JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 2 Offline
Paper was held on Sun, May 20, 2018 2:00 AM
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Galena (an ore) is partially oxidized by passing air through it at high temperature. After some time, the passage of air
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The correct option(s) to distinguish nitrate salts of $$M{n^{2 + }}$$ and $$C{u^{2 + }}$$ taken separately is (are)
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The total number of compounds having at least one bridging oxo group among the molecules given below is _________. $${N
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The correct option(s) regarding the complex $${\left[ {Co\left( {en} \right){{\left( {N{H_3}} \right)}_3}\left( {{H_2}O
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To measure the quantity of $$MnC{l_2}$$ dissolved in an aqueous solution, it was completely converted to $$KMn{O_4}$$ u
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The surface of copper gets tarnished by the formation of copper oxide. $${N_2}$$ gas was passed to prevent the oxide for
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The Fischer presentation of $$D$$-glucose is given below. The correct structure(s) of $$\beta $$-$$L$$-glucopyranose i
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In the following reaction sequence, the amount of $$D$$ (in g) formed from $$10$$ moles of acetophenone is ___________.
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Aniline reacts with mixed acid (conc. $$HN{O_3}$$ and conc. $${H_2}S{O_4}$$) at $$288$$ $$K$$ to give P $$\left( {51\% }
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For the given compound $$X,$$ the total number of optically active stereoisomers is ____________.
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For a first order reaction $$A\left( g \right) \to 2B\left( g \right) + C\left( g \right)$$ at constant volume and $$300
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Match each set of hybrid orbitals from LIST - A with complex(es) given in LIST - B .tg {border-collapse:collapse;borde
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Consider the following reversible reaction, $$A\left( g \right) + B\left( g \right) \to AB\left( g \right).$$ The activ
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Consider an electrochemical cell : $$A\left( s \right)\left| {{A^{n + }}\left( {aq,2M} \right)} \right|{B^{2n + }}\left
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Dilution processes of different aqueous solutions, with water, are given in LIST - I. The effects of dilution of the sol
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The desired product $$X$$ can be prepared by reacting the major product of the reactions in LIST-I with one or more app
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LIST-I contains reactions and LIST-II contains major products. Match the reaction in LIST-I with one or more prod
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For a reaction, $$A\,\,\rightleftharpoons\,\,P,$$ the plots of $$\left[ A \right]$$ and $$\left[ P \right]$$ with time a
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For any positive integer n, define $${f_n}:(0,\infty ) \to R$$ as$${f_n} = \sum\limits_{j = 1}^n {{{\tan }^{ - 1}}} \lef
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Let T be the line passing through the points P($$-$$2, 7) and Q(2, $$-$$5). Let F1 be the set of al pairs of circles (S1
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Let S be the set of all column matrices $$\left[ {\matrix{ {{b_1}} \cr {{b_2}} \cr {{b_3}} \cr } } \rig
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Consider two straight lines, each of which is tangent to both the circle x2 + y2 = (1/2) and the parabola y2 = 4x. Let t
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Let s, t, r be non-zero complex numbers and L be the set of solutions $$z = x + iy(x,y \in R,\,i = \sqrt { - 1} )$$ of t
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Let f : (0, $$\pi $$) $$ \to $$ R be a twice differentiable function such that $$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{t \to x} {{f(x)
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The value of the integral$$\int_0^{1/2} {{{1 + \sqrt 3 } \over {{{({{(x + 1)}^2}{{(1 - x)}^6})}^{1/4}}}}dx} $$ is ......
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Let P be a matrix of order 3 $$ \times $$ 3 such that all the entries in P are from the set {$$-$$1, 0, 1}. Then, the ma
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Let X be a set with exactly 5 elements and Y be a set with exactly 7 elements. If $$\alpha $$ is the number of one-one f
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Let f : R $$ \to $$ R be a differentiable function with f(0) = 0. If y = f(x) satisfies the differential equation $${{dy
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Let f : R $$ \to $$ R be a differentiable function with f(0) = 1 and satisfying the equation f(x + y) = f(x) f'(y) + f'(
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Let P be a point in the first octant, whose image Q in the plane x + y = 3 (that is, the line segment PQ is perpendicula
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Consider the cube in the first octant with sides OP, OQ and OR of length 1, along the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis, respect
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Let $$X = {({}^{10}{C_1})^2} + 2{({}^{10}{C_2})^2} + 3{({}^{10}{C_3})^2} + ... + 10{({}^{10}{C_{10}})^2}$$, where $${}^{
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Let $${E_1} = \left\{ {x \in R:x \ne 1\,and\,{x \over {x - 1}} > 0} \right\}$$ and $${E_2} = \left\{ \matrix{ x \in
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In a high school, a committee has to be formed from a group of 6 boys M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 and 5 girls G1, G2, G3, G4,
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Let $$H:{{{x^2}} \over {{a^2}}} - {{{y^2}} \over {{b^2}}} = 1$$, where a > b > 0, be a hyperbola in the XY-plane w
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Let $${f_1}:R \to R,\,{f_2}:\left( { - {\pi \over 2},{\pi \over 2}} \right) \to R,\,{f_3}:( - 1,{e^{\pi /2}} - 2) \to
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A particle of mass $$m$$ is initially at rest at the origin. It is subjected to a force and starts moving along the $$x$
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Consider a thin square plate floating on a viscous liquid in a large tank. The height $$h$$ of the liquid in the tank is
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An infinitely long thin non-conducting wire is parallel to the $$z$$-axis and carries a uniform line charge density $$\l
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In a radioactive decay chain, $${}_{90}^{232}Th$$ nucleus decays to $${}_{82}^{212}Pb$$ nucleus. Let $${N_\alpha }$$ and
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A wire is bent in the shape of a right angled triangle and is placed in front of a concave mirror of focal length $$f,$$
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In an experiment to measure the speed of sound by a resonating air column, a tuning fork of frequency $$500$$ $$Hz$$ is
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A solid horizontal surface is covered with a thin layer of oil. A rectangular block of mass $$m=0.4$$ $$kg$$ is at rest
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A moving coil galvanometer has $$50$$ turns and each turn has an area $$2 \times {10^{ - 4}}\,{m^2}.$$ The magnetic fiel
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A ball is projected from the ground at an angle of $${45^o}$$ with the horizontal surface. It reaches a maximum height o
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A particle, of mass $${10^{ - 3}}$$ $$kg$$ and charge $$1.0$$ $$C,$$ is initially at rest. At time $$t=0,$$ the particle
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One mole of a monatomic ideal gas undergoes an adiabatic expansion in which its volume becomes eight times its initial v
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A steel wire of diameter $$0.5$$ $$mm$$ and Young's modulus $$2 \times {10^{11}}\,\,N{m^{ - 2}}$$ carries a load of mass
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Consider a hydrogen-like ionized atom with atomic number $$Z$$ with a single electron. In the emission spectrum of this
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In a photoelectric experiment a parallel beam of monochromatic light with power of $$200$$ $$W$$ is incident on a perfec
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The electric field $$E$$ is measured at a point $$P(0,0,d)$$ generated due to various charge distributions and the depen
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A planet of mass $$M,$$ has two natural satellites with masses $${m_1}$$ and $${m_2}.$$ The radii of their circular or
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One mole of a monatomic ideal gas undergoes four thermodynamic processes as shown schematically in the $$PV$$-diagram be
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In the List-$${\rm I}$$ below, four different paths of a particle are given as functions of time. In these functions, $
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