Compensators · Control Systems · GATE ECE
Marks 1
where k, a and b are positive real numbers. The condition for this controller to act as a phase lead compensator is

where T > 0. The maximum phase-shift provided by such a compesator is
Marks 2
A satellite attitude control system, as shown below, has a plant with transfer function $G(s) = \frac{1}{s^2}$ cascaded with a compensator $C(s) = \frac{K(s +\alpha)}{s + 4}$, where $K$ and $\alpha$ are positive real constants.
In order for the closed-loop system to have poles at $-1 \pm j \sqrt{3}$, the value of $\alpha$ must be ______.
Kt=1 N-m/A, Ra=$$1\Omega ,$$ La=0.1H,
J=5kg-m2, B=1 N-m/(rad/sec) and Kb=1V/(rad/sec).
The steady-state position response (in radians) due to unit impulse disturbance torque Td is ____.

The phase of the above lead compensator is maximum at
$${G_C}(s)$$ is a lead compensator if

Group - II
1. PID controller
2. Lead compensator
3. Lag compensator

The condition for the RC network to act as a phase lead controller is:
Marks 5
(a) Determine the frequency at which the plant has a phase lah of 90o.
(b) An intergral controller with transfer function Gc(s)=$${k \over s}$$ , isplaced in the forwardpath the value of k such that the compensated system has an open loop gain margin of 2.5.
(c) Determine the steady state errors of the compensated system to unit-step and unit-ramp inputs.

(a) Find the desired location of the closed loop poles.
(b) Write down the requiredcharacteristic equation for the system. Hense determine the PD controller transfer function Gp(s) when K = 1.
(c) Sketch the root-locus for the system.