The elastic behaviour of material for linear stress and linear strain, is shown in the figure. The energy density for a linear strain of 5 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$4 is __________ kJ/m3. Assume that material is elastic upto the linear strain of 5 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$4.
The elongation of a wire on the surface of the earth is 10$$-$$4 m. The same wire of same dimensions is elongated by 6 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$5 m on another planet. The acceleration due to gravity on the planet will be ____________ ms$$-$$2. (Take acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth = 10 ms$$-$$2)
An ideal fluid of density 800 kgm$$-$$3, flows smoothly through a bent pipe (as shown in figure) that tapers in cross-sectional area from a to $${a \over 2}$$. The pressure difference between the wide and narrow sections of pipe is 4100 Pa. At wider section, the velocity of fluid is $${{\sqrt x } \over 6}$$ ms$$-$$1 for x = ___________. (Given g = 10 ms$$-$$2)
The velocity of upper layer of water in a river is 36 kmh$$-$$1. Shearing stress between horizontal layers of water is 10$$-$$3 Nm$$-$$2. Depth of the river is __________ m. (Co-efficient of viscosity of water is 10$$-$$2 Pa.s)