(i) The total number of neutrons and
(ii) The total mass of neutron in 7 mg of 14C
(Assume that mass of neutron = mass of hydrogen atom)
(i) 1g of this is dissolved in water. Excess of acidified AgNO3 solution is added to it. 2.567 g of white ppt is formed.
(ii) 1 g of original mixture is heated to 300oC. Some vapours come out which are absorbed in acidified AgNO3 solution, 1.341 g of white precipitate was obtained.
Find the molecular weight of unknown chloride.
(b) A sample of hard water contains 20 mg of Ca++ ions per litre. How many milli-equivalent of Na2CO3 would be required to soften 1 litre of the sample?
(c) 1 gm of Mg is burnt in a closed vessel which contains 0.5gm of O2.
(i) Which reactant is left in excess?
(ii) Find the weight of the excess reactants.
(iii) How many milliliters of 0.5N H2SO4 will dissolve the residue in the vessel?
(ii). The residue is dissolved in 100 ml of 0.1N FeSO4 containing dilute H2SO4.
(iii). The solution reacts completely with 50 ml of KMnO4 solution.
(iv). 25 ml of the KMnO4 solution used in step (iii) requires 30 ml of 0.1 N FeSO4 solution for complete reaction.
Find the amount of MnSO4.4H2O present in the sample.
(a) 1 litre of a mixture of CO and CO2 is taken. This mixture is passed through a tube containing red hot charcoal. The volume now becomes 1.6 litre. The volumes are measured under the same conditions. Find the composition of the mixture by volume.
(b) A compound contains 28 percent of nitrogen and 72 percent of metal by weight. 3 atoms of metal combine with 2 atoms of N. Find the atomic weight of metal.
Explain the following in not more than two sentenses.
A solution of FeCl3 in water gives a brown precipitate on standing.
Compound A is a light green crystalline solid. It gives the following tests :
(i) It dissolves in dilute sulphuric acid. No gas is produced.
(ii) A drop of KMnO4 is added to the above solution. The pink colour disappears.
(iii) Compound A is heated strongly. Gases B and C, with pungent smell, come out. A brown residue D is left behind.
(iv) The gas mixture (B and C) is passed into a dichromate solution. The solution turns green.
(v) The green solution from step (iv) gives a white precipitate E with a solution of barium nitrate.
(vi) Residue D from step (iii) is heated on charcoal in a reducing flame. It gives a magnetic substance E.
Name the compounds A, B, C, D and E.
$$\,{\sin ^2}\alpha + {\sin ^2}\beta - {\sin ^2}\gamma = 2\sin \alpha {\mkern 1mu} \sin \beta {\mkern 1mu} \cos y$$
$$f\left( x \right) = \cos x - x\left( {1 + x} \right);$$ find $$f\left( A \right).$$
Find all the real values of $$x,$$ for which $$y$$ takes real values.
has solution satisfying the conditions $$x > 0,\,y > 0.$$
Reflection about the line $$y=x$$.
Translation through a distance 2 units along the positive direction of x-axis.
Rotation through an angle $$p/4$$ about the origin in the counter clockwise direction.
Then the final position of the point is given by the coordinates.
(ii) $$AB$$ is vertical pole. The end $$A$$ is on the level ground. $$C$$ is the middle point of $$AB$$. $$P$$ is a point on the level ground. The portion $$CB$$ subtends an angle $$\beta $$ at $$P$$. If $$AP = n\,AB,$$ then show that tan$$\beta $$ $$ = {n \over {2{n^2} + 1}}$$
(i) Young's modulus
(ii) Magnetic Induction
(iii) Power of a lens