JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 2 Offline
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A train with cross-sectional area St is moving with speed vt inside a long tunnel of cross-sectional area S0 (S0 = 4St). Assume that almost all the air (density $$\rho $$) in front of the train flows back between its sides and the walls of the tunnel. Also, the air flow with respect to the train is steady and laminar. Take the ambient pressure and that inside the train to be p0. If the pressure in the region between the sides of the train and the tunnel walls is p, then
p0 - p = $${7 \over {2N}}\rho v_t^2$$. The value of ЁЭСБ is ________.
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JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 2 Offline
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A hot air balloon is carrying some passengers, and a few sandbags of mass 1 kg each so that its total mass is 480 kg. Its effective volume giving the balloon its buoyancy is V. The balloon is floating at an equilibrium height of 100 m. When N number of sandbags are thrown out, the balloon rises to a new equilibrium height close to 150 m with its volume V remaining unchanged. If the variation of the density of air with height h from the ground is
$$\rho \left( h \right) = {\rho _0}{e^{ - {h \over {{h_0}}}}}$$, where $$\rho $$0 = 1.25 kg mтИТ3 and h0 = 6000 m, the value of N is _________.
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JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 2 Offline
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A cubical solid aluminium (bulk modulus = $$ - V{{dP} \over {dV}} = 70GPa$$) block has an edge length of 1 m on the surface of the earth. It is kept on the floor of a 5 km deep ocean. Taking the average density of water and the acceleration due to gravity to be 103 kg m-3 and 10 ms-2, respectively, the change in the edge length of the block in mm is _______.
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JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 1 Offline
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When water is filled carefully in a glass, one can fill it to a height h above the rim of the glass due to the surface tension of water. To calculate h just before water starts flowing, model the shape of the water above the rim as a disc of thickness h having semicircular edges, as shown schematically in the figure. When the pressure of water at the bottom of this disc exceeds what can be withstood due to the surface tension, the water surface breaks near the rim and water starts flowing from there. If the density of water, its surface tension and the acceleration
due to gravity are 103 kg mтИТ3 , 0.07 NmтИТ1 and 10 msтИТ2 , respectively, the value of h (in mm) is _________. JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 1 Offline Physics - Properties of Matter Question 30 English
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JEE Advanced Subjects
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
Class 12