Maxwell Equations · Electromagnetics · GATE ECE
Marks 1
Let $\hat{i}$ and $\hat{j}$ be the unit vectors along $x$ and $y$ axes, respectively and let $A$ be a positive constant. Which one of the following statements is true for the vector fields $\vec{F}_1 = A(\hat{i}y + \hat{j}x)$ and $\vec{F}_2 = A(\hat{i}y − \hat{j}x)$?
In a circuit, there is a series connection of an ideal resistor and an ideal capacitor. The conduction current (in Amperes) through the resistor is 2sin(t + $$\pi$$/2). The displacement current (in Amperes) through the capacitor is __________.

For some charge placed on this structure, the potential and surface electric field on S1 are Va and Ea , and that on S2 are Vb and Eb, respectively, which of the following is CORRECT?
Consider a closed surface S surrounding volume V. If $$\overrightarrow{\mathrm r}$$ is the position vector of a point inside S, with $$\widehat n$$ the unit normal on S, the value of the integral is

Marks 2
In an electrostatic field, the electric displacement density vector, $$\overrightarrow D $$, is given by
$$\overrightarrow D (x,y,z) = ({x^3}\overrightarrow i + {y^3}\overrightarrow j + x{y^2}\overrightarrow k )$$ C/m2,
where, $$\overrightarrow i $$, $$\overrightarrow j $$, $$\overrightarrow k $$ are the unit vectors along x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis, respectively. Consider a cubical region R centered at the origin with each side of length 1 m, and vertices at ($$\pm$$ 0.5 m, $$\pm$$ 0.5 m, $$\pm$$ 0.5 m). The electric charge enclosed within R is __________ C (rounded off to two decimal places).
[Given, mass of electron m = 9.11×10-31 kg, charge of electron e = -1.6×10-19 C , and permittivity $$\varepsilon_0=\left(1/36\mathrm\pi\right)\times10^{-9}\;\mathrm F/\mathrm m$$].

At this new plate separation, what is the energy stored in the capacitor, neglecting fringing effects?

is the electric field in a source free region, a valid expression for the electrostatic potential is
A hole of radius b (b < a) is now drilled along the length of the wire at a distance d from the center of the wire as shown below.

The magnetic field inside the hole is
The magnetic field at a distance r from the center of the wire is proportional to

Given,$$\overrightarrow V=x\cos^2y\;\;\widehat{\mathrm i}\;+\;\mathrm x^2\mathrm e^\mathrm z\;\widehat{\mathrm j}\;+\;\mathrm{zsin}^2\mathrm y\;\widehat{\mathrm k}$$ and S the surface of a unit cube with one corner at the origin and edges parallel to the coordinate axes, the value of the integral is