GATE ME 2000
Given below are the data for a project network.
(a) Draw the network for the above project capturing the precedence relationships.
(b) Find the critical path and its duration.

(a) Draw the network for the above project capturing the precedence relationships.
(b) Find the critical path and its duration.
GATE ME 1997
A project plan is given below:

(a) Construct a $$PERT$$ network
(b) Find the critical path and estimate the project duration.
GATE ME 1995
A project with the following data is to be implemented:

(a) What is the minimum duration of the project?
(b) Draw a Gantt chart for the early schedule
(c) Determine the peak requirement of money and the day on which it occurs in above schedule.
GATE ME 1993
For a small project with five jobs, the following data is given
(i) Draw the project network in activity on arc mode
(ii) Under $$PERT$$ assumptions, determine the distribution of project duration.

(i) Draw the project network in activity on arc mode
(ii) Under $$PERT$$ assumptions, determine the distribution of project duration.
Questions Asked from Pert and Cpm (Marks 5)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE ME Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Machine Design
Strength of Materials
Heat Transfer
Production Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Turbo Machinery
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Fluid Mechanics
General Aptitude