Fluid Dynamics · Fluid Mechanics · GATE ME

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Marks 1


Consider an isentropic flow of air (ratio of specific heats = 1.4) through a duct as shown in the figure.

The variations in the flow across the cross-section are negligible. The flow conditions at Location 1 are given as follows:

𝑃1 = 100 kPa, 𝜌1 = 1.2 kg/m3 , 𝑢1= 400 m/s

The duct cross-sectional area at Location 2 is given by A2 = 2A1, where A1 denotes the duct cross-sectional area at Location 1. Which one of the given statements about the velocity 𝑢2 and pressure 𝑃2 at Location 2 is TRUE? 

GATE ME 2023 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 4 English
GATE ME 2023

Consider a steady flow through a horizontal divergent channel, as shown in the figure, with the supersonic flow at the inlet. The direction of flow is from left to right.

GATE ME 2022 Set 2 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 7 English

Pressure at location B is observed to be higher than that at an upstream location A. Which among the following options can be the reason?

GATE ME 2022 Set 2

In the following two-dimensional momentum equation for natural convection over a surface immersed in a quiescent fluid at temperature T (g is the gravitational acceleration, β is the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, ν is the kinematic viscosity, u and v are the velocities in x and y directions, respectively, and T is the temperature)

$\rm u \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} + v \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} = g β (T - T_∞) + \nu \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2} $

the term gβ(T - T) represent

GATE ME 2022 Set 1

The figure shows a purely convergent nozzle with a steady, inviscid compressible flow of an ideal gas with constant thermophysical properties operating under choked condition. The exit plane shown in the figure is located within the nozzle. If the inlet pressure (P0) is increased while keeping the back pressure (Pback) unchanged, which of the following statements is/are true?

GATE ME 2022 Set 1 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 10 English
GATE ME 2022 Set 1
Navier Stoke's equation represents the conservation of
GATE ME 2000
In a venturimeter, the angle of the diverging section is more than that of converging section.
GATE ME 1994
Bernoulli’s equation can be applied between any two points on a stream line for a rotational flow field.
GATE ME 1994
Shown below are three pipe sections through which water flows as shown. Option $$(a)$$ to $$(d)$$ below pertain to the direction of the net force on the pipe section due to the flow of water. GATE ME 1993 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 23 English

State which of the options indicate the correct direction of force for pipe $$1,$$ pipe $$2$$ and pipe $$3.$$

GATE ME 1993
In a band operated liquid sprayer (figure shown below) the liquid from the container rises to the top of the tube because of : GATE ME 1990 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 24 English
GATE ME 1990

Marks 2


In the pipe network shown in the figure, all pipes have the same cross-section and can be assumed to have the same friction factor. The pipes connecting points W, N, and S with point J have an equal length L. The pipe connecting points J and E has a length 10L. The pressures at the ends N, E, and S are equal. The flow rate in the pipe connecting W and J is Q. Assume that the fluid flow is steady, incompressible, and the pressure losses at the pipe entrance and junction are negligible. Consider the following statements:

I : The flow rate in pipe connecting J and E is Q/21.

II: The pressure difference between J and N is equal to the pressure difference between J and E.

$$ \text { Which one of the following options is CORRECT? } $$ GATE ME 2024 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 13 English
GATE ME 2024

Steady, compressible flow of air takes place through an adiabatic converging-diverging nozzle, as shown in the figure. For a particular value of pressure difference across the nozzle, a stationary normal shock wave forms in the diverging section of the nozzle. If $E$ and $F$ denote the flow conditions just upstream and downstream of the normal shock, respectively, which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE?

GATE ME 2024 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 12 English
GATE ME 2024

The velocity field of a certain two-dimensional flow is given by

V(𝑥, 𝑦) = 𝑘(𝑥𝑖̂ − 𝑦𝑗̂)

where 𝑘 = 2 s-1. The coordinates 𝑥 and 𝑦 are in meters. Assume gravitational effects to be negligible.

If the density of the fluid is 1000 kg/m3 and the pressure at the origin is 100 kPa, the pressure at the location (2 m, 2 m) is _____________ kPa.

(Answer in integer)

GATE ME 2023

Consider a unidirectional fluid flow with the velocity field given by

V(𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧, 𝑡) = 𝑢(𝑥, 𝑡) 𝑖̂

where 𝑢(0,𝑡) = 1. If the spatially homogeneous density field varies with time 𝑡 as

𝜌(𝑡) = 1 + 0.2𝑒−𝑡

the value of 𝑢(2, 1) is ______________. (Rounded off to two decimal places) Assume all quantities to be dimensionless.

GATE ME 2023

An explosion at time t = 0 releases energy 𝐸 at the origin in a space filled with a gas of density ρ. Subsequently, a hemispherical blast wave propagates radially outwards as shown in the figure.

Let R denote the radius of the front of the hemispherical blast wave. The radius R follows the relationship 𝑅 = 𝑘 𝑡𝑎 𝐸 𝑏 𝜌𝑐, where k is a dimensionless constant. The value of exponent a is ___________.

(Rounded off to one decimal place)

GATE ME 2023 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 1 English

GATE ME 2023

A tube of uniform diameter D is immersed in a steady flowing inviscid liquid stream of velocity V, as shown in the figure. Gravitational acceleration is represented by g. The volume flow rate through the tube is ______.

GATE ME 2022 Set 2 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 6 English
GATE ME 2022 Set 2
The steady velocity field in an inviscid fluid of density 1.5 is given to be $\vec{V}=(y^2-x^2)\hat{i}+(2xy)\hat{j} $. Neglecting body forces, the pressure gradient at (x =1, y = 1) is ______.
GATE ME 2022 Set 2
A solid spherical bead of lead (uniform density = 11000 kg/m3) of diameter d = 0.1 mm sinks with a constant velocity V in a large stagnant pool of a liquid (dynamic viscosity = 1.1 × 10-3 kg∙m-1∙s-1). The coefficient of drag is given by $\rm C_D = \frac{24}{Re} $, where the Reynolds number (Re) is defined on the basis of the diameter of the bead. The drag force acting on the bead is expressed as $\rm D = (C_D) (0.5 \rho V^2) \left( \frac{\pi d^2}{4} \right), $ where ρ is the density of the liquid. Neglect the buoyancy force. Using g = 10 m/s2, the velocity V is __________ m/s.
GATE ME 2022 Set 1
Consider steady, one-dimensional compressible flow of a gas in a pipe of diameter 1 m. At one location in the pipe, the density and velocity are 1 kg/m3 and 100 m/s, respectively. At a downstream location in the pipe, the velocity is 170 m/s. If the pressure drop between these two locations is 10 kPa, the force exerted by the gas on the pipe between these two locations is _______ N.
GATE ME 2022 Set 1
A $$60$$ $$mm$$ $$-$$ diameter water jet strikes a plate containing a hole of $$40mm$$ diameter as shown in the figure. Part of the jet passes through the hole horizontally, and the remaining is deflected vertically. The density of water is $$1000$$ $$kg/{m^3}$$ . If velocities are as indicated in the figure, the magnitude of horizontal force (in $$N$$) required to hold the plate is _______________ GATE ME 2017 Set 2 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 27 English
GATE ME 2017 Set 2
The arrangement shown in the figure measures the velocity $$V$$ of a gas of density $$1kg/{m^3}$$ flowing through a pipe. The acceleration due to gravity is $$9.81m/{s^2}.$$ If the manometric fluid is water (density $${1000kg/{m^3}}$$ ) and the velocity $$V$$ is $$20 m/s,$$ the differential head $$h$$ (in $$mm$$) between the two arms of the manometer is ______. GATE ME 2017 Set 2 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 28 English
GATE ME 2017 Set 2
The water jet exiting from a stationary tank through a circular opening of diameter $$300$$ $$mm$$ impinges on a rigid wall as shown in the figure. Neglect all minor losses and assume the water level in the tank to remain constant. The net horizontal force experienced by the wall is ___________ $$kN.$$

Density of water is $$1000\,\,kg/{m^3}.$$

Acceleration due to gravity $$g = 10\,\,m/{s^2}.$$

GATE ME 2016 Set 3 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 29 English
GATE ME 2016 Set 3
Water $$\left( {\rho = 1000kg/{m^3}} \right)$$ flows through a venturimeter with inlet diameter $$80$$ $$mm$$ and throat diameter $$40$$ $$mm.$$ The inlet and throat gauge pressures are measured to be $$400$$ $$kPa$$ and $$130$$ $$kPa$$ respectively. Assuming the venturimeter to be horizontal and neglecting friction, the inlet velocity (in $$m/s$$) is ___________.
GATE ME 2015 Set 1
A Prandtl tube (Pitot-static tube with $$C=1$$) is used to measure the velocity of water. The differential manometer reading is $$10$$ mm of liquid column with a relative density of $$10.$$ Assuming $$g = 9.8\,\,m/{s^2},$$ the velocity of water (in $$m/s$$) is ___________
GATE ME 2015 Set 3
An ideal water jet with volume flow rate of $$0.05{m^3}/s$$ strikes a flat plane placed normal to its path and exerts a force of $$1000N.$$ Considering the density of water as $$1000$$ $$kg/{m^3},$$ the diameter (in $$mm$$) of the water jet is ____________
GATE ME 2014 Set 1
A siphon is used to drain water from a large tank as shown in the figure below. Assume that the level of water is maintained constant. Ignore frictional effect due to viscosity and losses at entry and exit. At the exit of the siphon, the velocity of water is GATE ME 2014 Set 3 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 32 English
GATE ME 2014 Set 3
Water is coming out from a tap and falls vertically downwards. At the tap opening, the stream diameter is $$20$$ $$mm$$ with uniform velocity of $$2$$ $$m/s.$$ Acceleration due to gravity is $$9.81$$ $$m/{s^2}.$$ Assuming steady, inviscid flow, constant atmospheric pressure everywhere and neglecting curvature and surface tension effects, the diameter in mm of the stream $$0.5$$ $$m$$ below the tap is approximately
GATE ME 2013
A large tank with a nozzle attached contains three immiscible, inviscid fluids as shown. Assuming that the changes in $${h_1},\,\,{h_2}$$ and $${h_3}$$ are negligible, the instantaneous discharge velocity is GATE ME 2012 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 35 English
GATE ME 2012
Figure shows the schematic for the measurement of velocity of air (density $$ = 1.2\,\,kg/{m^3}$$ ) through a constant -area duct using a Pilot tube and a water-tube manometer. The differential head of water (density $$ = 1000\,kg/{m^3}$$) in the two columns of the manometer is $$10$$ $$mm.$$ Take acceleration due to gravity as $$9.8$$ $$m/{s^2}.$$ The velocity of air in $$m/s$$ GATE ME 2011 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 36 English
GATE ME 2011
A smooth pipe of diameter $$200$$ $$mm$$ carries water. The pressure in the pipe at section
$${S_1}\,\,$$ (elevation : $$10$$ $$m$$ ) is the $$50$$ $$kPa.$$ At section
$${S_2}\,\,$$ (elevation : $$12$$ $$m$$ ) the pressure is $$20$$ $$kPa$$ and velocity is $$2$$ $$m/s.$$
Density of water is $$1000$$ $$kg/{m^3}$$ and acceleration due to gravity is $$9.8$$ $$m{s^{ - 2}}.$$ Which of the following is TRUE?
GATE ME 2010
Consider steady, incompressible and irrotational flow through a reducer in a horizontal pipe where the diameter is reduced from $$20cm$$ to $$10cm.$$ The pressure in the $$20cm$$ pipe just upstream of the reducer is $$150kPa.$$ The fluid has a vapour pressure of $$50kPa$$ and a specific weight of $$5\,\,kN/{m^3}.$$ Neglecting frictional effects, the maximum discharge (in $${m^3}/s$$) that can pass through the reducer without causing cavitation is
GATE ME 2009
A $$U$$-tube manometer with a small quantity of mercury is used to measure the static pressure difference between two locations $$A$$ and $$B$$ in a conical section through which an incompressible fluid flows. At a particular flow rate, the mercury column appears as shown in the figure. The density of mercury is $$13600$$ $$kg/{m^3}$$ and $$g = 9.81$$ $$m/{s^2}.$$ Which of the following is correct? GATE ME 2005 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 39 English
GATE ME 2005
A venturimeter of $$20$$ $$mm$$ throat diameter is used to measure the velocity of water in a horizontal pipe of $$40$$ $$mm$$ diameter. If the pressure difference between the pipe and throat sections is found to be $$30$$ $$kPa$$ then, neglecting frictional losses, the flow velocity is
GATE ME 2005
A water container is kept on a weighing balance. Water from a tap is falling vertically into the container with a volume flow rate of $$'Q'$$; the velocity of the water when it hits the water surface is $$'U'$$. At a particular instant of time the total mass of the container and water is $$'m'.$$ The force registered by the weighing balance at this instant of time is
GATE ME 2003
Air flows through a venture and into atmosphere. Air density is $$\rho $$; atmospheric pressure is $$'\,{P_a}';$$ throat diameter is exit diameter is $$'{D_t}';$$ and exit velocity is $$U.$$ the throat is connected to a cylinder containing a frictionless piston attached to a spring. The spring constant is $$'k'.$$ the bottom surface of the piston is exposed to atmosphere. Due to the flow, the piston moves by distance $$x.$$ assuming incompressible frictionless flow, $$x$$ is GATE ME 2003 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 41 English
GATE ME 2003
Water flows through a vertical contraction from a pipe of diameter $$d$$ to another of diameter $$d/2$$ (see Figure). The flow velocity at the inlet to the contraction is $$2m/s$$ and pressure $$200$$ $$kN/{m^2}.$$ If the height of the contraction measures $$2m$$, then pressure at the exit of the contraction will be very nearly GATE ME 1999 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 19 English
GATE ME 1999
A jet of water issues from a Nozzle with a velocity $$20$$ $$m/s$$ and it impinges normally on a flat plate moving away from it at $$10\,m/s.$$ The cross-sectional area of the jet is $$0.01$$ $${m^2},$$ and the density of water $$ =1000\,\,kg/{m^3}.$$ The force developed on the plate is: GATE ME 1990 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 20 English
GATE ME 1990
Water flows through a pipe of diameter $$0.30$$ $$m.$$ What would be the velocity $$V$$ for the conditions shown in the figure below?

GATE ME 1988 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 21 English
GATE ME 1988
A mercury manometer is attached to a section of the pipe shown in the figure. Mercury levels are indicated when there is no water flowing through the pipe. When water starts flowing through the pipe continuously at constant rate in the direction of the arrow, the level of mercury at $$B:$$ GATE ME 1987 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 22 English
GATE ME 1987

Marks 3

Marks 5

Water $$\left( {\rho = 1000\,\,kg/{m^3}} \right)$$ flows horizontally through a nozzle into the atmosphere under the conditions given below. (assume steady state flow). GATE ME 2001 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 25 English

At inlet: $$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$ At outlet:
$${A_1} = {10^{ - 3}}{m^2};\,$$ $$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$ $${A_2} = {10^{ - 4}}{m^2};$$
$${V_1} = 2\,m/\sec ;$$ $$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$ $${P_2} = {P_{atm}}$$
$${P_1} = 3 \times {10^5}\,Pa\,(gauge)$$

Determine the external horizontal force needed to keep the nozzle

GATE ME 2001
A Venturimeter (throat diameter $$=10.5$$ $$cm$$) is fitted to a water pipe line (internal diameter $$=21.0$$ $$cm$$) in order to monitor flow rate. To improve accuracy of measurement, pressure difference across the venturimeter is measured with the help of an inclined tube manometer, the angle of inclination being $${30^0}$$ (see figure below). For manometer reading of $$9.5$$ $$cm$$ of mercury, find the flow rate.Discharge coefficient of venture is $$0.984.$$ GATE ME 1992 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 14 English
GATE ME 1992
A jet of water with a velocity $${V_1}$$ (Figure shown below) and area of cross-section $${A_1}$$ enters a stream of slow moving water in a pipe of area $${A_2}$$ and velocity $${V_2}$$. The two streams enter with the same pressure $${P_1}$$. After thoroughly mixing in the pipe the stream emerges as a single stream with velocity $${V_3}$$ and pressure $${p_2}$$. If there are no losses in the flow, determine $$\left( {{p_2} - {p_1}} \right)$$ for
$${V_1} = 20\,\,m/s,\,\,$$
$${V_2} = 10\,\,m/s,\,\,$$
$${A_1} = 0.01\,\,{m^2},\,$$
$$\,{A_2} = 0.02\,{m^2},$$
density of water $$\rho = 1000kg/{m^3}.$$ GATE ME 1990 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 15 English
GATE ME 1990
In a syringe as shown in the figure, a piston of $$1\,\,c{m^2}$$ cross section is pushed at a constant speed of $$10\,\,cm/s$$ to eject water through an outlet of $$1\,\,m{m^2}.$$ Determine the force required to move the piston. Neglecting losses. GATE ME 1989 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 16 English
GATE ME 1989
Consider the saline drip bottle shown. If $$\rho $$ is the density of saline, find
(a) Pressure at $$A,$$
(b) The velocity of flow of saline through the tube. (Neglect viscous losses in tube). Atmospheric pressure $${P_{atm}}.$$ GATE ME 1987 Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Dynamics Question 17 English
GATE ME 1987
A jet of water (area $${A_j},$$ velocity $${V_j},$$ density $$\rho $$ ) impinges horizontally on a curved vane which deflects the jet through $${60^0}$$ upwards. If the vane travels horizontally at a speed $$'u'$$ find
(a) the force experienced by the vane, and
(b) the power developed by the vane.
GATE ME 1987
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