JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 1 Offline
Paper was held on Sat, May 20, 2017 9:00 PM
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The correct statement(s) about the oxoacids, $$HCl{O_4}$$ and $$HClO$$ is (are)
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The color of the $${X_2}$$ molecules of group $$17$$ elements changes gradually from yellow to violet down the group. T
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An ideal gas is expanded from $$\left( {{p_1},{V_1},{T_1}} \right)$$ to $$\left( {{p_2},{V_2},{T_2}} \right)$$ under dif
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Addition of excess aqueous ammonia to a pink colored aqueous solution of $$MC{l_2},6{H_2}O\left( X \right)$$ and $$N{H_
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The conductance of a $$0.0015$$ $$M$$ aqueous solution of a weak monobasic acid was determined by using a conductivity c
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A crystalline solid of a pure substance has a face-centered cubic structure with a cell edge of $$400$$ $$pm.$$ If the d
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The sum of the number of lone pairs of electrons on each central atom in the following species is $${[TeB{r_6}]^{2 - }}
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Among $${H_2},H{e_2}^ + ,L{i_2},$$ $$B{e_2},{B_2},{C_2},{N_2},O_2^ - $$ and $${F_2},$$ the number of diamagnetic species
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Among the following, the number of aromatic compound(s) is
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For the synthesis of benzoic acid, the only CORRECT combination is
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The correct statements(s) for the following addition reactions is (are)
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For a solution formed by mixing liquids $$L$$ and $$M,$$ the vapor pressure of $$L$$ plotted against the mole fraction o
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The IUPAC name(s) of the following compound is (are)
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The only CORRECT combination in which the reaction proceeds through radical mechanism is :
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The only CORRECT combination that gives two different carboxylic acids is :
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For $$H{e^ + }$$ ion, the only INCORRECT combination is
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For hydrogen atom, the only CORRECT combination is :
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For the given orbital in Column 1, the only CORRECT combination for any hydrogen-like species is :
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Let X and Y be two events such that $$P(X) = {1 \over 3}$$, $$P(X|Y) = {1 \over 2}$$ and $$P(Y|X) = {2 \over 5}$$. Then
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Let f : R $$ \to $$ (0, 1) be a continuous function. Then, which of the following function(s) has (have) the value zero
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Let a, b, x and y be real numbers such that a $$-$$ b = 1 and y $$ \ne $$ 0. If the complex number z = x + iy satisfies
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If $$2x - y + 1 = 0$$ is a tangent to the hyperbola $${{{x^2}} \over {{a^2}}} - {{{y^2}} \over {16}} = 1$$ then which of
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Let [x] be the greatest integer less than or equals to x. Then, at which of the following point(s) the function $$f(x) =
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Which of the following is(are) NOT the square of a 3 $$ \times $$ 3 matrix with real entries?
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If a chord, which is not a tangent, of the parabola y2 = 16x has the equation 2x + y = p, and mid-point (h, k), then whi
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For a real number $$\alpha $$, if the system$$\left[ {\matrix{ 1 & \alpha & {{\alpha ^2}} \cr \alpha &
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The sides of a right angled triangle are in arithmetic progression. If the triangle has area 24, then what is the length
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Let f : R $$ \to $$ R be a differentiable function such that f(0) = 0, $$f\left( {{\pi \over 2}} \right) = 3$$ and f'(0
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For how many values of p, the circle x2 + y2 + 2x + 4y $$-$$ p = 0 and the coordinate axes have exactly three common poi
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Words of length 10 are formed using the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J. Let x be the number of such words where no
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For $$a = \sqrt 2 $$, if a tangent is drawn to a suitable conic (Column 1) at the point of contact ($$-$$1, 1), then whi
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The tangent to a suitable conic (Column 1) at $$\left( {\sqrt 3 ,\,{1 \over 2}} \right)$$ is found to be $$\sqrt 3 x + 2
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If a tangent to a suitable conic (Column 1) is found to be y = x + 8 and its point of contact is (8, 16), then which of
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Which of the following options is the only INCORRECT combination?
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Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination?
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Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination?
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A block of mass $$M$$ has a circular cut with a frictionless surface as shown. The block resets on the horizontal fricti
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A block $$M$$ hangs vertically at the bottom end of a uniform rope of constant mass per unit length. The top end of the
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A flat plate is moving normal to its plane through a gas under the reaction of a constant force $$F.$$ The gas is kept a
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A human body has a surface area of approximately $$1\,m{}^2.$$ The normal body temperature is $$10$$ $$K$$ above the sur
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A circular insulated copper wire loop is twisted to form two loops of area $$A$$ and $$2A$$ as shown in the figure. At t
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In the circuit shown, $$L = 1\,\mu H,C = 1\,\mu F\,$$ and $$R = 1\,k\Omega .$$ They are connected in series with an a.c.
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For an isosceles prism of angle $$A$$ and refractive index $$\mu $$, it is found that the angle of minimum deviation $${
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An electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from an orbit with quantum number $${n_i}$$ to another with quantu
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A drop of liquid of radius $$R = {10^{ - 2}}\,m$$ having surface tension $$S = {{0.1} \over {4\pi }}N{m^{ - 1}}$$ divid
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In which case will the particle move in a straight line with constant velocity?
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A monochromatic light is travelling in a medium of refractive index $$n=1.6.$$ It enters a stack of glass layers from th
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A stationary source emits sound of frequency $${f_0} = 492\,Hz.$$ The sound is reflected by a large car approaching the
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$${}^{131}{\rm I}$$ is an isotope of Iodine that $$B$$ decays to an isotope of Xenon with a half-life of $$8$$ days. A
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In which case will the particle describe a helical path with axis along the positive $$z$$ direction?
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In which case would the particle move in a straight line along the negative direction of $$y$$-axis (i.e., move along $$
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Which one of the following options is the correct combination?
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Which of the following options is the only correct representation of a process in which $$\Delta U = \Delta Q - P\Delta
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Which one of the following options correctly represents a thermodynamic process that is used as a correction in the dete
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