the percentage yield of toluene __________. (Nearest int
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The number of acyclic structural isomers (including geometrical isomers) for pentene are ___________
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Assume a cell with the following reaction$$C{u_{(s)}} + 2A{g^ + }(1 \times {10^{ - 3}}M) \to C{u^{2 + }}(0.250M) + 2A{g_
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Value of KP for the equilibrium reactionN2O4(g) $$\rightleftharpoons$$ 2NO2(g) at 288 K is 47.9. The KC for this reactio
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If the standard molar enthalpy change for combustion of graphite powder is $$-$$2.48 $$\times$$ 102 kJ mol$$-$$1, the am
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Number of electrons that Vanadium (Z = 23) has in p-orbitals is equal to _____________
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$${N_2}{O_{5(g)}} \to 2N{O_{2(g)}} + {1 \over 2}{O_{2(g)}}$$In the above first order reaction the initial concentration
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If the concentration of glucose (C6H12O6) in blood is 0.72 g L$$-$$1, the molarity of glucose in blood is ____________ $
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Let Sn denote the sum of first n-terms of an arithmetic progression. If S10 = 530, S5 = 140, then S20 $$-$$ S6 is equal
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Let f : R $$\to$$ R be defined as$$f(x) = \left\{ {\matrix{ { - {4 \over 3}{x^3} + 2{x^2} + 3x,} & {x > 0} \c
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Let y = y(x) be the solution of the differential equation $$\cos e{c^2}xdy + 2dx = (1 + y\cos 2x)\cos e{c^2}xdx$$, with
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Four dice are thrown simultaneously and the numbers shown on these dice are recorded in 2 $$\times$$ 2 matrices. The pro
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If $$\int\limits_0^{100\pi } {{{{{\sin }^2}x} \over {{e^{\left( {{x \over \pi } - \left[ {{x \over \pi }} \right]} \righ
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The values of $$\lambda$$ and $$\mu$$ such that the system of equations $$x + y + z = 6$$, $$3x + 5y + 5z = 26$$, $$x +
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If the shortest distance between the straight lines $$3(x - 1) = 6(y - 2) = 2(z - 1)$$ and $$4(x - 2) = 2(y - \lambda )
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Let A = [aij] be a real matrix of order 3 $$\times$$ 3, such that ai1 + ai2 + ai3 = 1, for i = 1, 2, 3. Then, the sum of
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Let [x] denote the greatest integer less than or equal to x. Then, the values of x$$\in$$R satisfying the equation $${[{
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Let the circle S : 36x2 + 36y2 $$-$$ 108x + 120y + C = 0 be such that it neither intersects nor touches the co-ordinate
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Let n denote the number of solutions of the equation z2 + 3$$\overline z $$ = 0, where z is a complex number. Then the v
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If the domain of the function $$f(x) = {{{{\cos }^{ - 1}}\sqrt {{x^2} - x + 1} } \over {\sqrt {{{\sin }^{ - 1}}\left( {{
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Let f : R $$\to$$ R be defined as $$f(x) = \left\{ {\matrix{ {{{{x^3}} \over {{{(1 - \cos 2x)}^2}}}{{\log }_e}\left(
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Let $${E_1}:{{{x^2}} \over {{a^2}}} + {{{y^2}} \over {{b^2}}} = 1,a > b$$. Let E2 be another ellipse such that it tou
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Let A = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. Then the number of bijective functions f : A $$\to$$ A such that f(1) + f(2) = 3 $$-$$
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If the digits are not allowed to repeat in any number formed by using the digits 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, then the number of all n
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Let $$A = \left[ {\matrix{ 0 & 1 & 0 \cr 1 & 0 & 0 \cr 0 & 0 & 1 \cr } } \right
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Consider the following frequency distribution : .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:bl
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The sum of all the elements in the set {n$$\in$$ {1, 2, ....., 100} | H.C.F. of n and 2040 is 1} is equal to ___________
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The area (in sq. units) of the region bounded by the curves x2 + 2y $$-$$ 1 = 0, y2 + 4x $$-$$ 4 = 0 and y2 $$-$$ 4x $$-
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Let f : R $$\to$$ R be a function defined as $$f(x) = \left\{ {\matrix{ {3\left( {1 - {{|x|} \over 2}} \right)} &
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If the constant term, in binomial expansion of $${\left( {2{x^r} + {1 \over {{x^2}}}} \right)^{10}}$$ is 180, then r is
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Let y = y(x) be the solution of the differential equation $$\left( {(x + 2){e^{\left( {{{y + 1} \over {x + 2}}} \right)}
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What will be the projection of vector $$\overrightarrow A = \widehat i + \widehat j + \widehat k$$ on vector $$\overrig
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A Copper (Cu) rod of length 25 cm and cross-sectional area 3 mm2 is joined with a similar Aluminium (Al) rod as shown in
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In a circuit consisting of a capacitance and a generator with alternating emf Eg = Eg0 sin$$\omega$$t, VC and IC are the
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A porter lifts a heavy suitcase of mass 80 kg and at the destination lowers it down by a distance of 80 cm with a consta
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Consider a situation in which a ring, a solid cylinder and a solid sphere roll down on the same inclined plane without s
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Intensity of sunlight is observed as 0.092 Wm$$-$$2 at a point in free space. What will be the peak value of magnetic fi
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A body is projected vertically upwards from the surface of earth with a velocity sufficient enough to carry it to infini
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An electric dipole is placed on x-axis in proximity to a line charge of linear charge density 3.0 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$6 C/
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A nucleus with mass number 184 initially at rest emits an $$\alpha$$-particle. If the Q value of the reaction is 5.5 MeV
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A bullet of '4 g' mass is fired from a gun of mass 4 kg. If the bullet moves with the muzzle speed of 50 ms$$-$$1, the i
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Statement I : The ferromagnetic property depends on temperature. At high temperature, ferromagnet becomes paramagnet.Sta
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Match List - I with List - II List - I List - II (a) $$\omega L > {1 \over {\om
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A ray of light passes from a denser medium to a rarer medium at an angle of incidence i. The reflected and refracted ray
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An electron of mass me and a proton of mass mp are accelerated through the same potential difference. The ratio of the d
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What will be the average value of energy for a monoatomic gas in thermal equilibrium at temperature T?
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T0 is the time period of a simple pendulum at a place. if the length of the pendulum is reduced to $${1 \over {16}}$$ ti
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The motion of a mass on a spring, with spring constant K is as shown in figure.The equation of motion is given by x(t) =
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Consider a situation in which reserve biased current of a particular P-N junction increases when it is exposed to a ligh
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A ray of light passing through a prism ($$\mu$$ = $$\sqrt 3 $$) suffers minimum deviation. It is found that the angle of
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Three students S1, S2 and S3 perform an experiment for determining the acceleration due to gravity (g) using a simple pe
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Three particles P, Q and R are moving along the vectors $$\overrightarrow A = \widehat i + \widehat j$$, $$\overrightar
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In a given circuit diagram, a 5 V zener diode along with a series resistance is connected across a 50 V power supply. Th
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The total charge enclosed in an incremental volume of 2 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$9 m3 located at the origin is ___________ nC,
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The position of the centre of mass of a uniform semi-circular wire of radius 'R' placed in x-y plane with its centre at
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In an electric circuit, a cell of certain emf provides a potential difference of 1.25 V across a load resistance of 5$$\
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The area of cross-section of a railway track is 0.01 m2. The temperature variation is 10$$^\circ$$C. Coefficient of line
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The centre of a wheel rolling on a plane surface moves with a speed v0. A particle on the rim of the wheel at the same l
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