3D Geometry · Mathematics · JEE Advanced

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MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)

JEE Advanced 2024 Paper 2 Online
A straight line drawn from the point $P(1,3,2)$, parallel to the line $\frac{x-2}{1}=\frac{y-4}{2}=\frac{z-6}{1}$, intersects the plane $L_1: x-y+3 z=...
JEE Advanced 2024 Paper 1 Online
Let $\mathbb{R}^3$ denote the three-dimensional space. Take two points $P=(1,2,3)$ and $Q=(4,2,7)$. Let $\operatorname{dist}(X, Y)$ denote the distanc...
JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 1 Online
Let $$P_{1}$$ and $$P_{2}$$ be two planes given by $$ \begin{aligned} &P_{1}: 10 x+15 y+12 z-60=0 \\\\ &P_{2}:-2 x+5 y+4 z-20=0 \end{aligned} $$ Whi...
JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 1 Online
Let $$S$$ be the reflection of a point $$Q$$ with respect to the plane given by $$ \vec{r}=-(t+p) \hat{\imath}+t \hat{\jmath}+(1+p) \hat{k} $$ where...
JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 2 Offline
Let $$\alpha $$2 + $$\beta $$2 + $$\gamma $$2 $$ \ne $$ 0 and $$\alpha $$ + $$\gamma $$ = 1. Suppose the point (3, 2, $$-$$1) is the mirror image of t...
JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 1 Offline
Let L1 and L2 be the following straight lines.$${L_1}:{{x - 1} \over 1} = {y \over { - 1}} = {{z - 1} \over 3}$$ and $${L_2}:{{x - 1} \over { - 3}} = ...
JEE Advanced 2019 Paper 2 Offline
Three lines $${L_1}:r = \lambda \widehat i$$, $$\lambda $$ $$ \in $$ R,$${L_2}:r = \widehat k + \mu \widehat j$$, $$\mu $$ $$ \in $$ R and $${L_3}:r =...
JEE Advanced 2019 Paper 1 Offline
Let L1 and L2 denote the lines$$r = \widehat i + \lambda ( - \widehat i + 2\widehat j + 2\widehat k)$$, $$\lambda $$$$ \in $$ R and $$r = \mu (2\wide...
JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 1 Offline
Let P1 : 2x + y $$-$$ z = 3 and P2 : x + 2y + z = 2 be two planes. Then, which of the following statement(s) is(are) TRUE?
JEE Advanced 2016 Paper 1 Offline
Consider a pyramid $$OPQRS$$ located in the first octant $$\left( {x \ge 0,y \ge 0,z \ge 0} \right)$$ with $$O$$ as origin, and $$OP$$ and $$OR$$ alon...
JEE Advanced 2015 Paper 1 Offline
In $${R^3},$$ consider the planes $$\,{P_1}:y = 0$$ and $${P_2}:x + z = 1.$$ Let $${P_3}$$ be the plane, different from $${P_1}$$ and $${P_2}$$, which...
JEE Advanced 2015 Paper 1 Offline
In $${R^3},$$ let $$L$$ be a straight lines passing through the origin. Suppose that all the points on $$L$$ are at a constant distance from the two ...
JEE Advanced 2014 Paper 1 Offline
From a point $$P\left( {\lambda ,\lambda ,\lambda } \right),$$ perpendicular $$PQ$$ and $$PR$$ are drawn respectively on the lines $$y=x, z=1$$ and $$...
JEE Advanced 2013 Paper 2 Offline
Two lines $${L_1}:x = 5,{y \over {3 - \alpha }} = {z \over { - 2}}$$ and $${L_2}:x = \alpha ,{y \over { - 1}} = {z \over {2 - \alpha }}$$ are coplana...
JEE Advanced 2013 Paper 1 Offline
A line $$l$$ passing through the origin is perpendicular to the lines $$$\,{l_1}:\left( {3 + t} \right)\widehat i + \left( { - 1 + 2t} \right)\wideha...
IIT-JEE 2012 Paper 2 Offline
If the straight lines $$\,{{x - 1} \over 2} = {{y + 1} \over k} = {z \over 2}$$ and $${{x + 1} \over 5} = {{y + 1} \over 2} = {z \over k}$$ are coplan...
IIT-JEE 2006
Let $${\overrightarrow A }$$ be vector parallel to line of intersection of planes $${P_1}$$ and $${P_2}.$$ Planes $${P_1}$$ is parallel to the vector...

MCQ (Single Correct Answer)

JEE Advanced 2024 Paper 1 Online
Let $\gamma \in \mathbb{R}$ be such that the lines $L_1: \frac{x+11}{1}=\frac{y+21}{2}=\frac{z+29}{3}$ and $L_2: \frac{x+16}{3}=\frac{y+11}{2}=\frac{z...
JEE Advanced 2023 Paper 1 Online
Let $\ell_1$ and $\ell_2$ be the lines $\vec{r}_1=\lambda(\hat{i}+\hat{j}+\hat{k})$ and $\vec{r}_2=(\hat{j}-\hat{k})+\mu(\hat{i}+\hat{k})$, respective...
JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 2 Offline
The equation of the plane passing through the point (1, 1, 1) and perpendicular to the planes 2x + y $$-$$ 2z = 5 and 3x $$-$$ 6y $$-$$ 2z = 7 is
JEE Advanced 2016 Paper 2 Offline
Let $$P$$ be the image of the point $$(3,1,7)$$ with respect to the plane $$x-y+z=3.$$ Then the equation of the plane passing through $$P$$ and contai...
JEE Advanced 2013 Paper 2 Offline
Consider the lines $${L_1}:{{x - 1} \over 2} = {y \over { - 1}} = {{z + 3} \over 1},{L_2} : {{x - 4} \over 1} = {{y + 3} \over 1} = {{z + 3} \over 2}$...
JEE Advanced 2013 Paper 1 Offline
Perpendiculars are drawn from points on the line $\frac{x+2}{2}=\frac{y+1}{-1}=\frac{z}{3}$ to the plane $x+y+$ $z=3$. The foot of perpendiculars lie ...
IIT-JEE 2012 Paper 2 Offline
The equation of a plane passing through the line of intersection of the planes $$x+2y+3z=2$$ and $$x-y+z=3$$ and at a distance $${2 \over {\sqrt 3 }}$...
IIT-JEE 2012 Paper 1 Offline
The point $$P$$ is the intersection of the straight line joining the points $$Q(2, 3, 5)$$ and $$R(1, -1, 4)$$ with the plane $$5x-4y-z=1.$$ If $$S$$ ...
IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 1 Offline
Equation of the plane containing the straight line $${x \over 2} = {y \over 3} = {z \over 4}$$ and perpendicular to the plane containing the straight ...
IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 2 Offline
If the distance of the point $$P(1, -2, 1)$$ from the plane $$x+2y-2z$$$$\, = \alpha ,$$ where $$\alpha > 0,$$ is $$5,$$ then the foot of the per...
IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 2 Offline
Match the statement in Column-$$I$$ with the values in Column-$$II$$ $$\,\,\,\,$$ $$\,\,\,\,$$ $$\,\,\,\,$$ Column-$$I$$ (A)$$\,\,\,\,$$ A line fro...
IIT-JEE 2009 Paper 2 Offline
A line with positive direction cosines passes through the point P(2, $$-$$1, 2) and makes equal angles with the coordinate axes. The line meets the pl...
IIT-JEE 2009 Paper 1 Offline
Let $$P(3,2,6)$$ be a point in space and $$Q$$ be a point on the line $$$\widehat r = \left( {\widehat i - \widehat j + 2\widehat k} \right) + \mu \l...
IIT-JEE 2008 Paper 2 Offline
The distance of the point $$(1, 1, 1)$$ from the plane passing through the point $$(-1, -2, -1)$$ and whose normal is perpendicular to both the lines ...
IIT-JEE 2008 Paper 1 Offline
Consider three planes $$${P_1}:x - y + z = 1$$$ $$${P_2}:x + y - z = 1$$$ $$${P_3}:x - 3y + 3z = 2$$$ Let $${L_1},$$ $${L_2},$$ $${L_3}$$ be the line...
IIT-JEE 2007
Consider the planes $$3x-6y-2z=15$$ and $$2x+y-2z=5.$$ STATEMENT-1: The parametric equations of the line of intersection of the given planes are $$x=...
IIT-JEE 2006
A plane which is perpendicular to two planes $$2x - 2y + z = 0$$ and $$x - y + 2z = 4,$$ passes through $$(1, -2, 1).$$ The distance of the plane from...
IIT-JEE 2005 Screening
A variable plane at a distance of the one unit from the origin cuts the coordinates axes at $$A,$$ $$B$$ and $$C.$$ If the centroid $$D$$ $$(x, y, z)$...
IIT-JEE 2004 Screening
If the lines $${{x - 1} \over 2} = {{y + 1} \over 3} = {{z - 1} \over 4}$$ and $$\,{{x - 3} \over 1} = {{y - k} \over 2} = {z \over 1}$$ intersect, t...
IIT-JEE 2003 Screening
The value of $$k$$ such that $${{x - 4} \over 1} = {{y - 2} \over 1} = {{z - k} \over 2}$$ lies in the plane $$2x -4y +z = 7,$$ is
IIT-JEE 1994
Let $$\alpha ,\beta ,\gamma $$ be distinct real numbers. The points with position vectors $$\alpha \widehat i + \beta \widehat j + \gamma \widehat k,...
IIT-JEE 1994
Let $$\overrightarrow p $$ and $$\overrightarrow q $$ be the position vectors of $$P$$ and $$Q$$ respectively, with respect to $$O$$ and $$\left| {\ov...
IIT-JEE 1983
The volume of the parallelopiped whose sides are given by $$\overrightarrow {OA} = 2i - 2j,\,\overrightarrow {OB} = i + j - k,\,\overrightarrow {OC...
IIT-JEE 1983
The points with position vectors $$60i+3j,$$ $$40i-8j,$$ $$ai-52j$$ are collinear if


JEE Advanced 2019 Paper 1 Offline
Three lines are given by $$r = \lambda \widehat i,\,\lambda \in R$$, $$r = \mu (\widehat i + \widehat j),\,\mu \in R$$ and $$r = v(\widehat i + \wid...
JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 2 Offline
Let P be a point in the first octant, whose image Q in the plane x + y = 3 (that is, the line segment PQ is perpendicular to the plane x + y = 3 and t...
JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 2 Offline
Consider the cube in the first octant with sides OP, OQ and OR of length 1, along the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis, respectively, where O(0, 0, 0) is the...
IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 1 Offline
If the distance between the plane $$Ax-2y+z=d$$ and the plane containing the lines $${{x - 1} \over 2} = {{y - 2} \over 3} = {{z - 3} \over 4}$$ and $...


IIT-JEE 2007
Consider the following linear equations $$ax+by+cz=0;$$ $$\,\,\,$$ $$bx+cy+az=0;$$ $$\,\,\,$$ $$cx+ay+bz=0$$ Match the conditions/expressions in Colu...
IIT-JEE 2005
Find the equation of the plane containing the line $$2x-y+z-3=0,3x+y+z=5$$ and at a distance of $${1 \over {\sqrt 6 }}$$ from the point $$(2, 1, -1).$...
IIT-JEE 2004
Find the equation of plane passing through $$(1, 1, 1)$$ & parallel to the lines $${L_1},{L_2}$$ having direction ratios $$(1,0,-1),(1,-1,0).$$ Fi...
IIT-JEE 2004
A parallelopiped $$'S'$$ has base points $$A, B, C$$ and $$D$$ and upper face points $$A',$$ $$B',$$ $$C'$$ and $$D'.$$ This parallelopiped is compres...
IIT-JEE 2004
$${P_1}$$ and $${P_2}$$ are planes passing through origin. $${L_1}$$ and $${L_2}$$ are two line on $${P_1}$$ and $${P_2}$$ respectively such that thei...
IIT-JEE 2003
(i) Find the equation of the plane passing through the points $$(2, 1, 0), (5, 0, 1)$$ and $$(4, 1, 1).$$ (ii) If $$P$$ is the point $$(2, 1, 6)$$ th...
IIT-JEE 1996
The position vectors of the vertices $$A, B$$ and $$C$$ of a tetrahedron $$ABCD$$ are $$\widehat i + \widehat j + \widehat k,\,\widehat i$$ and $$3\wi...
IIT-JEE 1983
A vector $$\overrightarrow A $$ has components $${A_1},{A_2},{A_3}$$ in a right -handed rectangular Cartesian coordinate system $$oxyz.$$ The coordina...
IIT-JEE 1978
From a point $$O$$ inside a triangle $$ABC,$$ perpendiculars $$OD$$, $$OE, OF$$ are drawn to the sides $$BC, CA, AB$$ respectively. Prove that the pe...

Fill in the Blanks

IIT-JEE 1994
A unit vector perpendicular to the plane determined by the points $$P\left( {1, - 1,2} \right)Q\left( {2,0, - 1} \right)$$ and $$R\left( {0,2,1} \righ...
IIT-JEE 1983
The unit vector perpendicular to the plane determined by $$P\left( {1, - 1,2} \right),\,Q\left( {2,0, - 1} \right)$$ and $$R\left( {0,2,1} \right)$$ i...
IIT-JEE 1983
The area of the triangle whose vertices are $$A(1, -1, 2), B(2, 1, -1), C(3, -1, 2)$$ is ..........
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