Hyperbola · Mathematics · JEE Advanced

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JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 2 Online
Consider the hyperbola $$ \frac{x^{2}}{100}-\frac{y^{2}}{64}=1 $$ with foci at $S$ and $S_{1}$, where $S$ lies on the positive $x$-axis. Let $P$ be ...
IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 1 Offline
The line $$2x + y = 1$$ is tangent to the hyperbola $${{{x^2}} \over {{a^2}}} - {{{y^2}} \over {{b^2}}} = 1$$. If this line passes through the point o...

MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)

JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 2 Offline
Let a and b be positive real numbers such that a > 1 and b < a. Let P be a point in the first quadrant that lies on the hyperbola $${{{x^2}} \ov...
JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 2 Offline
Let T be the line passing through the points P($$-$$2, 7) and Q(2, $$-$$5). Let F1 be the set of al pairs of circles (S1, S2) such that T is tangent t...
JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 1 Offline
If $$2x - y + 1 = 0$$ is a tangent to the hyperbola $${{{x^2}} \over {{a^2}}} - {{{y^2}} \over {16}} = 1$$ then which of the following CANNOT be sides...
JEE Advanced 2015 Paper 2 Offline
Consider the hyperbola $$H:{x^2} - {y^2} = 1$$ and a circle $$S$$ with center $$N\left( {{x_2},0} \right)$$. Suppose that $$H$$ and $$S$$ touch each o...
IIT-JEE 2012 Paper 1 Offline
Tangents are drawn to the hyperbola $${{{x^2}} \over 9} - {{{y^2}} \over 4} = 1,$$ parallel to the straight line $$2x - y = 1,$$ The points of contact...
IIT-JEE 2011 Paper 1 Offline
Let the eccentricity of the hyperbola $${{{x^2}} \over {{a^2}}} - {{{y^2}} \over {{b^2}}} = 1$$ be reciprocal to that of the ellipse $${x^2} + 4{y^2} ...
IIT-JEE 2006
Let a hyperbola passes through the focus of the ellipse $${{{x^2}} \over {25}} + {{{y^2}} \over {16}} = 1$$. The transverse and conjugate axes of this...

MCQ (Single Correct Answer)

JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 2 Offline
Let $$H:{{{x^2}} \over {{a^2}}} - {{{y^2}} \over {{b^2}}} = 1$$, where a > b > 0, be a hyperbola in the XY-plane whose conjugate axis LM subtend...
JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 1 Offline
For $$a = \sqrt 2 $$, if a tangent is drawn to a suitable conic (Column 1) at the point of contact ($$-$$1, 1), then which of the following options is...
JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 1 Offline
The tangent to a suitable conic (Column 1) at $$\left( {\sqrt 3 ,\,{1 \over 2}} \right)$$ is found to be $$\sqrt 3 x + 2y = 4$$, then which of the fol...
IIT-JEE 2011 Paper 2 Offline
Let $$P(6, 3)$$ be a point on the hyperbola $${{{x^2}} \over {{a^2}}} - {{{y^2}} \over {{b^2}}} = 1$$. If the normal at the point $$P$$ intersects the...
IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 1 Offline
The circle $${x^2} + {y^2} - 8x = 0$$ and hyperbola $${{{x^2}} \over 9} - {{{y^2}} \over 4} = 1$$ intersect at the points $$A$$ and $$B$$. Equation of...
IIT-JEE 2010 Paper 1 Offline
The circle $${x^2} + {y^2} - 8x = 0$$ and hyperbola $${{{x^2}} \over 9} - {{{y^2}} \over 4} = 1$$ intersect at the points $$A$$ and $$B$$. Equation of...
IIT-JEE 2008 Paper 2 Offline
Consider a branch of the hyperbola $$${x^2} - 2{y^2} - 2\sqrt 2 x - 4\sqrt 2 y - 6 = 0$$$ with vertex at the point $$A$$. Let $$B$$ be one of the en...
IIT-JEE 2007
A hyperbola, having the transverse axis of length $$2\sin \theta ,$$ is confocal with the ellipse $$3{x^2} + 4{y^2} = 12.$$ Then its equation is
IIT-JEE 2004 Screening
If the line $$62x + \sqrt 6 y = 2$$ touches the hyperbola $${x^2} - 2{y^2} = 4$$, then the point of contact is
IIT-JEE 2003 Screening
For hyperbola $${{{x^2}} \over {{{\cos }^2}\alpha }} - {{{y^2}} \over {{{\sin }^2}\alpha }} = 1$$ which of the following remains constant with change ...
IIT-JEE 1999
Let $$P$$ $$\left( {a\,\sec \,\theta ,\,\,b\,\tan \theta } \right)$$ and $$Q$$ $$\left( {a\,\sec \,\,\phi ,\,\,b\,\tan \,\phi } \right)$$, where $$\t...
IIT-JEE 1999
If $$x$$ $$=$$ $$9$$ is the chord of contact of the hyperbola $${x^2} - {y^2} = 9,$$ then the equation of the vcorresponding pair of tangents is
IIT-JEE 1981
The equation $${{{x^2}} \over {1 - r}} - {{{y^2}} \over {1 + r}} = 1,\,\,\,\,r > 1$$ represents
IIT-JEE 1981
Each of the four inequalties given below defines a region in the $$xy$$ plane. One of these four regions does not have the following property. For any...


IIT-JEE 2007
Match the statements in Column $$I$$ with the properties in Column $$II$$ and indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles in the $$4 \ti...
IIT-JEE 2005
Tangents are drawn from any point on the hyperbola $${{{x^2}} \over 9} - {{{y^2}} \over 4} = 1$$ to the circle $${x^2} + {y^2} = 9$$.Find the locus of...
IIT-JEE 1998
The angle between a pair of tangents drawn from a point $$P$$ to the parabola $${y^2} = 4ax$$ is $${45^ \circ }$$. Show that the locus of the point $$...
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