JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 2 Offline
Paper was held on Sun, Sep 27, 2020 2:30 AM
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The 1st, 2nd and 3rd ionisation enthalpies, I1, I2 and I3, of four atoms with atomic numbers n, n + 1, n + 2, and n + 3,
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Consider the following compounds in the liquid form :O2, HF, H2O, NH3, H2O2, CCl4, CHCl3, C6H6, C6H5ClWhen a charged com
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In the chemical reaction between stoichiometric quantities of KMnO4 and KI in weakly basic solution, what is the number
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An acidified solution of potassium chromate was layered with an equal volume of amyl alcohol. When it was shaken after t
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The structure of a peptide is given below. If the absolute values of the net charge of the peptide at $\mathrm{pH}$ $=2$
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An organic compound (C8H10O2) rotates plane-porarised light. It produces pink color with neutral FeCl3 solution. What is
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In an experiment, m grams of a compound X (gas/liquid/solid) taken in a container is loaded in a balance as shown in fig
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Which of the following plots is(are) correct for the given reaction?([P]0 is the initial concentration of P)
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Which among the following statement(s) is/are true for the extraction of aluminium from bauxite?
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Choose the correct statement(s) among the following :
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Consider the following four compounds, I, II, III, and IV. Choose the correct statement(s)
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Consider the following transformations of a compound P. Choose the correct option(s).
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A solution of 0.1 M weak base (B) is titrated with 0.1 M of a strong acid (HA). The variation of pH of the solution with
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Liquids A and B form ideal solution for all compositions of A and B at 25$$^\circ $$C. Two such solutions with 0.25 and
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The figure below is the plot of potential energy versus internuclear distance (d) of H2 molecule in the electronic groun
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Consider the reaction sequence from P to Q shown below. The overall yield of the major product Q from P is 75%. What is
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Tin is obtained from cassiterite by reduction with coke. Use the data given below to determine the minimum temperature (
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An acidified solution of 0.05 M Zn2+ is saturated with 0.1 M H2S. What is the minimum molar concentration (M) of H+ requ
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For a complex number z, let Re(z) denote that real part of z. Let S be the set of all complex numbers z satisfying $${z^
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The probability that a missile hits a target successfully is 0.75. In order to destroy the target completely, at least t
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Let O be the centre of the circle x2 + y2 = r2, where $$r > {{\sqrt 5 } \over 2}$$. Suppose PQ is a chord of this cir
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The trace of a square matrix is defined to be the sum of its diagonal entries. If A is a 2 $$ \times $$ 2 matrix such th
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Let the functions $$f:( - 1,1) \to R$$ and $$g:( - 1,1) \to ( - 1,1)$$ be defined by $$f(x) = |2x - 1| + |2x + 1|$$ and
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The value of the limit$$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to {\pi \over 2}} {{4\sqrt 2 (\sin 3x + \sin x)} \over {\left( {2\si
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Let b be a nonzero real number. Suppose f : R $$ \to $$ R is a differentiable function such that f(0) = 1. If the deriva
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Let a and b be positive real numbers such that a > 1 and b < a. Let P be a point in the first quadrant that lies o
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Let f : R $$ \to $$ R and g : R $$ \to $$ R be functions satisfying f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) + f(x)f(y) and f(x) = xg(x) f
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Let $$\alpha $$2 + $$\beta $$2 + $$\gamma $$2 $$ \ne $$ 0 and $$\alpha $$ + $$\gamma $$ = 1. Suppose the point (3, 2, $$
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Let a and b be positive real numbers. Suppose $$PQ = a\widehat i + b\widehat j$$ and $$PS = a\widehat i - b\widehat j$$
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For non-negative integers s and r, let$$\left( {\matrix{ s \cr r \cr } } \right) = \left\{ {\matrix{ {{{s
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An engineer is required to visit a factory for exactly four days during the first 15 days of every month and it is manda
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In a hotel, four rooms are available. Six persons are to be accommodated in these four rooms in such a way that each of
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Two fair dice, each with faces numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, are rolled together and the sum of the numbers on the faces
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Let the function f : [0, 1] $$ \to $$ R be defined by$$f(x) = {{{4^x}} \over {{4^x} + 2}}$$Then the value of $$f\left( {
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Let $$f:R \to R$$ be a differentiable function such that its derivative f' is continuous and f($$\pi $$) = $$-$$6.If $$F
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Let the function $$f:(0,\pi ) \to R$$ be defined by $$f(\theta ) = {(\sin \theta + \cos \theta )^2} + {(\sin \theta -
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A large square container with thin transparent vertical walls and filled with water (refractive index $${4 \over 3}$$) i
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A train with cross-sectional area St is moving with speed vt inside a long tunnel of cross-sectional area S0 (S0 = 4St).
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Two large circular discs separated by a distance of 0.01 m are connected to a battery via a switch as shown in the figur
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A point charge q of mass m is suspended vertically by a string of length l. A point dipole of dipole moment $$\overright
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A hot air balloon is carrying some passengers, and a few sandbags of mass 1 kg each so that its total mass is 480 kg. It
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A thermally isolated cylindrical closed vessel of height 8 m is kept vertically. It is divided into two equal parts by a
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A beaker of radius r is filled with water (refractive index $${4 \over 3}$$) up to a height H as shown in the figure on
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A student skates up a ramp that makes an angle 30$$^\circ$$ with the horizontal. He/she starts (as shown in the figure)
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A rod of mass m and length L, pivoted at one of its ends, is hanging vertically. A bullet of the same mass moving at spe
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In an X-ray tube, electrons emitted from a filament (cathode) carrying current I hit a target (anode) at a distance d fr
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Two identical non-conducting solid spheres of same mass and charge are suspended in air from a common point by two non-c
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Starting at time t = 0 from the origin with speed 1 ms-1, a particle follows a two-dimensional trajectory in the x-y pla
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A spherical bubble inside water has radius R. Take the pressure inside the bubble and the water pressure to be p0. The b
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In the balanced condition, the values of the resistances of the four arms of a Wheatstone bridge are shown in the figure
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Two capacitors with capacitance values C1 = 2000 $$ \pm $$ 10 pF and C2 = 3000 $$ \pm $$ 15 pF are connected in series.
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A cubical solid aluminium (bulk modulus = $$ - V{{dP} \over {dV}} = 70GPa$$) block has an edge length of 1 m on the surf
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The inductors of two LR circuits are placed next to each other, as shown in the figure. The values of the self-inductanc
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A container with 1 kg of water in it is kept in sunlight, which causes the water to get warmer than the surroundings. Th
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