KI in acetone, undergoes SN2 reaction with each of P, Q, R and S. The rates of the reaction vary as
The compound that does NOT liberate CO2, on treatment with aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution, is
Consider the following complex ions : P, Q and R.
$$P = {[Fe{F_6}]^{3 - }}$$, $$Q = {[V{({H_2}O)_6}]^{2 + }}$$ and $$R = {[Fe{({H_2}O)_6}]^{2 + }}$$
The correct order of the complex ions, according to their spin-only magnetic moment values (in B.M.) is
In the reaction, P + Q $$\to$$ R + S, the time taken for 75% reaction of P is twice the time taken for 50% reaction of P. The concentration of Q varies with reaction time as shown in the figure. The overall order of the reaction is
Concentrated nitric acid, upon long standing, turns yellow-brown due to the formation of
The arrangement of X$$-$$ ions around A+ ion in solid AX is given in the figure (not drawn to scale). If the radius of X$$-$$ is 250 pm, the radius of A+ is
Upon treatment with ammoniacal H2S, the metal ion that precipitates as a sulphide is
The pair(s) of coordination complexes/ions exhibiting the same kind of isomerism is(are)
Among P, Q, R and S, the aromatic compound(s) is(are)
The total number of carboxylic acid groups is the product P is _________.
EDTA4$$-$$ is ethylenediaminetetraacetate ion. The total number of N$$-$$Co$$-$$O bond angles in [Co(EDTA)]1$$-$$ complex ion is ________.
A tetrapeptide has $$-$$COOH group on alanine. This produces glycine (Gly), valine (Val), phenyl alanine (Phe) and alanine (Ala), on complete hydrolysis. For this tetrapeptide, the number of possible sequences (primary structures) with $$-$$NH2 group attached to a chiral center is _______.
non-constant and differentiable function such that
$$f'\left( x \right) < 2f\left( x \right)$$ and $$f\left( {{1 \over 2}} \right) = 1.$$ Then the value of $$\int\limits_{1/2}^1 {f\left( x \right)} \,dx$$ lies in the interval
the curve at each point $$(x,y)$$ be $${y \over x} + \sec \left( {{y \over x}} \right),x > 0.$$
Then the equation of the curve is
Then $${{\Pr obability\,\,of\,\,occurrence\,\,of\,\,{E_1}} \over {\Pr obability\,\,of\,\,occurrence\,\,of\,\,{E_3}}}$$
Then, the coordinate(s) of the points(s) on $${l_2}$$ at a distance of $$\sqrt {17} $$ from the point of intersection of $$l$$ and $${l_1}$$ is (are)

A ray of light travelling in the direction $${1 \over 2}\left( {\widehat i + \sqrt 3 \widehat j} \right)$$ is incident on a plane mirror. After reflection, it travels along the direction $${1 \over 2}\left( {\widehat i - \sqrt 3 \widehat j} \right)$$. The angle of incidence is
Two rectangular blocks, having identical dimensions, can be arranged in either configuration-I or configuration-II as shown in the figure. One of the blocks has thermal conductivity $$\kappa $$ and the other 2$$\kappa $$. The temperature difference between the ends along the x-axis is the same in both the configurations. It takes 9 s to transport a certain amount of heat from the hot end to the cold end in configuration-I. The time to transport the same amount of heat in configuration-II is
A pulse of light of duration 100 ns is absorbed completely by a small object initially at rest. Power of the pulse is 30 mW and the speed of light is 3 $$\times$$ 108 ms$$-$$1. The final momentum of the object is
In the Young's double-slit experiment using a monochromatic light of wavelength $$\lambda$$, the path difference (in terms of an integer n) corresponding to any point having half the peak intensity is
A horizontal stretched string, fixed at two ends, is vibrating in its fifth harmonic according to the equation
y(x, t) = (0.01 m) sin[(62.8 m$$-$$1)x] cos[(628 s$$-$$1)t]
Assuming $$\pi$$ = 3.14, the correct statement(s) is(are)
A particle of mass M and positive charge Q, moving with a constant velocity $${\overrightarrow u _1} = 4\widehat i$$ ms$$-$$1 enters a region of uniform static magnetic field, normal to the xy plane. The region of the magnetic field extends from x = 0 to x = L for all values of y. After passing through this region, the particle emerges on the other side after 10 ms with a velocity $${\overrightarrow u _2} = 2\left( {\sqrt 3 \widehat i + \widehat j} \right)$$ ms$$-$$1. The correct statement(s) is(are)
The work functions of silver and sodium are 4.6 and 2.3 eV, respectively. The ratio of the slope of the stopping potential versus frequency plot for silver to that of sodium is ___________.
A freshly prepared sample of a radioisotope of half-life 1386 s has activity 103 disintegrations per second. Given that ln2 = 0.693, the fraction of the initial number of nuclei (expressed in nearest integer percentage) that will decay in the first 80 s after preparation of the sample is __________.