Fluid Statics · Fluid Mechanics · GATE ME

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Marks 1

GATE ME 2016 Set 1
For a floating body, buoyant force acts at the
GATE ME 2014 Set
For a completely submerged body with centre of gravity $$‘G’$$ and centre of buoyancy $$‘B’,$$ the condition of stability will be
GATE ME 2014 Set 1
For a completely submerged body with center of gravity $$'G'$$ and center of buoyancy $$'B',$$ the condition of stability will be
GATE ME 2010
For the stability of a floating body, under the influence of gravity alone, which of the following is TRUE?
GATE ME 2003
A cylindrical body of cross - sectional area A, height $$H$$ and density $${\rho _s},$$ is immersed to a depth $$h$$ in a liquid of density $$\rho ,$$...
GATE ME 2001
A static fluid can have
GATE ME 1996
A mercury manometer is used to measure the static pressure at a point in a water pipe as shown in Fig. The level difference of mercury in the two limb...
GATE ME 1994
Bodies in floatation to be in stable equilibrium the necessary and sufficient condition is that the center of gravity is located below the ___________...
GATE ME 1993
Shown below are three cylindrical gates which restrain water in $$2$$-$$D$$ channel. Which gate experiences the maximum vertical component, the minimu...

Marks 2

GATE ME 2017 Set 2
For the stability of a floating body the
GATE ME 2016 Set 2
The large vessel shown in the figure contains oil and water. A body is submerged at the interface of oil and water such that $$45$$ percent of its vol...
GATE ME 2016 Set 2
Consider a frictionless, massless and leak-proof plug blocking a rectangular hole of dimensions $$2R \times L$$ at the bottom of an open tank as show...
GATE ME 2016 Set 1
An inverted U-tube manometer is used to measure the pressure difference between two pipes $$A$$ and $$B,$$ as shown in the figure. Pipe $$A$$ is carry...
GATE ME 2014 Set 2
A spherical balloon with a diameter of $$10m,$$ shown in the figure below is used for advertisements. The balloon is filled with helium $$\left( {{R_{...
GATE ME 2013
A hinged gate of length $$5$$ $$m,$$ inclined at $${30^ \circ }$$ with the horizontal and with water mass on its left, is shown in the figure below. D...
GATE ME 2008
A two dimensional fluid element rotates like a rigid body. At a point with in the element, the pressure is $$1$$ unit. Radius of the Mohr's circle, ch...
GATE ME 2004
The pressure gauges $${G_1}$$ and $${G_2}$$ installed on the system shown pressures of $${P_{G1}} = 5.00$$ bar and $${P_{G2}} = 1.00$$ bar. The value ...
GATE ME 2004
The pressure gauges $${G_1}$$ and $${G_2}$$ installed on the system show pressures of $${P_{G1}} = 5.00$$ bar and $${P_{G2}} = 1.00$$ bar. The value o...
GATE ME 2001
The horizontal and vertical hydrostatic forces $${F_x}$$ and $${F_y}$$ on the semi-circular gate, having a width $$'w'$$ into the plane of figure, are...
GATE ME 2000
In given figure, if the pressure of gas in bulb $$A$$ is $$50$$ $$cm$$ $$Hg$$ vacuum and $${P_{atm}} = 76\,cm\,Hg,$$ then height of column $$H$$ is eq...
GATE ME 1997
Refer to figure, the absolute pressure of gas $$A$$ in the bulb is ...
GATE ME 1995
The force $$F$$ needed to support the liquid of density $$d$$ and the vessel on top (fig) is ...
GATE ME 1990
The cross-sectional area of one limb of a U-tube manometer [ Figure shown below ] is made $$500$$ time larger than the other, so that the pressure di...
GATE ME 1988
A circular plate $$1$$ $$m$$ in diameter is submerged vertically in water such that its upper edge is $$8m$$ below the free surface of water. The tota...

Marks 5

GATE ME 1998
A cylinder of mass $$10$$ kg and area of cross-section $$0.1$$ $${m^2}$$ is tied down with string in a vessel containing two liquids as shown in Figur...
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