A sample and hold circuit is implemented using a resistive switch and a capacitor with a time constant of 1 $$\mu$$s. The time for the sampling switch to stay closed to charge a capacitor adequately to a full scale voltage of 1 V with 12-bit accuracy is ___________ $$\mu$$s (rounded off to two decimal places).
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MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A circuit with an ideal OPAMP is shown. The Bode plot for the magnitude (in dB) of the gain transfer function (Av(j$$\omega$$) = Vout(j$$\omega$$)/Vin(j$$\omega$$)) of the circuit is also provided (here, $$\omega$$ is the angular frequency in rad/s). The values of R and C are __________.
GATE ECE 2017 Set 1
The amplifier circuit shown in the figure is
implemented using a compensated operational
amplifier (op-amp), and has an open-loop voltage
gain, A0 105 V/V and an open-loop cut-off frequency, fC = 8 Hz. The voltage gain of the amplifier
at 15 kHz, in V/V, is __________.
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GATE ECE 2017 Set 2
In the voltage reference circuit shown in the figure, the op-amp is ideal and the transistors Q1,
Q2,….., Q32 are identical in all respects and have infinitely large values of common – emitter
current gain $$\beta $$. The collector current (IC) of the transistors is related to their base emitter voltage (VBE) by the relation IC = IS exp (VBE/VT); where Is is the saturation current. Assume that the
voltage VP shown in the figure is 0.7 V and the thermal voltage VT=26mV
The output voltage Vout (in volts) is _____.
Your input ____
Questions Asked from Operational Amplifier (Marks 2)
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GATE ECE Subjects
Signals and Systems
Representation of Continuous Time Signal Fourier Series Discrete Time Signal Fourier Series Fourier Transform Discrete Time Signal Z Transform Continuous Time Linear Invariant System Transmission of Signal Through Continuous Time LTI Systems Discrete Time Linear Time Invariant Systems Sampling Continuous Time Signal Laplace Transform Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform Transmission of Signal Through Discrete Time Lti Systems Miscellaneous Fourier Transform
Network Theory
Control Systems
Digital Circuits
General Aptitude
Electronic Devices and VLSI
Analog Circuits
Engineering Mathematics