If XY=00, the flip-flop changes stage with each clock pulse.
If XY=01, the flip-flop state Q becomes 1 with the next clock pulse.
If XY=10, the flip-flop state Q becomes 0 with the next clock pulse.
If XY=11, no change of state occurs with the clock pulse.
(a) Write the Truth table for the X-Y flip flop
(b) Write the Excitation table for the X-Y flip flop
(c) It is desired to convert a J-K flip flop into the X-Y flip flop by adding some external gates, if necessary. Draw a circuit to show how you will implement the X-Y flip-flop using a J-K flip-flop.
For M=1, sequence of Q1, Q0 is ..00, 01, 10, 11, 00, 01.......
For M=0, sequence of Q1, Q0 is ..00, 11, 10, 01, 00, 11......
(a)Design the necessary feedback logic for T1 and T0.
(b)Realize the feesback logic using inverters and 4-input multiplexers only. Use Q1 and Q0 as the control inputs of the multiplexer with Q1 as the MSB.