MCQ (Single Correct Answer)


A thin stiff insulated metal wire is bent into a circular loop with its two ends extending tangentially from the same point of the loop. The wire loop has mass $m$ and radius $r$ and it is in a uniform vertical magnetic field $B_0$, as shown in the figure. Initially, it hangs vertically downwards, because of acceleration due to gravity $g$, on two conducting supports at $\mathrm{P}$ and $\mathrm{Q}$. When a current $I$ is passed through the loop, the loop turns about the line $\mathrm{PQ}$ by an angle $\theta$ given by

JEE Advanced 2024 Paper 2 Online Physics - Magnetism Question 2 English
JEE Advanced 2024 Paper 2 Online

An infinitely long wire, located on the $z$-axis, carries a current $I$ along the $+z$-direction and produces the magnetic field $\vec{B}$. The magnitude of the line integral $\int \vec{B} \cdot \overrightarrow{d l}$ along a straight line from the point $(-\sqrt{3} a, a, 0)$ to $(a, a, 0)$ is given by

[ $\mu_0$ is the magnetic permeability of free space.]

JEE Advanced 2024 Paper 1 Online

Which one of the following options represents the magnetic field $\vec{B}$ at $\mathrm{O}$ due to the current flowing in the given wire segments lying on the $x y$ plane?

JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 2 Online Physics - Magnetism Question 10 English

JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 2 Online

A small circular loop of area $A$ and resistance $R$ is fixed on a horizontal $x y$-plane with the center of the loop always on the axis $\hat{n}$ of a long solenoid. The solenoid has $m$ turns per unit length and carries current $I$ counterclockwise as shown in the figure. The magnetic field due to the solenoid is in $\hat{n}$ direction. List-I gives time dependences of $\hat{n}$ in terms of a constant angular frequency $\omega$. List-II gives the torques experienced by the circular loop at time $t=\frac{\pi}{6 \omega}$. Let $\alpha=\frac{A^{2} \mu_{0}^{2} m^{2} I^{2} \omega}{2 R}$.

JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 1 Online Physics - Magnetism Question 11 English

List-I List-II
(I) $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\sin \omega t \hat{\jmath}+\cos \omega t \hat{k})$ (P) 0
(II) $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\sin \omega t \hat{\imath}+\cos \omega t \hat{\jmath})$ (Q) $-\frac{\alpha}{4} \hat{\imath}$
(III) $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\sin \omega t \hat{\imath}+\cos \omega t \hat{k})$ (R) $\frac{3 \alpha}{4} \hat{\imath}$
(IV) $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\cos \omega t \hat{\jmath}+\sin \omega t \hat{k})$ (S) $\frac{\alpha}{4} \hat{\jmath}$
(T) $-\frac{3 \alpha}{4} \hat{\imath}$

Which one of the following options is correct?

JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 1 Online
When the dipole m is placed at a distance r from the center of the loop (as shown in the figure), the current induced in the loop will be proportional to
JEE Advanced 2021 Paper 2 Online
The work done in bringing the dipole from infinity to a distance r from the center of the loop by the given process is proportional to
JEE Advanced 2021 Paper 2 Online
A light disc made of aluminium (a nonmagnetic material) is kept horizontally and is free to rotate about its axis as shown in the figure. A strong magnet is held vertically at a point above the disc away from its axis. On revolving the magnet about the axis of the disc, the disc will (figure is schematic and not drawn to scale) JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 1 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 38 English
JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 1 Offline
A circular coil of radius R and N turns has negligible resistance. As shown in the schematic figure, its two ends are connected to two wires and it is hanging by those wires with its plane being vertical. The wires are connected to a capacitor with charge Q through a switch. The coil is in a horizontal uniform magnetic field Bo parallel to the plane of the coil. When the switch is closed, the capacitor gets discharged through the coil in a very short time. By the time the capacitor is discharged fully, magnitude of the angular momentum gained by the coil will be (assume that the discharge time is so short that the coil has hardly rotated during this time) JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 1 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 37 English
JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 1 Offline
A symmetric star shaped conducting wire loop is carrying a steady state current $${\rm I}$$ as shown in the figure. The distance between the diametrically opposite vertices of the star is $$4a.$$ The magnitude of the magnetic field at the center of the loop is

JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 2 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 40 English
JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 2 Offline
In which case will the particle move in a straight line with constant velocity?
JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 1 Offline
In which case will the particle describe a helical path with axis along the positive $$z$$ direction?
JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 1 Offline
In which case would the particle move in a straight line along the negative direction of $$y$$-axis (i.e., move along $$ - \widehat y$$)?
JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 1 Offline

When d $$\approx$$ a but wires are not touching the loop, it is found that the net magnetic field on the axis of the loop is zero at a height h above the loop. In that case

JEE Advanced 2014 Paper 2 Offline

Consider d >> a, and the loop is rotated about its diameter parallel to the wires by 30$$^\circ$$ from the position shown in the below figure. If the currents in the wires are in the opposite directions, the torque on the loop at its new position will be (assume that the net field due to the wires is constant over the loop)

JEE Advanced 2014 Paper 2 Offline
The magnitude of the induced electric field in the orbit at any instant of time during the time interval of the magnetic field change is
JEE Advanced 2013 Paper 2 Offline

The change in the magnetic dipole moment associated with the orbit, at the end of the time interval of the magnetic field change, is

JEE Advanced 2013 Paper 2 Offline

A loop carrying current $$l$$ lies in the xy-plane as shown in the figure. The unit vector $$\widehat k$$ is coming out of the plane of the paper. The magnetic moment of the current loop is

IIT-JEE 2012 Paper 2 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 19 English

IIT-JEE 2012 Paper 2 Offline

An infinite long hollow conducting cylinder with inner radius R/2 and outer radius R carries a uniform current density along its length. The magnitude of the magnetic field, $$\left| {\overrightarrow B } \right|$$ as a function of the radial distance r from the axis is best represented by

IIT-JEE 2012 Paper 2 Offline
A dense collection of equal number of electrons and positive ions is called neutral plasma. Certain solids containing fixed positive ions surrounded by free electrons can be treated as neutral plasma. Let 'N' be the number density of free electrons, each of mass 'm'. When the electrons are subjected to an electric field, they are displaced relatively away from the heavy positive ions. If the electric field becomes zero, the electrons begin to oscillate about the positive ions with a natural angular frequency '$${\omega _p}$$' which is called the plasma frequency. To sustain the oscillations, a time varying electric field needs to be applied that has an angular frequency $$\omega $$, where a part of the energy is absorbed and a part of it is reflected. As $$\omega $$ approaches $${\omega _p}$$ all the free electrons are set to resonance together and all the energy is reflected. This is the explanation of high reflectivity of metals.

Estimate the wavelength at which plasma reflection will occur for a metal having the density of electrons N $$ \approx $$ 4 $$ \times $$ 1027 m-3. Taking $${{\varepsilon _0}}$$ = 10- 11 and m $$ \approx $$ 10- 30, where these quantities are in proper SI units.

IIT-JEE 2011 Paper 1 Offline

A long insulated copper wire is closely wound as a spiral of N turns. The spiral has inner radius a and outer radius b. The spiral lies in the xy-plane and a steady current I flows through the wire. The z-component of the magnetic field at the centre of the spiral is

IIT-JEE 2011 Paper 2 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 15 English

IIT-JEE 2011 Paper 2 Offline

A thin flexible wire of length L is connected to two adjacent fixed points and carries a current I in the clockwise direction, as shown in the figure. When the system is put in a uniform magnetic field of strength B going into the plane of the paper, the wire takes the shape of a circle. The tension in the wire is

IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 1 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 12 English

IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 1 Offline

In the graph below, the resistance R of a superconductor is shown as a friction of its temperature T for two different magnetic fields B1 (solid line) and B2 (dashed line). If B2 is larger than B1 which of the following graphs shows the correct variation of R with T in these fields?

IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 1 Offline

A superconductor has Tc(0) = 100 K. When a magnetic field of 7.5 T is applied, its Tc decreases to 75 K. For this material, one can definitely say that when

IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 1 Offline

STATEMENT 1 : The sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer is increased by placing a suitable magnetic material as a core inside the coil.


STATEMENT 2 : Soft iron has a high magnetic permeability and cannot be easily magnetized or demagnetized.

IIT-JEE 2008 Paper 2 Offline

A magnetic field $$\overrightarrow{\mathrm{B}}=\mathrm{B}_{0} \hat{j}$$ exists in the region $$a < x < 2 a$$ and $$\overrightarrow{\mathrm{B}}=-\mathrm{B}_{0} \hat{j}$$, in the region $$2 a < x < 3 a$$, where $$\mathrm{B}_{0}$$ is a positive constant. A positive point charge moving with a velocity $$\vec{v}=v_{0} \hat{i}$$, where $$v_{0}$$ is a positive constant, enters the magnetic field at $$x=a$$. The trajectory of the charge in this region can be like,

IIT-JEE 2007 Paper 2 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 6 English

IIT-JEE 2007 Paper 2 Offline

Two wires each carrying a steady current I are shown in four configurations in Column I. Some of the resulting effects are described in Column II. Match the statements in Column I with the statements in Column II and indicate your answer by darkening appropriate bubbles in the $$4 \times 4$$ matrix given in the ORS.

Column I Column II
(A) Point P is situated midway between the wires.
IIT-JEE 2007 Paper 2 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 5 English 1
(P) The magnetic fields (B) at P due to the currents in the wire are in same direction.
(B) Point P is situated at the mid-point of the line joining the centers of the circular wires, which have same radii.
IIT-JEE 2007 Paper 2 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 5 English 2
(Q) The magnetic fields (B) at P due to the currents in the wires are in opposite directions.
(C) Point P is situated at the mid-point of the line joining the centers of the circular wires, which have same radii.
IIT-JEE 2007 Paper 2 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 5 English 3
(R) There is no magnetic field at P.
(D) Point P is situated at the common center of the wires.
IIT-JEE 2007 Paper 2 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 5 English 4
(S) The wires repel each other.

IIT-JEE 2007 Paper 2 Offline

MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)


A positive, singly ionized atom of mass number $A_{\mathrm{M}}$ is accelerated from rest by the voltage $192 \mathrm{~V}$. Thereafter, it enters a rectangular region of width $w$ with magnetic field $\vec{B}_0=0.1 \hat{k}$ Tesla, as shown in the figure. The ion finally hits a detector at the distance $x$ below its starting trajectory.

[Given: Mass of neutron/proton $=(5 / 3) \times 10^{-27} \mathrm{~kg}$, charge of the electron $=1.6 \times 10^{-19} \mathrm{C}$.]

JEE Advanced 2024 Paper 2 Online Physics - Magnetism Question 1 English

Which of the following option(s) is(are) correct?

JEE Advanced 2024 Paper 2 Online
Two concentric circular loops, one of radius R and the other of radius 2R, lie in the xy-plane with the origin as their common center, as shown in the figure. The smaller loop carries current I1 in the anti-clockwise direction and the larger loop carries current I2 in the clockwise direction, with I2 > 2I1. $$\overrightarrow B $$(x, y) denotes the magnetic field at a point (x, y) in the xy-plane. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?

JEE Advanced 2021 Paper 2 Online Physics - Magnetism Question 29 English
JEE Advanced 2021 Paper 2 Online
A long straight wire carries a current, I = 2 ampere. A semi-circular conducting rod is placed beside it on two conducting parallel rails of negligible resistance. Both the rails are parallel to the wire. The wire, the rod and the rails lie in the same horizontal plane, as shown in the figure. Two ends of the semi-circular rod are at the distances 1 cm and 4 cm from the wire. At time t = 0, the rod starts moving on the rails with a speed v = 3.0 m/s (see the figure).

A resistor R = 1.4 $$\Omega$$ and a capacitor C0 = 5.0$$\mu$$F are connected in series between the rails. At time t = 0, C0 is uncharged. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct? [$$\mu$$0 = 4$$\pi$$ $$\times$$ 10$$-$$7 SI units. Take ln 2 = 0.7]

JEE Advanced 2021 Paper 1 Online Physics - Magnetism Question 33 English
JEE Advanced 2021 Paper 1 Online
Two infinitely long straight wires lie in the $$xy$$-plane along the lines $$x = \pm R.$$ The wire located at $$x = + R$$ carries a constant current $${I_1}$$ and the wire located at $$x=-R$$ carries a constant current $${I_2}.$$ A circular loop of radius $$R$$ is suspended with its center at $$\left( {0,0,\sqrt 3 R} \right)$$ and in a plane parallel to the $$xy$$-plane. This loop carries a constant current $$I$$ in the clockwise direction as seen from above the loop. The current in the wire is taken to be positive if it is in the $$ + \widehat j$$ direction. which of the following statements regarding the magnetic field $$\overrightarrow B $$ is (are) true?
JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 1 Offline
A uniform magnetic field $$B$$ exist in the region between $$x=0$$ and $$x = {{3R} \over 2}$$ (region $$2$$ in the figure) pointing normally into the plane of the paper. A particle with charge $$+Q$$ and momentum $$p$$ directed along $$x$$-axis enters region $$2$$ from region $$1$$$ at point $${P_1}\left( y \right) = - R).$$ Which of the following option(s) is/are correct?

JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 2 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 39 English
JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 2 Offline
Consider two different metallic strips (1 and 2) of the same material. Their lengths are the same, widths are w1 and w2 and thickness are d1 and d2, respectively. Two points K and M are symmetrically located on the opposite faces parallel to the x-y plane (see figure). V1 and V2 are the potential differences between K and M in strips 1 and 2, respectively. Then, for a given current I flowing through them in a given magnetic field strength B, the correct statements is/are
JEE Advanced 2015 Paper 2 Offline
Consider two different metallic strips (1 and 2) of same dimensions (length l, width w and thickness d) with carrier densities n1 and n2, respectively. Strip 1 is placed in magnetic field B1 and strip 2 is placed in magnetic field B2, both along positive y-directions. Then V1 and V2 are the potential differences developed between K and M in strips 1 and 2, respectively. Assuming that the current I is the same for both the strips, the correct options is/are :
JEE Advanced 2015 Paper 2 Offline
A conductor (shown in the figure) carrying constant current I is kept in the x-y plane in a uniform magnetic field B. If F is the magnitude of the total magnetic force acting on the conductor, then the correct statements is/are
JEE Advanced 2015 Paper 1 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 35 English
JEE Advanced 2015 Paper 1 Offline

A steady current I flows along an infinitely long hollow cylindrical conductor of radius R. This cylinder is placed coaxially inside an infinite solenoid of radius 2R. The solenoid has n turns per unit length and carries a steady current I. Consider a point P at a distance r from the common axis. The correct statement(s) is(are)

JEE Advanced 2013 Paper 2 Offline

A particle of mass M and positive charge Q, moving with a constant velocity $${\overrightarrow u _1} = 4\widehat i$$ ms$$-$$1 enters a region of uniform static magnetic field, normal to the xy plane. The region of the magnetic field extends from x = 0 to x = L for all values of y. After passing through this region, the particle emerges on the other side after 10 ms with a velocity $${\overrightarrow u _2} = 2\left( {\sqrt 3 \widehat i + \widehat j} \right)$$ ms$$-$$1. The correct statement(s) is(are)

JEE Advanced 2013 Paper 1 Offline

Consider the motion of a positive point charge in a region, there are simultaneous uniform electric and magnetic fields $$\overrightarrow E = {E_0}\widehat j$$ and $$\overrightarrow B = {B_0}\widehat j$$. At time t = 0, this charge has velocity $$\overrightarrow v $$ in the xy-plane, making an angle $$\theta$$ with the x-axis. Which of the following option(s) is(are) correct for time t > 0 ?

IIT-JEE 2012 Paper 1 Offline

An electron and a proton are moving on straight parallel paths with same velocity. They enter a semi-infinite region of uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the velocity. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

IIT-JEE 2011 Paper 1 Offline

A particle of mass m and charge q, moving with velocity v enters Region II normal to the boundary as shown in the figure. Region II has a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane of the paper. The length of the Region II is $$l$$. Choose the correct choice (s).

IIT-JEE 2008 Paper 1 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 7 English

IIT-JEE 2008 Paper 1 Offline


A rectangular conducting loop of length $4 \mathrm{~cm}$ and width $2 \mathrm{~cm}$ is in the $x y$-plane, as shown in the figure. It is being moved away from a thin and long conducting wire along the direction $\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \hat{x}+\frac{1}{2} \hat{y}$ with a constant speed $\mathrm{v}$. The wire is carrying a steady current $I=10 \mathrm{~A}$ in the positive $x$-direction. A current of $10 \mu \mathrm{A}$ flows through the loop when it is at a distance $d=4 \mathrm{~cm}$ from the wire. If the resistance of the loop is $0.1 \Omega$, then the value of $\mathrm{v}$ is ________ $\mathrm{m} \mathrm{s}^{-1}$.

[Given: The permeability of free space $\mu_0=4 \pi \times 10^{-7} \mathrm{~N} \mathrm{~A}^{-2}$ ]

JEE Advanced 2023 Paper 2 Online Physics - Magnetism Question 4 English
JEE Advanced 2023 Paper 2 Online
An $$\alpha$$-particle (mass 4 amu) and a singly charged sulphur ion (mass 32 amu) are initially at rest. They are accelerated through a potential V and then allowed to pass into a region of uniform magnetic field which is normal to the velocities of the particles. Within this region, the $$\alpha$$-particle and the sulfur ion move in circular orbits of radii r$$\alpha$$ and rs, respectively. The ratio (rs/r$$\alpha$$) is __________.
JEE Advanced 2021 Paper 1 Online
A moving coil galvanometer has $$50$$ turns and each turn has an area $$2 \times {10^{ - 4}}\,{m^2}.$$ The magnetic field produced by the magnet inside the galvanometer is $$0.02$$ $$T.$$ The torsional constant of the suspension wire is $${10^{ - 4}}\,N\,m\,ra{d^{ - 1}}.$$ When a current flows through the galvanometer, a full scale deflection occurs if the coil rotates by $$0.2$$ $$rad$$. The resistance of the coil of the galvanometer is $$50\Omega .$$ This galvanometer is to be converted into an ammeter capable of measuring current in the range $$0-1.0$$ $$A$$. For this purpose, a shunt resistance is to be added in parallel to the galvanometer. The value of this shunt resistance, in ohms, is _____________.
JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 2 Offline
In the $$xy$$-plane, the region $$y > 0$$ has a uniform magnetic field $${B_1}\widehat k$$ and the region $$y < 0$$ has another uniform magnetic field $${B_2}\widehat k.$$ A positively charged particle is projected from the origin along the positive $$y$$-axis with speed $${v_0} = \pi \,m{s^{ - 1}}$$ at $$t=0,$$ as shown in the figure. Neglect gravity in this problem. Let $$t=T$$ be the time when the particle crosses the $$x$$-axis from below for the first time. If $${B_2} = 4{B_1},$$ the average speed of the particle, in $$m{s^{ - 1}},$$ along the $$x$$-axis in the time interval $$T$$ is ___________.

JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 1 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 45 English
JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 1 Offline
Two parallel wires in the plane of the paper are distance X0 apart. A point charge is moving with speed u between the wires in the same plane at a distance X1 from one of the wires. When the wires carry current of magnitude I in the same direction, the radius of curvature of the path of the point charge is R1. In contrast, if the currents I in the two wires have directions opposite to each other, the radius of curvature of the path is R2. If $${{{X_0}} \over {{X_1}}} = 3$$, and value of R1/R2 is
JEE Advanced 2014 Paper 1 Offline

A cylinder cavity of diameter a exists inside a cylinder of diameter 2a as shown in the figure. Both the cylinder and the cavity are infinitely long. A uniform current density J flows along the length. If the magnitude of the magnetic field at the point P is given by $${N \over {12}}{\mu _0}aJ$$, then the value of N is ______________.

IIT-JEE 2012 Paper 1 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 20 English

IIT-JEE 2012 Paper 1 Offline

A long circular tube of length 10 m and radius 0.3 m carries a current I along its curved surface as shown. A wire-loop of resistance 0.005 $$\Omega$$ and of radius 0.1 m is placed inside the tube with its axis coinciding with the axis of the tube. The current varies as $$I = {I_0}\cos (300t)$$, where I0 is constant. If the magnetic moment of the loop is $$N{\mu _0}{I_0}\sin (300t)$$, then N is ___________.

IIT-JEE 2011 Paper 1 Offline Physics - Magnetism Question 17 English

IIT-JEE 2011 Paper 1 Offline

A steady current I goes through a wire loop PQR having shape of a right angle triangle wit6h PQ = 3, PR = 4x and QR = 5x. If the magnitude of the magnetic field at P due to this loop is $$k\left( {{{{\mu _0}I} \over {48\pi x}}} \right)$$, find the value of $$k$$.

IIT-JEE 2009 Paper 2 Offline
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