Antennas · Electromagnetics · GATE ECE
Marks 1
1. Point electromagnetic source
2. Dish antenna
3. Yagi-Uda antenna
P. Highly directional
Q. End fire
R. Isotropic
Marks 2
The radiated power density is symmetrical with respect to $$\phi $$ and exists only in the upper hemisphere: $$0 \le \theta \le {\pi \over 2};\,\,\,\,0 \le \theta \le 2\pi ;$$
$${C_0}$$ is a constant. The power radiated by the antenna (in watts) and the maximum directivity of the antenna, respectively, are

Marks 4
Marks 5
(a) Obtain the expression for the radiation pattern for E in the XY plane, i.e.,$$\left( {\theta = {{90}^0}} \right)$$.
(b) Sketch the radiation pattern obtained in (a).

(a) Write down the expression for the corresponding magnetic field strength vector.
(b) Calculate the frequency of the wave.
(C) Give the complete description of the polarization of the wave.

Marks 8
Marks 10
(a) equal and in - phase currents (Broadside array)
(b) equal currents but with a phase difference of 5400 between the two currents (End fire array)