Complex Stresses · Strength of Materials · GATE ME

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Marks 1

GATE ME 2024
The phases present in pearlite are
GATE ME 2017 Set 2
The state of stress at a point is $${\sigma _x} = {\sigma _y} = {\sigma _z} = {\tau _{xz}} = {\tau _{zx}} = {\tau _{yz}} = {\tau _{zy}} = 0$$ and $${\...
GATE ME 2016 Set 3
The state of stress at a point on an element is shown in figure (a). The same state of stress is shownin another coordinate system in figure (b). ...
GATE ME 2016 Set 2
A shaft with a circular cross-section is subjected to pure twisting moment. The ratio of the maximum shear stress to the largest principal stress is
GATE ME 2014 Set 2
A thin plate of uniform thickness is subject to pressure as shown in the figure below Under the assumption of plane stress, which one of the follow...
GATE ME 2010
The state of plane-stress at a point is given by $${\sigma _x}\,\, = 200$$ MPa, $${\sigma _x}\,\, = 100$$ MPa and $${\tau _{xy}} = 100$$ MPa. The max...
GATE ME 2009
If the principal stresses in a plane stress problem are $${\sigma _1}$$ $$= 100$$ MPa, $${\sigma _2}$$ $$= 40$$ MPa, the magnitude of the maximum she...
GATE ME 2004
The figure shows the state of stress at a certain point in a stressed body. The magnitudes of normal stresses in the $$x$$ and $$y$$ directions are $$...
GATE ME 1996
If the two principal strains at a point are 1000 $$ \times $$ 10-6 and -600 $$ \times $$ 10-6, then the maximum shear strain is
GATE ME 1989
A cylindrical elastic body subjected to pure torsion about its axis develops:
GATE ME 1989
An elastic body is subjected to a tensile stress $$X$$ in a particular direction and a compressive stress $$Y$$ in its perpendicular direction. $$X$$ ...

Marks 2

GATE ME 2017 Set 1
A rectangular region in a solid is in a state of plane strain. The $$(x,y)$$ coordinates of the corners of the undeformed rectangle are given by $$P(0...
GATE ME 2015 Set 2
In a plane stress condition, the components of stress at a point are $${\sigma _x} = 20$$ MPa, $${\sigma _y} = 80$$ MPa and $${\tau _{xy}} = 40$$ MPa,...
GATE ME 2012
The state of stress at a point under plane stress condition is $${\sigma _{xx}} = 40\,$$ MPa, $${\sigma _{yy}} = 100\,$$ MPa & $${\tau _{xy}} = 4...
GATE ME 2008
A two dimensional fluid element rotates like a rigid body. At a point within the element, the pressure is $$1$$ unit. Radius of the Mohr's circle, cha...
GATE ME 2008
A solid circular shaft of diameter 100 mm is subjected to an axial stress of 50 MPa. It further subjected to a torque of 10 KN-m. The maximum principa...
GATE ME 2004
The Mohr's circle of plane stress for a point in a body is shown. The design is to be done on the basis of the maximum shear stress theory for yieldin...
GATE ME 2003
A shaft subjected to torsion experiences a pure shear stress $$\tau $$ on the surface. The maximum principal stress on the surface which is at $$45$$0...
GATE ME 2003
The state of stress at a point P in a two dimensional loading is such that the Mohr's circle is a point located at 175 MPa on the positive normal stre...
GATE ME 2003
The state of stress at a point P in a two dimensional loading is such that the Mohr's circle is a point located at 175 MPa on the positive normal stre...
GATE ME 1993
At a point in a stressed body the state of stress on two planes $$45$$0 apart is as shown below. Determine the two principal stresses ...
GATE ME 1990
The three - dimensional state of stress at a point is given by: $$$\left[ \sigma \right] = \left[ {\matrix{ {30} & {10} & { - 10} \cr ...
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