IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 2 Offline
Paper was held on Sun, Apr 11, 2010 9:00 AM
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Silver (atomic weight = 108 g mol-1) has a density of 10.5 g.cm-3. The number of silver atoms on a surface of area 10-12
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The hydrogen like species Li2+ is in a spherically symmetric state S1 with one radial node. Upon absorbing light the ion
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The hydrogen like species Li2+ is in a spherically symmetric state S1 with one radial node. Upon absorbing light the ion
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The hydrogen like species Li2+ is in a spherically symmetric state S1 with one radial node. Upon absorbing light the ion
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Among the following, the number of elements showing only one non-zero oxidation state is : O, Cl, F, N, P, Sn, Tl, Na, T
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Assuming that Hund’s rule is violated, the bond order and magnetic nature of the diatomic molecule B2 is
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The species having pyramidal shape is
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The total number of diprotic acids among the following is: H3PO4, H2SO4, H3PO3, H2CO3, H2S2O7, H3BO3, H3PO2, H2CrO4 and
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Two parallel chords of a circle of radius 2 are at a distance $$\sqrt 3 + 1$$ apart. If the chords subtend at the cente
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Match the statements in Column I with those in Column II. [Note : Here z takes value in the complex plane and Im z
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For $$r = 0,\,1,....,$$ let $${A_r},\,{B_r}$$ and $${C_r}$$ denote, respectively, the coefficient of $${X^r}$$ in the e
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Let $${a_1},\,{a_{2\,}},\,{a_3}$$......,$${a_{11}}$$ be real numbers satisfying $${a_1} = 15,27 - 2{a_2} > 0\,\,and\,
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Tangents are drawn from the point $$P(3, 4)$$ to the ellipse $${{{x^2}} \over 9} + {{{y^2}} \over 4} = 1$$ touching the
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Tangents are drawn from the point $$P(3, 4)$$ to the ellipse $${{{x^2}} \over 9} + {{{y^2}} \over 4} = 1$$ touching the
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Tangents are drawn from the point $$P(3, 4)$$ to the ellipse $${{{x^2}} \over 9} + {{{y^2}} \over 4} = 1$$ touching the
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Consider a triangle $$ABC$$ and let $$a, b$$ and $$c$$ denote the lengths of the sides opposit to vertices $$A, B$$ and
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Let $$f$$ be a function defined on $$R$$ (the set of all real numbers) such that $$f'\left( x \right) = 2010\left( {x -
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Let $$f$$ be a real-valued function defined on the interval $$(-1, 1)$$ such that $${e^{ - x}}f\left( x \right) = 2 + \
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Consider the polynomial $$f\left( x \right) = 1 + 2x + 3{x^2} + 4{x^3}.$$ Let $$s$$ be the sum of all distinct real root
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Consider the polynomial $$f\left( x \right) = 1 + 2x + 3{x^2} + 4{x^3}.$$ Let $$s$$ be the sum of all distinct real root
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Consider the polynomial $$f\left( x \right) = 1 + 2x + 3{x^2} + 4{x^3}.$$ Let $$s$$ be the sum of all distinct real root
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A signal which can be green or red with probability $${4 \over 5}$$ and $${1 \over 5}$$ respectively, is received by sta
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Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ are given by $$\overrightarrow {AB} = 2\widehat i + 10\widehat j + 11\w
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If the distance of the point $$P(1, -2, 1)$$ from the plane $$x+2y-2z$$$$\, = \alpha ,$$ where $$\alpha > 0,$$ is $
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Match the statement in Column-$$I$$ with the values in Column-$$II$$ $$\,\,\,\,$$ $$\,\,\,\,$$ $$\,\,\,\,$$ Column-$$I
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A vernier calipers has 1 mm marks on the main scale. It has 20 equal divisions on the Vernier scale which match with 16
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When liquid medicine of density $$\rho $$ is to be put in the eye, it is done with the help of a dropper. As the bulb on
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When liquid medicine of density $$\rho $$ is to be put in the eye, it is done with the help of a dropper. As the bulb on
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When liquid medicine of density $$\rho $$ is to be put in the eye, it is done with the help of a dropper. As the bulb on
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A diatomic ideal gas is compressed adiabatically $${1 \over {32}}$$ of its initial volume. If the initial temperature of
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A hollow pipe of length 0.8 m is closed at one end. At its open end a 0.5 m long uniform string is vibrating in its seco
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A tiny spherical oil drop carrying a net charge $$q$$ is balanced in still air with a vertical uniform electric field of
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A uniformly charged thin spherical shell of radius $$R$$ carries uniform surface charge density of $$\sigma $$ per unit
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A block of mass 2 kg is free to move along the x-axis. It is at rest and from t = 0 onwards, it is subjected to a time-d
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A biconvex lens of focal length 15 cm is in front of a plane mirror. The distance between the lens and the mirror is 10
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A large glass slab ($$\mu$$ = 5/3) of thickness 8 cm is placed over a point source of light on a plane surface. It is se
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Image of an object approaching a convex mirror of radius of curvature 20 m along its optical axis is observed to move fr
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To determine the half-life of a radioactive element, a student plots a graph of $$\ln \left| {{{dN(t)} \over {dt}}} \rig
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At time t = 0, a battery of 10 V is connected across points A and B in the given circuit. If the capacitors have no char
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A diatomic molecule has moment of inertia I. By Bohr's quantization condition, its rotational energy in the nth level (n
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It is found that the excitation frequency from ground to the first excited state of rotation for the CO molecule is clos
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In a CO molecule, the distance between C (mass = 12 amu) and O (mass = 16 amu), where 1 amu $$ = {5 \over 3} \times {10^
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