A unity feedback system has the plant transfer function
Gp(s)=$${1 \over {\left( {s + 1} \right)\left( {2s + 1} \right)}}$$
(a) Determine the frequency at which the plant has a phase lah of 90o.
(b) An intergral controller with transfer function Gc(s)=$${k \over s}$$ , isplaced in the forwardpath the value of k such that the compensated system has an open loop gain margin of 2.5.
(c) Determine the steady state errors of the compensated system to unit-step and unit-ramp inputs.
(a) Determine the frequency at which the plant has a phase lah of 90o.
(b) An intergral controller with transfer function Gc(s)=$${k \over s}$$ , isplaced in the forwardpath the value of k such that the compensated system has an open loop gain margin of 2.5.
(c) Determine the steady state errors of the compensated system to unit-step and unit-ramp inputs.
For the feedback control system shown in the figure, the process transfer function is
Gp(s) = $${1 \over {s(s + 1)}},$$ and the amplification factor of the Power amplifier is K$$ \ge $$0.
The design specifications required for the system, time constant is 1 sec and a damping ratio of 0.707.
(a) Find the desired location of the closed loop poles.
(b) Write down the requiredcharacteristic equation for the system. Hense determine the PD controller transfer function Gp(s) when K = 1.
(c) Sketch the root-locus for the system.

(a) Find the desired location of the closed loop poles.
(b) Write down the requiredcharacteristic equation for the system. Hense determine the PD controller transfer function Gp(s) when K = 1.
(c) Sketch the root-locus for the system.
Questions Asked from Compensators (Marks 5)
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