IIT-JEE 2008 Paper 2 Offline
Paper was held on Sun, Apr 13, 2008 8:30 AM
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Match the entries in Column I with the correctly related quantum number(s) in Column II. Indicate your answer by darkeni
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The correct stability order for the following species is :
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Cellulose upon acetylation with excess acetic anhydride/H$$_2$$SO$$_4$$ (catalytic) gives cellulose triacetate whose str
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In the following reaction sequence, the correct structure of E, F and G are :
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Among the following, the coloured compound is :
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Both [Ni(CO)$$_4$$] and [Ni(CN)$$_4$$]$$^{2-}$$ are diamagnetic. They hybridisations of nickel in these complexes, respe
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The IUPAC name of [Ni(NH$$_3$$)$$_4$$] [NiCl$$_4$$] is :
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Electrolysis of dilute aqueous NaCl solution was carried out by passing 10 milli ampere current. The time required to li
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Among the following, the surfactant that will form micelles in aqueous solution at the lowest molar concentration at amb
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Solubility product constants (K$$_{sp}$$) of salts of types MX, MX$$_2$$ and M$$_3$$X at temperature T are 4.0 $$\times$
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Statement 1 : Aniline on reaction with NaNO$$_2$$/HCl at 0$$^\circ$$C followed by coupling with $$\beta$$-naphthol gives
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Statement 1 : [Fe(H$$_2$$O)$$_5$$NO]SO$$_4$$ is paramagnetic. Statement 2 : The Fe in [Fe(H$$_2$$O)$$_5$$NO]SO$$_4$$ has
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Statement 1 : The geometrical isomers of the complex [M(NH$$_3$$)$$_4$$Cl$$_2$$] are optically inactive. Statement 2 : B
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Statement 1 : There is a natural asymmetry between converting work to heat and converting heat to work. Statement 2 : No
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Compound H is formed by the reaction of
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The structure of compound I is :
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The structures of compound J, K and L, respectively, are:
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The number of atoms in this HCP unit cell is :
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The volume of this HCP unit cell is :
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The empty space in this HCP unit cell is :
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Match the compounds in Column I with their characteristic test(s)/reaction(s) given in Column II. Indicate your answer b
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Match the conversions in Column I with the type(s) of reaction(s) given in Column II. Indicate your answer by darkening
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A particle P stats from the point $${z_0}$$ = 1 +2i, where $$i = \sqrt { - 1} $$. It moves horizontally away from origin
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Let $$a,\,b,c$$, $$p,q$$ be real numbers. Suppose $$\alpha ,\,\beta $$ are the roots of the equation $${x^2} + 2px + q =
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Consider all possible permutations of the letters of the word ENDEANOEL. Match the Statements/Expressions in Column I wi
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Suppose four distinct positive numbers $${a_1},\,{a_{2\,}},\,{a_3},\,{a_4}\,$$ are in G.P. Let $${b_1} = {a_1},{b_2} = {
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Consider $$\,{L_1}:\,\,2x\,\, + \,\,3y\, + \,p\,\, - \,\,3 = 0$$ $$\,{L_2}:\,\,2x\,\, + \,\,3y\, + \,p\,\, + \,\,3 =
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Consider a branch of the hyperbola $$${x^2} - 2{y^2} - 2\sqrt 2 x - 4\sqrt 2 y - 6 = 0$$$ with vertex at the point $$A
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Let $$g(x) = \log f(x)$$, where $$f(x)$$ is a twice differentiable positive function on (0, $$\infty$$) such that $$f(x
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Let the function $$g:\left( { - \infty ,\infty } \right) \to \left( { - {\pi \over 2},{\pi \over 2}} \right)$$ be give
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Let $$I = \int {{{{e^x}} \over {{e^{4x}} + {e^{2x}} + 1}}dx,\,\,J = \int {{{{e^{ - x}}} \over {{e^{ - 4x}} + {e^{ - 2x}}
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The area of the region between the curves $$y = \sqrt {{{1 + \sin x} \over {\cos x}}} $$ and $$y = \sqrt {{{1 - \sin x}
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Which of the following is true?
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Which of the following is true?
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Let $$g\left( x \right) = \int\limits_0^{{e^x}} {{{f'\left( t \right)} \over {1 + {t^2}}}} \,dt.$$ Which of the followin
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Let a solution $$y=y(x)$$ of the differential equation, $$x\sqrt {{x^2} - 1} \,\,dy - y\sqrt {{y^2} - 1} \,dx = 0$$ sat
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Let two non-collinear unit vectors $$\widehat a$$ and $$\widehat b$$ form an acute angle. A point $$P$$ moves so that at
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The unit vector perpendicular to both $${L_1}$$ and $${L_2}$$ is :
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The distance of the point $$(1, 1, 1)$$ from the plane passing through the point $$(-1, -2, -1)$$ and whose normal is pe
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The shortest distance between $${L_1}$$ and $${L_2}$$ is :
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Consider three points $$P = ( - \sin (\beta - \alpha ), - cos\beta ),Q = (cos(\beta - \alpha ),\sin \beta )$$ and $$R
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An experiment has 10 equally likely outcomes. Let A and B be two non-empty events of the experiment. If A consists of 4
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Consider the lines given by: $${L_1}:x + 3y - 5 = 0$$ $${L_2}:3x - ky - 1 = 0$$ $${L_3}:5x + 2y - 12 = 0$$ Match the Sta
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Match the Statements/Expressions in Column I with the Statements/Expressions in Column II. .tg {border-collapse:collap
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STATEMENT-1: For an observer looking out through the window of a fast moving train, the nearby objects appear to move in
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Consider a system of three charges $${q \over 3},{q \over 3}$$ and $$ - {{2q} \over 3}$$ placed at points A, B and C, re
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A radioactive sample S1 having activity of 5 $$\mu$$Ci has twice the number of nuclei as another sample S2 which has an
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A transverse sinusoidal wave moves along a string in the positive x-direction at a speed of 10 cm/s. The wavelength of t
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A block (B) is attached to two unstretched springs S1 and S2 with spring constants k and 4k respectively (see figure I).
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A bob of mass M is suspended by a massless string of length L. The horizontal velocity V at position A is just sufficien
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A glass tube of uniform internal radius (r) has a valve separating the two identical ends. Initially, the valve is in a
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A vibrating string of certain length 1 under a tension T resonates with a mode corresponding to the first overtone (thir
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A parallel plate capacitor C with plates of unit area and separation d is filled with a liquid of dielectric constant K
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A light beam is travelling from Region I to Region IV (Refer figure). The refractive index in Regions I, II, III and I
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STATEMENT 1 : It is easier to pull a heavy object than to push it on a level ground. and STATEMENT 2 : The magnitude of
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STATEMENT 1 : For practical purposes, the earth is used as a reference at zero potential in electrical circuits. and STA
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STATEMENT 1 : The sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer is increased by placing a suitable magnetic material as a co
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The electric field at r = R is :
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For a = 0, the value of d (maximum value of $$\rho$$ as shown in the figure) is
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The electric field within the nucleus is generally observed to be linearly dependent on r. This implies
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The net external force acting on the disk when its centre of mass is at displacement x with respect to its equilibrium p
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The centre of mass of the disk undergoes simple harmonic motion with angular frequency $$\omega$$ equal to:
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The maximum value of V$$_0$$ for which the disk will roll without slipping is:
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Column I gives a list of possible set of parameters measured in some experiments. The variations of the parameters in th
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An optical component and an object S placed along its optic axis are given in Column I. The distance between the object
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Column I contains a list of processes involving expansion of an ideal gas. Match this with Column II describing the ther
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