Its is desired to generate the following three Boolean functions.
& {F_1} = a\,\overline b \,c + \overline a \,b\overline c + bc \cr
& {F_2} = \,a\,\overline b \,c + ab + \overline a \,b\overline c \cr
& {F_3} = \,\overline a \,\overline b \,\overline c + abc + \overline a c \cr} $$
By using an OR gate array as shown in figure where $${P_{1\,}}\,to\,{P_5}$$ are the product terms in one or more of the variables a, $$\overline a $$, b, $$\,\overline b $$, c and $$\overline c $$.
Questions Asked from Boolean Algebra (Marks 5)
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