Metal Cutting · Production Engineering · GATE ME
Start PracticeMarks 1
GATE ME 2024
The grinding wheel used to provide the best surface finish is
GATE ME 2016 Set 1
In an orthogonal cutting process the tool used has rake angle of zero degree. The measured cutting force and thrust force are $$500$$ $$N$$ and $$250$...
GATE ME 2015 Set 1
Under certain cutting conditions, doubling the cutting speed reduces the tool life to $${\left( {{1 \over {16}}} \right)^{th}}$$ of the original. Tayl...
GATE ME 2014 Set 4
Better surface finish is obtained with a large rake angle because
GATE ME 2014 Set 1
If the Taylor's tool life exponent $$n$$ is $$0.2,$$ and the tool changing time is $$1.5$$ $$min,$$ then the tool life (in min) for maximum production...
GATE ME 2014 Set 1
The main cutting force acting on a tool during the turning (orthogonal cutting) operation of a metal is $$400N.$$ The turning was performed using $$2m...
GATE ME 2014 Set 3
A straight turning operation is carried out using a single point cutting tool on an $$AISI$$ $$1020$$ steel rod. The feed is $$0.2$$ $$mm/rev$$ and th...
GATE ME 2014 Set 3
Cutting tool is much harder than the work piece. Yet the tool wears out during the tool-work interaction, because
GATE ME 2009
Friction at the tool - chip interface can be reduced by
GATE ME 2009
The minimum shear strain in orthogonal turning with a cutting tool of zero rake angle is
GATE ME 2003
Formation on build-up edge during machining can be avoided by using
GATE ME 2002
$$BUE$$ is formed while machining
GATE ME 2000
A built up edge is formed while machining
GATE ME 1995
Cutting power consumption in turning can be signification reduced by
GATE ME 1992
The effect of rake angle on the mean friction angle in machining can be explained by
GATE ME 1991
Most of the metal cutting heat goes into the
GATE ME 1990
Most of the metal cutting heat goes into the
GATE ME 1989
The size of $$BLUE$$ in metal cutting increases with
GATE ME 1989
Crater wear always starts at some distance from the tool tip because at that point
GATE ME 1988
The ideal cutting fluid for low speed machining of metals should be one which
GATE ME 1987
If in a turning operation both the feed rate and the nose radius are doubled the surface finish values will be
GATE ME 1987
Cutting tools are provided with large positive rake angle mainly for
Marks 2
GATE ME 2024
A cutting tool provides a tool life of 60 minutes while machining with the cutting speed of 60 m/min. When the same tool is used for machining the sam...
GATE ME 2023
In an ideal orthogonal cutting experiment (see figure), the cutting speed V is 1 m/s, the rake angle of the tool α = 5°, and the shear angle, 𝜙, is k...
GATE ME 2023
A CNC machine has one of its linear positioning axes as shown in the figure, consisting of a motor rotating a lead screw, which in turn moves a nut ho...
GATE ME 2023
The atomic radius of a hypothetical face-centered cubic (FCC) metal is (√2/10) nm. The atomic weight of the metal is 24.092 g/mol. Taking Avogadro’s n...
GATE ME 2022 Set 2
A straight-teeth horizontal slab milling cutter is shown in the figure. It has 4 teeth and diameter (D) of 200 mm. The rotational speed of the cutter ...
GATE ME 2022 Set 2
In an orthogonal machining operation, the cutting and thrust forces are equal in magnitude. The uncut chip thickness is 0.5 mm and the shear angle is ...
GATE ME 2022 Set 1
Under orthogonal cutting condition, a turning operation is carried out on a metallic workpiece at a cutting speed of 4 m/s. The orthogonal rake angle ...
GATE ME 2022 Set 1
A 1 mm thick cylindrical tube, 100 mm in diameter, is orthogonally turned such that the entire wall thickness of the tube is cut in a single pass. The...
GATE ME 2017 Set 1
Two cutting tools with tool life equations given below are being compared:
& Tool\,\,1:\,\,\,\,\,\,\,V{T^{0.1}} = 150 \cr
GATE ME 2017 Set 2
During the turning of a $$20$$ $$mm-$$diameter steel bar at a spindle speed of $$400$$ $$rpm,$$ a tool life of $$20$$ minute is obtained. When the sam...
GATE ME 2017 Set 2
In an orthogonal machining with a tool of $${9^ \circ }$$ orthogonal rake angle, the uncut chip thickness is $$0.2$$ $$mm.$$ The chip thickness fluctu...
GATE ME 2016 Set 2
For a certain job, the cost of metal cutting is $$Rs.18C/V$$ and the cost of tooling is Rs.$$270C/(TV).$$ Where $$C$$ is a constant, $$V$$ is the cutt...
GATE ME 2016 Set 3
In a single point turning operation with cemented carbide tool and steel work piece, it is found that the Taylor's exponent is $$0.25.$$ If the cuttin...
GATE ME 2016 Set 3
For an orthogonal cutting operation, tool material is $$HSS,$$ rake angle is $${22^ \circ },$$ chip thickness is $$0.8$$ $$mm,$$ speed is $$48$$ $$m/m...
GATE ME 2016 Set 1
The too life equation for $$HSS$$ tool is $$V{T^{0.14}}\,\,{f^{0.7}}\,\,{d^{0.4}} = $$ Constant. The tool life $$(T)$$ of $$30$$ $$min$$ is obtained u...
GATE ME 2015 Set 2
A single point cutting tool with $${0^0}$$ rake angle is used in an orthogonal machining process. At a cutting speed of $$180$$ $$m/min$$ the thrust f...
GATE ME 2015 Set 1
An orthogonal turning operation is carried out under the following conditions; rake angle $$ = {5^ \circ },$$ spindle rotational speed $$=400$$ $$rpm,...
GATE ME 2015 Set 3
Orthogonal turning of a mild steel tube with a tool of rake angle $${10^0}$$ is carried out at a feed of $$0.14$$ $$mm/rev.$$ If the thickness of the ...
GATE ME 2014 Set 4
A cast iron block of $$200$$ $$mm$$ length is being shaped in a shaping machine with a depth of cut of $$4$$ $$mm,$$ feed of $$0.25$$ $$mm/stroke$$ an...
GATE ME 2014 Set 1
During pure orthogonal turning operation of a hollow cylindrical pipe, it is found that the thickness of the chip produced is $$0.5mm.$$ The feed give...
GATE ME 2014 Set 3
Which pair of following statement is correct for orthogonal cutting using a single-point cutting tool?
$$P.$$ reduction in friction angle increases cu...
GATE ME 2013
In orthogonal turning of a bar of $$100$$ $$mm$$ diameter with a feed of $$0.25$$ $$min/rev,$$ depth of cut of $$4$$ $$mm$$ and cutting velocity of $$...
GATE ME 2013
In orthogonal turning of a bar of $$100$$ $$mm$$ diameter with a feed of $$0.25$$ $$min/rev,$$ depth of cut of $$4$$ $$mm$$ and cutting velocity of $$...
GATE ME 2013
Two cutting tools are being compared for a machining operation. The tool life equations are:
& \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,Carbi{\mathop...
GATE ME 2011
A single-point cutting tool with $${12^0}$$ rake angle is used to machine a steel work-piece. The depth of cut, $$i.e$$ uncut thickness is $$0.81$$ $$...
GATE ME 2010
For tool $$A,$$ Taylor’s tool life exponent $$(n)$$ is $$0.45$$ and constant $$(K)$$ is $$90.$$ Similarly for tool $$B,$$ $$n=0.3$$ and $$K=60.$$ The ...
GATE ME 2009
In a machining experiment, tool life was found to vary with the cutting speed in the following manner
What is percentage increase in tool life when ...
GATE ME 2009
In a machining experiment, tool life was found to vary with the cutting speed in the following manner
The exponent $$(n)$$ and constant $$(K)$$ of t...
GATE ME 2008
Orthogonal turning is performed on a cylindrical work piece with shear strength of $$250Mpa.$$ The following conditions are used: cutting velocity is ...
GATE ME 2008
Orthogonal turning is performed on a cylindrical work piece with shear strength of $$250Mpa.$$ The following conditions are used: cutting velocity is ...
GATE ME 2008
In a single point turning tool, the side rake angle and orthogonal rake angle are equal. $$\varphi $$ is the principle cutting edge angle and its rang...
GATE ME 2007
In orthogonal turning of a low carbon steel bar of diameter $$150mm$$ with uncoated carbide tool, the cutting velocity is $$90m/min,$$ The feed is $$0...
GATE ME 2007
A low carbon steel bar of $$147$$ $$mm$$ diameter with length of $$630$$ $$mm$$ is being turned with uncoated carbide insert. The observed tool lives ...
GATE ME 2007
A low carbon steel bar of $$147$$ $$mm$$ diameter with length of $$630$$ $$mm$$ is being turned with uncoated carbide insert. The observed tool lives ...
GATE ME 2007
In orthogonal turning of low carbon steel pipe with principal cutting edge angle of $$90,$$ the main cutting force is $$1000$$$$N$$ and the feed force...
GATE ME 2007
In orthogonal turning of medium carbon steel, the specific machining energy is $$2$$ $$kJ/m{m^3},$$ the cutting velocity, feed and depth of cut are $$...
GATE ME 2006
In an orthogonal machining operation:
$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$Uncut thickness $$\,\,\,\,\,$$ $$= 0.5$$ $$mm$$
$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$Cutting speed $...
GATE ME 2006
In an orthogonal machining operation:
$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$Uncut thickness $$\,\,\,\,\,$$ $$= 0.5$$ $$mm$$
$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$Cutting speed $...
GATE ME 2006
In an orthogonal machining operation:
$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$Uncut thickness $$\,\,\,\,\,$$ $$= 0.5$$ $$mm$$
$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$Cutting speed $...
GATE ME 2005
The figure below shows a graph, which qualitatively relates cutting speed and cost per piece produced.
The three curves $$1,2$$ and $$3$$ respective...
GATE ME 2005
Two tools $$P$$ and $$Q$$ have signature $${5^ \circ } - {5^ \circ } - {6^ \circ } - {6^ \circ } - {8^ \circ } - {30^ \circ } - 0$$ and $${5^ \circ } ...
GATE ME 2004
In a machining operation, doubling the cutting speed reduces the tool life to $$1/{8^{th}}$$ of the original value. The exponent $$n$$ in Taylor's too...
GATE ME 2003
A batch of $$10$$ cutting tools could produce $$500$$ components while working at $$50$$ $$rpm$$ with a tool feed of $$0.25$$ $$mm/rev$$ and depth of ...
GATE ME 2001
During orthogonal cutting of mild steel with a $$10$$ degrees rake angle tool the chip thickness ratio was obtained as $$0.4.$$ The shear angle (in de...
GATE ME 2001
For turning $$NiCr$$ alloy steel at cutting speeds of $$64m/min$$ and $$100m/min,$$ the respective tool lives are $$15min$$ and $$12$$ $$min.$$ The to...
GATE ME 2000
A conventional lathe and a $$CNC$$ lathe are under consideration for machining a given part. The relevant data are shown below :
The machine preferr...
GATE ME 1999
What is the approximate $$\% $$ change in the life, $$t,$$ of the tool with zero rake angle used in orthogonal cutting when its clearance angle, $$\al...
GATE ME 1998
In orthogonal machining operation, the chip thickness and the uncut chip thickness are equal to $$0.45mm$$. If the tool rake angle is $$0$$ deg. The s...
GATE ME 1997
A cutting tool has a nose radius of $$1.8mm$$. The feed rate for a theoretical surface roughness of $${R_t} = 5$$ microns is
GATE ME 1997
In a typical metal cutting operation, using a cutting tool of positive rake $$\gamma = 10\deg ,$$ it was observed that the shear angle was $$20deg$$....
GATE ME 1989
In turning operation the feed rate could be doubled to increase the metal removal rate To keep the same level of surface finish, the nose radius of th...
GATE ME 1988
Pure metal pose machinability problem in turning operations. The reason is the
Marks 5
GATE ME 2004
In an orthogonal cutting test on mild steel, the following data were obtained
Cutting speed: $$40$$ $$m/min,$$
Depth of cut: $$0.3$$ $$mm,$$
Tool rak...
GATE ME 2004
A standard machine tool and an automatic machine tool are being compared for the production of a component. Following data refers to the two machines....
GATE ME 2003
A cylinder is turned on a lathe with orthogonal machining principle. Spindle rotates at $$200rpm$$. The axial feed rate is $$0.25$$ $$mm$$ per revolut...
GATE ME 2003
A cylinder is turned on a lathe with orthogonal machining principle. Spindle rotates at $$200rpm$$. The axial feed rate is $$0.25$$ $$mm$$ per revolut...
GATE ME 2002
A tube of $$32mm$$ outside diameter was turned on a lathe and the following data was obtained
Rake angle $$=35deg,$$
Feed rate $$=0.1mm/rev$$
GATE ME 2001
Identical straight turning operation was carried out using two tools : $$8 - 8 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 25 - 0\,(ASA)$$ and $$8-8-5-5-7-30-0(ASA)$$. For same fe...
GATE ME 2001
Tool life testing on a lathe under dry cutting conditions gave $$'n'$$ and $$'C'$$ of Taylor tool life equation as $$0.12$$ and $$130$$ $$m/min,$$ re...
GATE ME 1999
The lives of two tools $$A$$ & $$B$$, governed by the equation $$V{T^{0.125}} = 2.5$$ and $$V{T^{0.25}} = 7$$ respectively in certain machining op...
GATE ME 1999
In an orthogonal cutting experiment with a tool of rake angle $$7$$$$deg$$, the chip thickness was found to be $$2.5mm$$ when the uncut chip thickness...
GATE ME 1997
In a turning trail using orthogonal tool geometry, a chip length of $$84mm$$ was obtained for an uncut chip length of $$200mm.$$ The cutting condition...
GATE ME 1997
A Throwaway carbide insert was used to machine a steel work pieces with a cutting speed of $$60$$ $$m/min,$$ tool life of $$40$$ minutes was observed,...
GATE ME 1996
Tool life of a $$10$$ hours is obtained when cutting with a single point tool at $$63m/min.$$ If Taylor's constant $$C=257.35,$$ tool life on doublin...
GATE ME 1995
While turning a $$C15$$ steel of $$160mm$$ diameter at $$215rpm,$$ $$2.5mm$$ depth of cut and feed of $$0.16mm/rev$$ by a tool of geometry $$0-10-8-9-...
GATE ME 1995
If under a condition of plain turning the life of the cutting tool decreases by $$50\% $$ due to increase in the cutting velocity by $$20\% $$, then w...
GATE ME 1995
A single point turning tool is designated as
$$${10^ \circ } - {12^ \circ } - {7^ \circ } - {5^ \circ } - {20^ \circ } - {50^ \circ } - {0^ \circ }\l...
GATE ME 1994
A single point cutting tool made of $$HSS$$ has the value of constant $$'C'$$ $$80,$$ and $$n=0.2$$ in the basic tool life equation. If the tool cost ...
GATE ME 1994
A mild steel block of width $$40$$ $$mm$$ is being milled using a straight slab cutter $$70mm$$ diameter with $$30$$teeth. If the cutter rotates at $$...
GATE ME 1992
In an orthogonal cutting operation on a work piece of width $$2.5mm,$$ the uncut chip thickness was $$0.25$$ $$mm$$ and the tool rake angle was $$0$$(...
GATE ME 1991
Determine the Merchants constant $$'C'$$ (shear angle relation) for aluminium from the following orthogonal machining data. Rake angle $${35^ \circ }$...
GATE ME 1991
Calculate the $$MRR$$ and Specific cutting pressure for the following cutting conditions
Work material : steel,
Tool material : $$HSS,$$
Depth of cut...
GATE ME 1991
Find the percentage change in cutting speed required to give a $$50\% $$ reduction in tool life (that is required tool life is half of the original to...
GATE ME 1990
A tube is orthogonally machined in lathe to reduce its length under the following conditions.
Outside diameter of the tube : $$100mm,$$
Inside diamete...
GATE ME 1989
The following data is available for machining a component on a turret or center lathe: find out the total number of components to be machined to justi...
GATE ME 1989
In an orthogonal cutting test on the following data were obtained
Uncut chip thickness $$=0.25mm,$$ Cutting speed: $$60m/min,$$ Tool rake angle: $$0$$...
GATE ME 1989
The cutting tool are being tried for an operation. Tailors tool life equation for them are as follows
& HSS\,\,tool\,:\,\,\,\,\,\,\,...
GATE ME 1987
During orthogonal turning of a steel rod by zero rake tool at feed $$0.25mm/rev$$ and depth of cut $$2.0mm,$$ the following observations were obtained...
GATE ME 1987
In a turning operation the tool life of the carbide tool was found to be $$20min$$ and $$100min,$$ at cutting speeds of $$120m/min$$ and $$80m/min$$ r...