Calculus · Engineering Mathematics · GATE ECE
Marks 1
Consider the two-dimensional vector field $$\overrightarrow F (x,y) - x\overrightarrow i + y\overrightarrow j $$, where $$\overrightarrow i $$ and $$\widehat j$$ denote the unit vectors along the x-axis and the y-axis, respectively. A contour C in the x-y plane, as shown in the figure, is composed of two horizontal lines connected at the two ends by two semicircular arcs of unit radius. The contour is traversed in the counter-clockwise sense. The value of the closed path integral
$$\oint\limits_C {\overrightarrow F (x,y)\,.\,(dx\overrightarrow i + dy\overrightarrow j )} $$
is ___________.
$${{dy} \over {dx}} = - {\left( {{x \over y}} \right)^n}$$
for n = –1 and n = 1 respectively, are
f(x) = $${a_0} + {a_1}x + {a_2}{x^2} + ...$$
The coefficient $${a_2}$$ (correct to two decimal places) is equal to _______.
$$P:$$ If $$f(x)$$ is continuous at $$x = {x_0},$$ then it is also differentiable at $$x = {x_0},$$
$$Q:$$ If $$f(x)$$ is continuous at $$x = {x_0},$$ then it may not be differentiable at $$x = {x_0},$$
$$R:$$ If $$f(x)$$ is differentiable at $$x = {x_0},$$ then it is also continuous at $$x = {x_0},$$

Marks 2
Consider the Earth to be a perfect sphere of radius $R$. Then the surface area of the region, enclosed by the 60°N latitude circle, that contains the north pole in its interior is _______.
The value of the line integral $$\int_P^Q {({z^2}dx + 3{y^2}dy + 2xz\,dz)} $$ along the straight line joining the points $$P(1,1,2)$$ and $$Q(2,3,1)$$ is
The value of the integral $$\int\limits\!\!\!\int_R {xy\,dx\,dy} $$ over the regioin R, given in the figure, is _________ (rounded off to the nearest integer).
The function f(x) = 8loge x $$-$$ x2 + 3 attains its minimum over the interval [1, e] at x = __________.
(Here loge x is the natural logarithm of x.)
The value of the integral
$$\int\!\!\!\int\limits_D {3({x^2} + {y^2})dx\,dy} $$,
where D is the shaded triangular region shown in the diagram, is ___________ (rounded off to the nearest integer).
Where $$x, y, z$$ are real. The volume of $$R$$ correct to two decimal places is __________.
$$\left\{ {\left( {\rho ,\varphi ,{\rm Z}} \right):3 \le \rho \le 5,\,\,{\pi \over 8} \le \phi \le {\pi \over 4},\,\,3 \le z \le 4.5} \right\}$$ in cylindrical coordinates has volume of ___________.
in the interval $$\,0 \le x \le 3$$ is __________.