A solid part (see figure) of polymer material is to be fabricated by additive manufacturing (AM) in square-shaped layers starting from the bottom of the part working upwards. The nozzle diameter of the AM machine is a/10 mm and the nozzle follows a linear serpentine path parallel to the sides of the square layers with a feed rate of a/5 mm/min.
Ignore any tool path motions other than those involved in adding material, and any other delays between layers or the serpentine scan lines.
The time taken to fabricate this part is ___________ minutes.
(Answer in integer)
The product structure diagram shows the number of different components required at each level to produce one unit of the final product P. If there are 50 units of on hand inventory of component A, the number of additional units of component A needed to produce 10 units of product P is _________ (in integer).

Fixed cost per month $$=$$ Rs. $$50,000$$
Variable cost per unit $$=$$ Rs. $$200$$
Selling price per unit $$=$$ Rs. $$300$$
Production capacity $$=$$ $$1500$$ units per month
If the production is carried out at $$80\% $$ of the rated capacity, then the monthly profit (in Rs.) is ______________