A lossless transmission line with characteristic impedance $Z_0 = 50 \Omega$ is terminated with an unknown load. The magnitude of the reflection coefficient is $|\Gamma| = 0.6$. As one moves towards the generator from the load, the maximum value of the input impedance magnitude looking towards the load (in $\Omega$) is _________.
The standing wave ratio on a 50 $$\Omega$$ lossless transmission line terminated in an unknown load impedance is found to be 2.0. The distance between successive voltage minima is 30 cm and the first minimum is located at 10 cm from the load. $$Z_L$$ can be replaced by an equivalent length $$l_m$$ and terminating resistance $$R_m$$ of the same line. The value of $$R_m$$ and $$l_m$$, respectively, are
The following circuit(s) representing a lumped element equivalent of an infinitesimal sectioin of a transmission line is/are