JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 2 Offline
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The electric field $$E$$ is measured at a point $$P(0,0,d)$$ generated due to various charge distributions and the dependence of $$E$$ on $$d$$ is found to be different for different charge distributions. List-$${\rm I}$$ contains different relations between $$E$$ and $$d$$. List-$${\rm II}$$ describes different electric charge distributions, along with their locations. Match the functions in List-$${\rm I}$$ with the related charge distributions in List-$${\rm II}$$.
LIST - I | LIST - II | ||
P. | $$E$$ is independent of $$d$$ | 1. | A point charge Q at the origin |
Q. | $$E\, \propto \,1/d$$ | 2. | A small dipole with point charges $$Q$$ at $$\left( {0,0,l} \right)$$ and $$-Q$$ at $$\left( {0,0, - l} \right).$$ Take $$2l < < d$$ |
R. | $$E\, \propto \,1/{d^2}$$ | 3. | An infinite line charge coincident with the x-axis, with uniform linear charge density $$\lambda $$ |
S. | $$E\, \propto \,1/{d^3}$$ | 4. | Two infinite wires carrying uniform linear charge density parallel to the $$x$$-axis. The one along $$\left( {y = 0,z = l} \right)$$ has a charge density $$ + \lambda $$ and the one along $$\left( {y = 0,z = - l} \right)$$ has a charge density Take |
5. | Infinite plane charge coincident
with the $$xy$$-plane with uniform surface charge density |
JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 2 Offline
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
One mole of a monatomic ideal gas undergoes four thermodynamic processes as shown schematically in the $$PV$$-diagram below. Among these four processes, one is isobaric, one is isochoric, one is isothermal and one is adiabatic. Match the processes mentioned in List-I with the corresponding statements in List-II.

LIST - I | LIST - II | ||
P. | In process I | 1. | Work done by the gas is zero |
Q. | In process II | 2. | Temperature of the gas remains unchanged |
R. | In process III | 3. | No heat is exchanged between the gas and its surroundings |
S. | In process IV | 4. | Work done by the gas is 6P0V0 |
JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 2 Offline
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
In the List-$${\rm I}$$ below, four different paths of a particle are given as functions of time. In these functions, $$\alpha $$ and $$\beta $$ are positive constants of appropriate dimensions and $$\alpha \ne \beta $$ In each case, the force acting on the particle is either zero or conservative. In List-$${\rm I}{\rm I}$$, five physical quantities of the particle are mentioned $$\overrightarrow p $$ is the linear momentum, $$\overrightarrow L $$ is the angular momentum about the origin, $$K$$ is the kinetic energy, $$U$$ is the potential energy and $$E$$ is the total energy. Match each path in List-$${\rm I}$$ with those quantities in List-$${\rm II}$$, which are conserved for that path.
LIST - I | LIST - II | ||
P. | $$\overrightarrow r $$(t)=$$\alpha $$ $$t\,\widehat i + \beta t\widehat j$$ | 1. | $$\overrightarrow p $$ |
Q. | $$\overrightarrow r \left( t \right) = \alpha \cos \,\omega t\,\widehat i + \beta \sin \omega t\,\widehat j$$ | 2. | $$\overrightarrow L $$ |
R. | $$\overrightarrow r \left( t \right) = \alpha \left( {\cos \omega t\,\widehat i + \sin \omega t\widehat j} \right)$$ | 3. | K |
S. | $$\overrightarrow r \left( t \right) = \alpha t\,\widehat i + {\beta \over 2}{t^2}\widehat j$$ | 4. | U |
5. | E |
JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 2 Offline
MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)
A particle of mass $$m$$ is initially at rest at the origin. It is subjected to a force and starts moving along the $$x$$-axis. Its kinetic energy $$K$$ changes with time as $$dK/dt = \gamma t,$$ where $$\gamma $$ is a positive constant of appropriate dimensions. Which of a positive constant of appropriate dimensions. Which of the following statement is (are) true?
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