JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 2 Online
MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)
A disk of radius $\mathrm{R}$ with uniform positive charge density $\sigma$ is placed on the $x y$ plane with its center at the origin. The Coulomb potential along the $z$-axis is
$$ V(z)=\frac{\sigma}{2 \epsilon_{0}}\left(\sqrt{R^{2}+z^{2}}-z\right) . $$
A particle of positive charge $q$ is placed initially at rest at a point on the $z$ axis with $z=z_{0}$ and $z_{0}>0$. In addition to the Coulomb force, the particle experiences a vertical force $\vec{F}=-c \hat{k}$ with $c>0$. Let $\beta=\frac{2 c \epsilon_{0}}{q \sigma}$.
Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?
$$ V(z)=\frac{\sigma}{2 \epsilon_{0}}\left(\sqrt{R^{2}+z^{2}}-z\right) . $$
A particle of positive charge $q$ is placed initially at rest at a point on the $z$ axis with $z=z_{0}$ and $z_{0}>0$. In addition to the Coulomb force, the particle experiences a vertical force $\vec{F}=-c \hat{k}$ with $c>0$. Let $\beta=\frac{2 c \epsilon_{0}}{q \sigma}$.
Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?
JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 1 Online
MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)
Six charges are placed around a regular hexagon of side length $a$ as shown in the figure. Five of them have charge $q$, and the remaining one has charge $x$. The perpendicular from each charge to the nearest hexagon side passes through the center 0 of the hexagon and is bisected by the side.
Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct in SI units?
JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 2 Offline
MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)
Two identical non-conducting solid spheres of same mass and charge are suspended in air from a common point by two non-conducting, massless strings of same length. At equilibrium, the angle between the strings is $$\alpha$$. The spheres are now immersed in a dielectric liquid of density 800 kg m$$-$$3 and dielectric constant 21. If the angle between the strings remains the same after the immersion, then
JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 1 Offline
MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)
A uniform electric field, $$\overrightarrow E = - 400\sqrt 3 \widehat y$$ NC−1
is applied in a region. A charged particle of mass m
carrying positive charge q is projected in this region with an initial speed of 2$$\sqrt {10} $$ $$ \times $$ 106 ms−1
. This
particle is aimed to hit a target T, which is 5 m away from its entry point into the field as shown
schematically in the figure.
Take $${q \over m}$$ = 1010 Ckg−1 . Then
Take $${q \over m}$$ = 1010 Ckg−1 . Then

Questions Asked from Electrostatics (MCQ (Multiple Correct Answer))
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JEE Advanced Subjects
Units & Measurements Motion Laws of Motion Work Power & Energy Impulse & Momentum Rotational Motion Properties of Matter Heat and Thermodynamics Simple Harmonic Motion Waves Gravitation
Electrostatics Current Electricity Capacitor Magnetism Electromagnetic Induction Alternating Current Electromagnetic Waves
Modern Physics
Physical Chemistry
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Structure of Atom Redox Reactions Gaseous State Chemical Equilibrium Ionic Equilibrium Solutions Thermodynamics Chemical Kinetics and Nuclear Chemistry Electrochemistry Solid State Surface Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Periodic Table & Periodicity Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure Isolation of Elements Hydrogen s-Block Elements p-Block Elements d and f Block Elements Coordination Compounds Salt Analysis
Organic Chemistry
Quadratic Equation and Inequalities Sequences and Series Mathematical Induction and Binomial Theorem Matrices and Determinants Permutations and Combinations Probability Vector Algebra 3D Geometry Statistics Complex Numbers
Coordinate Geometry