The position vector of 1 kg object is $$\overrightarrow r = \left( {3\widehat i - \widehat j} \right)m$$ and its velocity $$\overrightarrow v = \left( {3\widehat j + \widehat k} \right)m{s^{ - 1}}$$. The magnitude of its angular momentum is $$\sqrt x $$ Nm where x is ___________.
A rolling wheel of 12 kg is on an inclined plane at position P and connected to a mass of 3 kg through a string of fixed length and pulley as shown in figure. Consider PR as friction free surface. The velocity of centre of mass of the wheel when it reaches at the bottom Q of the inclined plane PQ will be $${1 \over 2}\sqrt {xgh} $$ m/s. The value of x is ___________.
Moment of Inertia (M.I.) of four bodies having same mass 'M' and radius '2R' are as follows:
I1 = M.I. of solid sphere about its diameter
I2 = M.I. of solid cylinder about its axis
I3 = M.I. of solid circular disc about its diameter
I4 = M.I. of thin circular ring about its diameter
If 2(I2 + I3) + I4 = x . I1, then the value of x will be __________.
A metre scale is balanced on a knife edge at its centre. When two coins, each of mass 10 g are put one on the top of the other at the 10.0 cm mark the scale is found to be balanced at 40.0 cm mark. The mass of the metre scale is found to be x $$\times$$ 10$$-$$2 kg. The value of x is ___________.