Logical Reasoning · General Aptitude · GATE ME

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The bar chart gives the batting averages of VK and RS for 11 calendar years from 2012 to 2022. Considering that 2015 and 2019 are world cup years, which one of the following options is true?

GATE ME 2024 General Aptitude - Logical Reasoning Question 11 English
GATE ME 2024

A planar rectangular paper has two V-shaped pieces attached as shown below.

GATE ME 2024 General Aptitude - Logical Reasoning Question 10 English 1

This piece of paper is folded to make the following closed three-dimensional object.

GATE ME 2024 General Aptitude - Logical Reasoning Question 10 English 2

The number of folds required to form the above object is

GATE ME 2024

In a recently held parent-teacher meeting, the teachers had very few complaints about Ravi. After all, Ravi was a hardworking and kind student. Incidentally, almost all of Ravi’s friends at school were hardworking and kind too. But the teachers drew attention to Ravi’s complete lack of interest in sports. The teachers believed that, along with some of his friends who showed similar disinterest in sports, Ravi needed to engage in some sports for his overall development.

Based only on the information provided above, which one of the following statements can be logically inferred with certainty?

GATE ME 2023

An opaque pyramid (shown below), with a square base and isosceles faces, is suspended in the path of a parallel beam of light, such that its shadow is cast on a screen oriented perpendicular to the direction of the light beam. The pyramid can be reoriented in any direction within the light beam. Under these conditions, which one of the shadows P, Q, R, and S is NOT possible? 

GATE ME 2023 General Aptitude - Logical Reasoning Question 1 English
GATE ME 2023

Four cities P, Q, R and S are connected through one-way routes as shown in the figure. The travel time between any two connected cities is one hour. The boxes beside each city name describe the starting time of first train of the day and their frequency of operation. For example, from city P, the first trains of the day start at 8 AM with a frequency of 90 minutes to each of R and S. A person does not spend additional time at any city other than the waiting time for the next connecting train.

If the person starts from R at 7 AM and is required to visit S and return to R, what is the minimum time required?

GATE ME 2022 Set 2 General Aptitude - Logical Reasoning Question 4 English
GATE ME 2022 Set 2

Humans are naturally compassionate and honest. In a study using strategically placed wallets that appear “lost”, it was found that wallets with money are more likely to be returned than wallets without money. Similarly, wallets that had a key and money are more likely to be returned than wallets with the same amount of money alone. This suggests that the primary reason for this behavior is compassion and empathy.

Which one of the following is the CORRECT logical inference based on the information in the above passage?

GATE ME 2022 Set 1

Given below are three conclusions drawn based on the following three statements.

Statement 1 : All teachers are professors.

Statement 2 : No professor is a male.

Statement 3 : Some males are engineers.

Conclusion I : No engineer is a professor.

Conclusion II : Some engineers are professors.

Conclusion III : No male is a teacher.

Which one of the following options can be logically inferred?

GATE ME 2022 Set 1
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
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